Victims of system (2020) Poster

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Blunt and all too real
I_Ailurophile8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The commentary is frank and dire, a harrowing reflection of reality: In any modern culture, victims of sexual assault are expected to shoulder the responsibility for preventing crime, and not the perpetrators. Victims must mind their manner of dress, limit where and when they go out, and generally tend to their own security, yet there is no effort to alter or restrict the behavior of sexual predators. Moreover, victims are blamed for the assaults committed upon them - not the culprits, and not the system that fails and allows this pattern to continue endlessly as people are instructed to continue going about their lives as though nothing is happening.

This important message is the core of the film, and the short succeeds all too handily in conveying it, to the point that a content warning should be appended for how very realistic it is. Still - on the other hand, from a technical standpoint - stilted writing or direction, and delivery of lines, obstructs the flow of the course of events over these 9 minutes. As a result, 'Victims of the system' is perhaps less impactful than it should be, as the flaws distract from the meaning. Nonetheless, imperfect presentation does not dull the significance of the theme - a distillation of how our society approaches crime prevention - and is an essential watch for all.
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