"Ted Lasso" The Signal (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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The 'Make Rebecca Great Again' of this season
riyakataria-1466327 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before I review this episode, I have to preface this by saying that Make Rebecca Great Again is one of the best episodes of the show. Its emotional arc combined with excellent humor and moments that keep you glued to the screen are quintessential marks of the best that Ted Lasso has to offer.

I thought that Make Rebecca Great Again (MRGA) was inarguably my favorite episode in the series.

Then, I watched this episode.

Right off the bat, this episode easily hits all the jokes, easily making the viewer laugh with the classic humor so lauded in Season 1. The jokes come quickly but naturally, and the episode uplifts you, making it feel like something casual. And while it keeps a balance with the humor throughout the entire half hour, you soon realize that the easygoing vibe is merely the calm before the storm.

The first hint of how heavy this episode is appears when Rebecca's mother shows up. It's not immediately serious, but it does parallel Sassy's appearance in MRGA. Both are pieces of Rebecca's past coming back to provide more insight in her character. Ted even says that meeting people's mothers is like "an instruction manual as to why they're nuts."

The other indication of the upcoming emotion is Ted's slip up when he calls Michelle his wife, even though they're still divorced. In MRGA, he was also dealing with the divorce, only that was in the moments before, not the aftermath. But Ted's dejected face, his immediate attempt to brighten up again, his emotional and physical distance from his family-all of those help create the emotional crescendo at the end of the episode.

Nate also gets a similar moment to MRGA. In that episode, he gives a scathing, yet effective pep talk to the team, directly leading to their victory. Here, he gets to show his coaching chops once again, leading Richmond to the semifinal. This episode gives that moment of triumph that we so desperately loved in MRGA, and it once again proves that this episode is the perfect package. You legitimately get misty-eyed as you view the impacts of Nate's actions.

This review is getting long, so I'll quickly cycle through the rest: Beard and Jane's relationship is equal amounts infuriating and hilarious, and the moment him and Higgins share in the parking lot is beautiful. The arc that Roy and Jamie experience is also perfect, and sets the stage for more interaction in the future.

And I have to talk about the reveal. THE REVEAL. Ted and Rebecca would have been too easy, so I had a feeling this was coming, but it was still such a perfect way to end the episode. I'm absolutely enraptured for the future.

And Ted. Oh Ted. We've all been waiting for the moment where Ted FINALLY goes for therapy, and this is it. And it crescendos so beautifully. When Ted's panic attack starts, you can see the direct mirror against MRGA. Jason Sudeikis knocks it out of the park with his acting, and the writers built it up perfectly without overextending it. This is the beginning of the conquest against the villain of the season-not Rupert, not another football team, but Ted himself. And it is beautiful.

I've already said so much, but I would never tire of saying more. This episode was Ted Lasso in its highest, most compelling form. Easily the best in the season, if not the show.
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Laugh and Cry
k-7575827 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a very emotional episode and a slap in the face for the audience who said there is no conflict in the show. A blend of emotions fermented inside me. To be honest, it kinda scared me. I worry about Ted and want to give him a big hug.
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The Signal
MrFilmAndTelevisionShow28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Finally an episode which places the focus mainly on the football with a very exciting side plot that will be explored in the next episode. I thought this episode was far better than last week's one, very enjoyable indeed. Some great Lasso moments and a major shift I feel is probably coming next.
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i love it
mehdisid28 August 2021
Why's every episode better than the one before it.
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Another great episode
Avidviewer-0284728 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The best part of this series is the writing, this episode was written by Brett Goldstein who plays Roy Kent. So many series fail because their scripts are rehashed cliched stories that don't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out where they are headed. The Ted Lasso writers play against the clichés, they have refreshing new twists that keep the episodes fresh.

Great to see Dame Harriet Walter playing Rebecca's mother, she fits in perfectly and hopefully we'll see more of her. The interchanges between Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt were great, especially when Ted told Roy that Jamie was the mature one in that conversation. Brett Goldstein has commented that he and Phil Dunster have a hard time getting through scenes together without laughing, probably took them hours to film that one. Nice to see Jamie play the old "prick on the pitch". And nice to see Nate come into his own as a coach, especially since Roy has overshadowed him.

