A Tiger in the Dark: Decadence, Pt 1: Final Conflict (Video 2011) Poster

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Watch this movie. You'll love it.
m-pollack528 August 2012
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This film is a true testament to Independent film making. Considering the size and budget of the the film I was amazed to see that it was very well done. The editing is exquisite, the dialogue is engaging and the story is inspirational. I read the short novella (Eyes of a Stranger) and immediately I wanted to see this movie. I was shocked however to learn that the film is based on true events just as the book. I was under the impression the film was a fictional version of the book, I was wrong. If I had to make a comparison to another "true life story" I would have to put in the same category as "Antwone Fisher." A Tiger in the Dark has many emotional elements and a very unconventional moral. It is dark, gritty and dirty with flawless cinematography. Last year I had the pleasure to see the original 2009 film, A Tiger in the Dark: Revisited here on IMDb prior to it being distributed on paid services. I liked the short though other than the main actor portraying Drew Evans the remaining cast was a bit mundane. Seeing clips, stills and segments of this new film makes me anticipate this film even more. The potential of this film is unprecedented. As for the cast, well...Drew Evans is wild. His energy, emotion and demeanor is amazing to watch. Raine Brown is a well known face and I've seen many of her horror films. If you can catch this film at a local theater I recommend you see it. You will be inspired.
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An emotional roller coaster
matthew-olson908 August 2012
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First off I can say that this is one movie you don't want to miss. Even though the film features heavy profanity, violence and sexual situations see it anyway. The story is great with numerous twists and turns that you will never see coming. Hollywood needs to make movies like this and forget the superhero crap. If a group of ten people can make such a great film why can't more established film makers? A Tiger in the Dark will surely set a new standard for independent film. The film's producers took a risk and it was well worth it. I commend everyone that helped to bring this film to life. I read the trivia concerning this film and I am amazed that the producers pushed this film out regardless of the trials and tribulations they endured. After so many re-writes and struggles with actors, etc I, personally would have walked away. I am glad that Drew Evans and Antonio Joyner continued to believe in this film. His (Drew Evans') story is inspiring, motivational and uplifting, sad and heartbreaking at the same time. From the very beginning of the film I was engrossed in the story. The use of narrative and visuals is great. I was impressed on the use of flash forwards, flash backs, flash sideways, etc. Finally, this is a very well made film from editing, sound, music and special effects. The acting is good and the chemistry between the characters is very believable. Don't miss this film.
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Time to Prey
sky-bleu198210 August 2012
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I absolutely love this film because it is the epitome of the American dream. I find his (Drew Evans') story, his passion and love, his courage and strength very rare and something that should be cherished by others. Watching this film has brought me to the realization that only by experiencing failure can you ever truly ever know the glory of success. A Tiger in the Dark is an unconventional story with a sort of "anti-hero" who you love to hate. Yet, in the end you'll be jumping out of your seat cheering. I do think one thing that stands out in this film is the underlying moral that you need to suffer for your dreams in order to understand who and "what" you are. I think overall this film is a story of self-discovery not of self-destruction. If your looking to be inspired this winter see A Tiger in the Dark: Final Conflict.
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Awesome film. Truly inspiring.
justin-morales798 August 2012
I've been following this film for some time now. I was saddened when rumors began to spread that this film had gotten shut down. Thankfully, those rumors were wrong. I believe one word will sum up my critique, amazing. At last there is a film that reminds us that there are truly some great films out there worth watching other than Marvel remakes and endless "superhero" movies. This film is exciting, scary, fun and funny. It is however dark and at times frightening to watch simply because the audience is constantly reminded that the events being depicted are indeed derived from someone's personal history. I do need to say that I have never seen any of the earlier films yet the acting in this film (Final Conflict) is pristine. The emotional upheavals will make you cry and feel for the characters. The fights are well choreographed and executed with precision and accuracy. The triumphs will fill you with the sense that you can do anything. This film is very well done. If you get the opportunity go to your local Indie theater and see it on the big screen I recommend you do so. You will feel empowered when you leave. I will certainly buy the DVD when it becomes available.
