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One tiny flaw . . .
wellsriver-9756330 November 2023
I loved this. Great way of getting inside the mind of musicians, not only Beethoven's "headshrinking," but how modern musicians use their knowledge of history, musicality, and technology to creat and recreate art.

Here is the flaw: A Steinway??? Beethoven did not play a modern, 88-key piano. The pianos in Beethoven's day had about six octaves. The 88-key piano did not come into existence until the mid-1800s-a couple of decades after Beethoven died. The fortepiano had a distinctly different tone-less resonance and volume than a modern piano. The action was different than a modern piano. To our ears a modern piano sounds better. It's note is well--rounded. But, if they were aiming for historical accuracy, the use of a modern piano was a misstep. So, 9 instead of 10.
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Wonderful episode
ashazamm31 October 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, so much that I've watched it three times already and will probably watch a few more times before I delete it off my DVR.

This episode had a little bit of everything. Beethoven's music, of course, performed by amazing musicians. Scott Yoo had the fun idea of serving Ludwig's favorite foods, and he explains how he knows what his favorite foods were. Scott also gets the brilliant idea of taking an old manuscript of his work (Ghost Trio) and trying to decipher what Beethoven originally wrote before he scribbled it out and wrote something new and then play it! I enjoyed that so much.

I think the most interesting part was, throughout the entire episode, they had actors portraying Beethoven and Sigmund Freud. They acted as analyst and patient and delved into Beethoven's upbringing, background and psyche. I enjoyed the back and forth between them, they did an excellent job. I've always been fascinated by Beethoven's life and background, it's so tragic.

You can really get a sense of Scott's respect for Beethoven and his excitement when he talks about his work and life. He really brought this episode to life. I enjoyed it so much. Well done!
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