"Bad Sisters" Baby Becka (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Series)


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Good show with annoying bits
nilbog4415 September 2024
They aren't very subtle when they shoehorn leftist politics into the plot. The main bad guy is a terrible person and easy to hate but they make him "worse" because he doesn't approve of gender-neutral bathrooms in the office? They just inserted that into the conversation for no reason. And then the daughter calls out the mom because she stays at home and takes care of the house and doesn't take pole dancing classes and isn't a lawyer? Completely ridiculous and unnatural dialogue. In the previous episode they made a point to say the guy is against abortion. Ok well he used to just be a really bad guy but NOW we can all see he's a monster! It's all so tiresome.
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Apple Has a way of making shows and making it into a hit
moviesfilmsreviewsinc20 October 2022
In episode 4 of Bad Sisters, Tom and Matt prepare to meet the youngest Garvey sister. Neither of them have put together the fact that Rebecca Garvey is the same as Matt's Becka. When Becka opens the door to see the brothers, realization sets in her eyes. She glares, but Matt doesn't give away to Tom the fact that they know each other. Finally, "Baby Becka" is in on the Garvey Sisters' murderous schemes. And they just keep receiving more and more reasons to go through with their plan. While-initially-the scenes portraying John Paul's character felt repetitive, they are now building in intensity to paint a truly heinous picture of what a despicable human being he is. Matt and Becka, I think, are going to be imperative to unpacking the mystery of JP's death. Whether it is Becka using Matt, or Matt using Becka-their relationship surely is going to tip in one person's favour. Matt asks her combative questions, which she answers spikily. When they leave, he admits to Tom that he's been seeing Becka. He mentions that she once said her family let her down, causing her to lose the lot for her business. Tom thinks "family" could be John Paul, which would give Becka motive to kill him. Meanwhile, Roger continues to come around as a friendly neighbour, bringing food to share with Grace and JP. But JP doesn't like him being around Grace. He finds a chat group online for the Youth Church Group Roger leads. John Paul then creates an online persona of a 10-year-old boy named Oscar (the name of their recently deceased dog). He sends a message to Roger, pretending to want to join the group. Roger welcomes Oscar to the group chat. Later, Becka goes to visit John Paul's mother, Minna, who has become a friend. JP doesn't like her spending so much time around his mother. He later tells Grace that he can't give Becka money. When Grace protests, he gaslights her into believing she and Becka misinterpreted his intentions. One night, all the sisters join Eva and JP for a work trivia night. When John Paul is incompetent at trivia, he loses it and yells at Grace in front of everyone, telling her she's pathetic and that she embarrassed him. He also sees Eva and her co-worker Gabriel getting closer. He makes a comment about them to their boss. Becka confronts John in the bathroom, and he grabs her wrist and pushes her into the wall. Bibi comes in and stops them, followed by Eva. Becka yells. She wants to call the guards so he can answer for what he did to Ursula. Eva leaves to find John Paul. She takes his phone and breaks it, hoping to destroy the illegally-obtained photo he has of Ursula.
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