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Great film! A Must See!
kim-tully799 August 2012
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A few years ago I lost faith that anything low budget could actually be well made and worthwhile. This film is by far one of the most outstanding independent films I have come across in a long while. Other than a few Brit Marling flicks not much in the independent film market has attracted my attention. Final Conflict is one of those films that you would consider "a diamond in the rough." From the very beginning I was hooked. The opening scene (I wont say. It's better you see for yourself) is completely unexpected. The average film maker opens their film with credits in order to boast about who's starring in the film, who wrote it, directed it, etc. In Final Conflict there are no credits until the end. It was very well thought out and arranged exactly as it should have been. This film is perfect. The acting, editing, sound and music were outstanding. The use of underground and grunge techniques was perfect and exactly what the film needed to make it stand out. The use of static camera techniques and hand-held was delightful. I enjoyed both the Hollywood pristine visuals as well as the grunge and dirty style throughout the film, both meshed well. I will surely be keeping up with this film. This is one indie flick you should take the time to see.
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jackiedubois19718 August 2012
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Once in a long while you see a film that sticks with you. I can say with utmost certainly that A Tiger in the Dark: Final Conflict will not easily be forgotten. The story is humbling, hard hitting and real. For anyone who has ever felt lost or hopeless this film will make you believe you can do anything. The story is not only original yet well told. I enjoyed watching the actors. The fight scenes were great; I and found myself even reacting in my seat to punches, kicks, gunshots, stabs and breaking bones. If you are looking for a good indie film check out A Tiger in the Dark. It'll be cheaper than a regular movie ticket and it is a great and memorable film :)
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I believe!
jillrichards7611 August 2012
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This is a fantastic movie! The best way to describe this film would be to say that it is a love story. However, as the story unfolds it becomes apparent that "love" is not enough for some people. This film does a very good job at showing how love can hurt, kill, drive you mad and yet if you let it love can also drive you forward, inspire you and even give you the strength to overcome anything. I think the downfall of the main character is that he loves to much. The character Drew gives himself to people unworthy of his love and in the end it it is turned against him and he is betrayed by love. His mind tricks him and drives him to the brink of insanity. Yet, as he fights to conquer his fear the conclusions he draws from his life experiences allow him to become a better person and in the end accomplish what the rest of us only dream about. I truly believe that people like Drew Evans are one in a million. His story is incredible, his accomplishments are inspiring and yet even with endless discord he continues to strive forward. I am certain that TIGER will one day find an audience outside of Independent film. Until that day I say to anyone who wants to see a film with great energy, captivating story and engaging dialogue see TIGER. You won't regret it.
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Become a Tiger!
emilylhne8310 August 2012
This film is great! Every aspect of this film is very well thought out even the films title. To some people the title may seem weird or misunderstood. However, the ideology of the "Tiger" symbolizes the ferocity of someones drive and determination to succeed. A Tiger in the Dark is a very well made film. The story is different and unpredictable. I thought the editing was very good, the sound and music fit the film perfect, the acting was above average and the chemistry and believability was great! I especially like the small cast which kept the story confined. It was easy to follow with not to many characters which could potentially confuse matters and divert the audience to events irrelevant to the plot. I recommend this film to anyone who wants to see a good independent film.
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The only thing to fear is fear itself
drew-dehhdam10 August 2012
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A Tiger in the Dark is a great example of a new age physiological thriller where the villain is your mind and not a sadistic flesh eating cannibal. The confusion and fright that the mind can incite is very apparent in this movie. The best and most memorable part of this film was the use of "time reversals." Just when I thought I knew what was going happen next the film throws you a curve ball. There is little bad that can be said about this film other than the intense profanity. Lastly, if you enjoy films that make you think check out TIGER. Not only will you walk away with a sense of fulfillment but you will feel like you accomplished something :)
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Never Surrender!
brad-reyes6812 August 2012
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Years ago I tinkered with the idea of becoming an actor. I had a few successes but never really accomplished anything worth noting. Reluctantly, I had to put my childish dreams aside and focus on my responsibilities as an adult. Some will say I got into the acting biz to late. Others will remark that I just didn't have the determination to follow my dreams. If only I had seen this film back then maybe I wouldn't have given up on my dreams so easily. Before I give you my honest critique I first want to say that it is admirable and rare to encounter someone like Drew Evans who challenges fate and changes their destiny for the better. As the film proves faith in yourself will conquer any adversary. Drew is a real inspiration. I read somewhere here on IMDb that "even if only half this story is true it still an incredible story at that." I agree. So, to be completely honest the film is well made with good visuals, sound and music, good camera technique and a good use of color correction and distortion. There is great intensity and emotion throughout the film and each character is very believable. I do wish Fat Dennis (played by Chris Barbeau) could have had more dialogue though I understand that Fat Dennis is a mysterious character and his back story won't be divulged until the prequel story. I guess that means I have to see the next film lol Lastly, this a good film regardless. Check it out if you get the chance.
