(TV Series)


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"Can you imagine if Steph and Toadie had told the truth from the start?There'd be no goss."
skteosk15 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode that's strangely compelling despite a slight lack of likable characters.Libby demonstrates why she deserves to be stabbed in the back by acting in a selfish manner, taking her frustrations out on a bunch of school kids and generally behaving like the bitter old spinster that she is.Presumably we're meant to take her "I'm tired of being the nice girl" at the end seriously and think she's acting out of character, rather than thinking that she's just being Libby.

Summer and Andrew have a slight debate about who's parent is more to blame for what's going on that sadly gets forgotten about pretty quickly.Donna decides to deal with what's going on by expecting all her friends, except Zeke because they couldn't afford Matthew Werkmeister this episode, to drop what they're doing and indulge her latest whim. Although not as bad as it immediately sounds, it does result in Kate throwing a strop and storming out.(Especially silly given that Declan's definition of "family" is obviously pretty loose, apparently meaning "bunch of people you lived with for a bit".)Fortunately, the scene that follows between her and Declan is actually rather nice and rescues it a bit.
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