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One of a Kind
mickyo197911 August 2012
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I had the pleasure of meeting Drew Evans in Atlanta, Georgia in June of 2012 at the Publish America Author's Convention where he was speaking about his new book, "Eyes of a Stranger." Following the weekend I had looked up A Tiger in the Dark and to my surprise I found that there were actually quite a few Tiger in the Dark films. I immediately watched the original short film and had mixed reviews. I thought the story was great but as Drew said, "...it is lacking the real meat of the story." Every aspect of the film is worth noting from the story, characters, sound, editing, and production value. One thing I do want to mention is the acting. In comparison to earlier films I do have to say that the acting this time around is far better. Drew (who plays himself) is intense. The remaining cast members were great to watch as well. What a leap forward from the early days. I am excited to see what happens next as the series continues. Though, in the meantime check out Final Conflict. It is a film you won't soon forget.
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Fear the Dark
l-monarchio17 August 2012
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I want to point out one thing that other reviewers have not mentioned. Overall this is a story about getting even, revenge in other words. Don't get me wrong it is inspiring not just sad and depressing. The question I ask however was Drew Evans justified in his pursuit of trying to get even with those that betrayed him? I tend to think that he made matters worse by not just walking away and moving on with his life. Would his life have been better or worse or the same? I also ask why none of the other people involved in such cruelty had the foresight or courage for that matter to come forward and simply apologize rather than run away and declare they did no wrong. Did they not sense that Drew's behavior was inevitable? I find it hard to believe that one person would become so enraged over nothing. Surely there was some sort of catalyst? Though, the answers are not concise I believe however that they (the answers) are left up to interpretation. Possibly the questions we have will be answered in future films? A Tiger in the Dark has many lessons and morals of which everyone that see's it will interpret differently. Yet, I feel the moral goes much deeper and is in many ways a look at our society as a whole and how we treat one another. It is a great movie to watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon :)
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Face Your Fears
bwilliams8112 August 2012
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A Tiger in the Dark is above all else inspiring! The way the film is made is both ordinary and extraordinary; it is real and unreal at the same time. Oblivion is a very interesting concept. As I learned more and more about this film I came to understand that Oblivion is not a place but rather a projection of the mind. When you watch TIGER you are overwhelmed by the sense that the main character is out of his element. In other words: those around him are weak, scared and only good at one thing, hurting others. Even though the main character does seem to break under the strain of such hurtful memories it is the power of his will that allows him to escape Oblivion and put his past behind him. Yet, as the story unfolds the hurt he feels does indeed begin to manifest as a dark entity called, Virus D. Though, Virus D isn't real per say he is however the accumulation of anger, hurt, strife and a prediction of things to come. In truth this film is nothing less than learning to overcome or rather "harness" your "dark side" in order to be able to focus your will and energy to achieve great things. I highly recommend A Tiger in the Dark.
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Show No Mercy
janet-gould6818 September 2012
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As some reviewers have commented this film is filled with an audacious amount of profanity but it is there for a reason. The sexual content serves a purposes as well. And the violence is the driving force of the story. So, before you judge know that this film would not be what it is if not for these things. Taking all this into account i still admit that this film touched my heart in ways that other films can't or never will. This film has no limits. It has no reservations and no fear of an audience disliking it. As a matter of fact this film is "the everyman's story." I find it hard to believe that it would not be loved by people that take the time to sit before the screen and intently listen and watch this film in it's entirety. The film makes you think. Therefor, if you are the type of person that can't stand to spend two hours thinking "why did he do that?" or "is he really going to betray her/him?" don't bother with this film. You wouldn't understand it if you tried. This is an intelligent movie written by an intelligent writer. At first I thought I had the plot completely figured out - I was wrong. All anyone needs to know is that this film is above average with engaging dialogue performed by a diverse and talented cast of people, parallel universes, moments of awe followed by a feeling of triumph. I recommend seeing this film :)
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What a Ride!
queenjasmine8512 August 2012
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I am totally in awe over this film! I have to agree with many of the other reviewers that the use of narratives really helped to explain a good portion of the events occurring throughout the story (not to mention I love Drew Evans' voice. Its damn sexy). I am glad that someone finally had the guts to tell a sad, heart breaking, humanizing and at times depressing and at other times inspiring story. I admire how Drew analyzes himself throughout the length of the film. I felt the film was honest and pure. I could feel the pain Drew carried around with him and the vulnerability and hurt he harbored for many years of his life. I found the film to be a great interpretation of how our dreams can be a curse while at the same time a blessing. To tell the truth I even found myself wiping away tears from my eyes as the film drew to a close. I am very intrigued to learn more about the character, Brie. It seems that she (Brie) and Drew are up to something. But what? I could take a wild guess at the possibilities but I wouldn't want to ruin the ending for the rest of you who haven't seen the film. I can't wait to see what happens. Finally, check out this film! It's worth it :)
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Three Times a Charm
myers_seth13 August 2012
For those of you unaware this is third film in the series and the first full length feature film. Though, lets forget the first two films and pretend as if they never happened. Final Conflict is nothing like the two earlier short films. Admittedly, this (Final Conflict) is the only film worth watching in the series. Everything from casting, acting, music, sound, cinematography, directing, story, and effects have been improved by leaps and bounds. This is a great film and very well made. It is highly emotional with great potential for success. I am hopeful the series will continue well passed "Decadence?" Yet, then again, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" as they say. If you get the chance to see this film don't miss out. You will believe!
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Better than the rest
Marvin_moskowitz1 October 2012
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What caught my attention while watching this film was the dialogue. Being an avid movie goer I was very pleased with how the characters seemed to be talking to each other in code. The dialogue is delivered in such a way as to trick the audience. I will say that this film is very clever, well written and intelligent. When I first heard of the film I was a bit turned off simply because of the over abundant use of profanity. Yet, the engaging dialogue and effortless acting by the main cast really turned things around for me. This film is not what it seems. If you enjoy movies that challenge "Hollywood" see this film. It will leave a lasting impression on you. I am anticipating the sequel :)
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An Angry Rocky
f-sciarrino21 November 2012
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I saw this film at Disney Digital Studios in NYC and was pleasantly surprised. I thought there was a lot of hype about the film and concluded that most of what I heard had to be exaggerated. However, the moment I saw the trailer (preceding the actual film) I was blown away. It reminded me so much of "Rocky." The trailer grabbed me right from the beginning and I knew that what I heard about the film had to be true. The scenes where the actors are boxing combined with the music was epic. The entire experience was amazing. I had a chance to meet the cast and crew (@ Disney) and must admit they were not what I expected. They are not your average actor; coincided, egocentric and arrogant. I was very impressed with the cast and their dedication to this film. The way the film is presented is very well done. The effects were awesome and above average. The production quality overall was great and the cast members were very believable in their roles. I really enjoyed this film and wish the producers good luck in the future.
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amy-lewis329 August 2012
There are a plethora of independent films out there that may look good from the outside though in the end you are disappointed and wish you could get back the two hours of your life you invested into a worthless movie. Yet, A Tiger in the Dark does not need fancy packaging or useless testimonials to get people to watch it. This film sells itself. The opening scene is highly emotional and anyone with a heart would feel empathy for the main character. The music is well scored and paces the scenes very well.The action keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you want to spend worthwhile night at the movies put TIGER on your list of films to see this year. Forget the superhero crap and see a movie that has meaning. For those of you out there that have ever had a dream this movie will make you believe that you can do anything. See this movie before it's to late. You won't be disappointed. Overall this film rocks!
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Tiger, I Think I Love You :)
cassym8213 August 2012
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I am dazzled by the perseverance of these fine film makers. A few years ago I had the pleasure of seeing the first TIGER film. Eh. It was decent. I never thought this film would ever see the light of day. After a legion people tried to jeopardize this series I applaud Drew Evans and his crew for all they did to ensure that this film found it's way into the world. Okay, so with that being said I was very moved by the narratives used throughout the film. Specifically, those when Drew Evans admittedly states that there were many things he did wrong in his life - "...so many things went wrong so quickly. Yet, even as I lay dying I fear they will never learn to forgive. I pity them..." It's an admirable trait when someone can analyze themselves and attempt to amend the errors of their ways. Other than this film being very well done from the editing to music and sound, it is undeniably a story about forgiveness. Most of all about learning to forgive yourself. It is a film that has many lessons, however. This film is an honest and open interpretation of the wrongs someone commits during their lifetime, trying to amend their ways while in the same respect learning to "care less" about the problems of others. I think in retrospect this film is notably a film that tells the viewer that you only have one life and it belongs to you so do what you will with it. As the closing voice over states, "...let others hate while we learn, live and love." I do want to add that Drew Evans is not only a great storyteller but a fabulous and intelligent person that knows who he is and what he wants out of life. Drew may not be perfect but he is certainly one of a kind (anyone know if he's married? lol jk). Overall, A Tiger in the Dark is a great film! See it if you dare ;)
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Fight for your Dreams
tonyscalise28 August 2012
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I would have given this film a higher rating if not for the intense profanity. Yet, I have to admit that the film is great all around. Many of the other reviewers have already commented about the characters, dialogue, etc. Though, one thing I feel I can comment on are the fight scenes. Other than the visual effects that make up Oblivion and Virus D (which are awesome) the fights are edited in a very unusual but outrageously cool way. They start off with quick cuts and momentary 3D effects where weapons look like they will cut through the camera lens. Yet, after the quick bursts of action the fight slows down and an engaging dialogue begins. Ghostly voices emanate through the screen and a cold chill overcomes you. Then, when you least expect it the action picks up and the fight continues. Another great aspect to the fights are that they are long, well choreographed with perfect camera angles and close ups. For anyone out there that wants to see what a independent film should be see Final Conflict. By the time it ends you be yearning for more.
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You Have To See It To Believe it!
s_paul8412 August 2012
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Okay, so your probably saying, "Yea, right." However, this is truly a great film is every sense of the word. This is an honest, open and humbling movie that puts into perspective life, love, and what it means to fight for what you believe in. The film is well made, enticing, believable, fun, funny and scary. The casting is great, the plot thickens with every scene and nothing is predictable. While some of the scenes are shot better then others I am certain that this was done on purpose. In the early parts of the film things seems bland, out of place and strange. Though, as the film continues you begin to see why. In latter parts of the film things become pretty, well managed and clean. It was very interesting to see the evolution of the overall story and not just the characters themselves. Most often the characters develop while their surroundings remain the same. I feel that the idea behind such a clever trick is to show how Drew is growing and becoming more aware of what is going on around him. He is beginning to see that the things he has is not what he wants; he tries to pull away from the people and things he knows they try to keep him pinned down. This is a physiological tactic for the audience that subtly exposes that the people in Drew's world are unwilling to accept that change is inevitable; they fear what they don't understand. However, watching these characters I could easily see how none of them were able to control their fears and in turn cast their fears on Drew wherein they made him doubt himself. Though, the story of A Tiger in the Dark is common it is the way that it is told and the small innuendo's that makes this film stand out from the countless other independent films out there today.
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Out for Blood
regina-fredricks4 September 2012
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When it comes to rating movies I am oversensitive and usually very bias. This may very well be the first review that I write that doesn't bash the producers or the film itself. First off, this film is your average independent film so don't expect any big budget explosions, etcetera. It is grainy at times with low light and on occasion shrouded in darkness and even sometimes blurry. Though, none of that matters because the film makers wanted it that way. Listening to the interview prior to the start of the film I realized that the producer(s) wanted to pull as far away from the average Hollywood film as possible. They didn't want a clean, eye candy film. Rather, they wanted something that would stand out and be memorable with a good story and interesting characters and events. When watching this film it is obvious that the film attacks the Hollywood lifestyle and strikes a spear deep into the hearts of the so called "celebrities" that find fame and fortune more meaningful than unconditional love. Though, this film may not be in my "top ten all time favorites" I do commend the producers for releasing such a controversial and awesome film! I can wholeheartedly say that the special effects were above average and the story was immensely engaging. Even though I am unfamiliar with the people depicted in this film I admit that I wish I could find people this special in my own life; a person who puts his/her wants and desires aside for the betterment of others. People like that are rare and very under appreciated. One thing that I think most anyone who watches this film will take away from it the dignifying concept of: treat others as you want to be treated. I can't relate to the events of this film but do agree that when someone is ignored, shunned and given no other recourse than to lash out it turns them into a monster. For the main character I think that he was a great and caring person who loved the people in his life more than his own life. When they turned on him and acted in a cowardly manner, well, "all hell breaks loose." I realize this is only a movie and may not be 100% percent accurate though even just the thought of someone who cares about me with every ounce of their soul brings a smile to my face. Yet, seeing the repercussions of being so generous and loving makes me slightly afraid; loving someone unconditionally can indeed be dangerous. Overall, I recommend this film.
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