Another 6 episodes to go, can't wait to see them.
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Next-level writing
SimonSaysSmallScreen27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I was ready to rag a little on the writers for making Ted so over-the-top Lasso in the first scenes of this episode. But I waited, I guess because they've got cred from what they've done with the series, so far. Then it unfolded that Ted had some serious stuff bubbling up in him. Of course he was compensating, as one would do. Trust these writers; they know what they're doing!
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Reality. Best episode of the season.
ttkonitzer27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We love Ted as the upbeat, inspirational character that has a saying for anything and can make light out of any situation. We saw him earlier in the season saying he doesn't believe in therapy and he believes everything will work itself out. I knew where Ted went during the game but the last minute we saw a broken down man in the shell of who we know and love. It brought tears to my eyes to see one of the most inspirational characters in any show I've ever seen broken down and vulnerable showing ANYONE can go through the ups and downs in life.
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everyone have a breaking point
JOseph_iq9727 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And this episode is the breaking point for Ted Lasso.
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Writing Perfection
Moonbaby00728 August 2021
Strong, heartfelt writing!!! Great character interaction!! Love it when the whole cast gets in on the action.
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Inside Ted's Head
ecutke5013 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of reviewers note (i.e. Complain) that Ted Lasso the character has reached a saturation point in S2, with his folksy mannerisms, eternal optimism and witty one-liners. Which made it all the more impactful seeing a broken Ted lying in the dark in the fetal position waiting to make an appointment with Dr. Sharon. And it'll be all the more meaningful now that this season - which is only halfway over at this point - is clearly going to start peeling that onion and help us understand what makes Ted tick. The core of this show has never been about football or sports; it's about people and relationships. As creator Bill Lawrence said when that jackass from The Daily Show dumped on S2 after a few episodes - and really, where has our attention span gone? - they've set up a lot if you're paying attention. With Ted, for example, there's always been an undercurrent of sadness dating back to S1, whether it's his crumbling marriage, being an ocean away from his young son, drinking alone on Xmas, etc. And maybe, just maybe, that's why his positivity feels forced or overdone at times...because he's trying to convince himself that things are jolly when they're not. Personally, I'm all in to see what comes next.
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Loved it!
Veritas9927 August 2021
Kudos to all crew, they made an excellent episode!
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Why Obisanya ?!?
gholamrezanezamzade27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Only I guessed in the previous episode, is Ted texting Rebecca or did you guess the same?

Obisanya is the age of Rebecca's son, not his Boyfriend or his lover !

I think Ted and Rebecca are a very Lovely couple.
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Some nice parts... but it's veered off course
jljacobi27 August 2021
I guess it's just time for me to admit that the show went in a different direction this season than I was hoping it would. I was interested in the fish out of water, farm boy makes good in England aspect but now it's middle-aged crisis, empowering the world sentimentality.

Last year it was balanced and nuanced, now I feel like I'm binging on over-sugared cake the majorityt of the time.

If this is your kind of lovey-dovey, huggy-wuggy deal, enjoy. Still some very good moments so I gave it a 5, but it's no longer worth my time to wade through the other cringe-worthy crap to get to said good moments.

Don't care anymore, don't re-watch them anymore. What a frickin' shame.
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Poor Ted
dannylee-780821 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so bad for Ted sometimes. I love how vulnerable he is at times despite the charismatic people loving leader he is.

Wonderful to see Jamie fully integrate into the team and become a new man with his old skills.
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Dont give up on it, trust me
mgulmarcl31 August 2021
I do agree the start of the season was not the same as season 1, but i've seen a ton of reviews in this season saying lasso doesn't deliver jokes as funny as last season and i think you're missing the point. Ted has been falling apart during the whole season and got to his breaking point now. I do think(and hope) that its on purpose and that after his talk with Dr sharon on the next episode, he and his comedy will return better than ever. BE PATIENT i think it will get pretty good judging by the fact that a third season is confirmes. They are saving a lot of things for great season ending episode.
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higher than expected 9/10
Husain_anusif18 October 2021
I have not seen an episode with a great development in terms of characters and events in this series as much as this episode.

An excellent and distinguished episode with very wonderful events, a remarkable development in the characters, and a comedy that continues to make us laugh in the best way.
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Shining Roy
BoulosSoueileh28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The confidence nathan got on episode 5 starts doing its job, what a perfect build up for a character.

Roy Kent is funny and amazing, great to see him.back with the crew again.

Jane and Beard will.have a jump or a fall on their relationship next epiosde.

Diana is talking to Obisania, that was unexpected at all. I like how they are following the rhythm and creating more better stories.

Finally Ted, startes the episode with great spirit and end it with broken heart. How much can you change in one day, the answer is that much. Six more days to epiosde 7, and believe me it's going to be epic.
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Double episode please!!
raheeb-5958828 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Ted I just can't see him like this. We deserve two episodes next week. This just keeps getting better and better.
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This show keeps getting better
BruceWayne312 November 2021
I gave this a 8 just off the white kid spitting hot fire at the end of the episode Hahahaha So funny

Happy for Nate

Happy that Roy joined the team as a coach and is helping Jamie

Again, the show has some great feel good moments.
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Back on Track! Warning: Spoilers
This episode finally brought back the audible involuntary HAAs back in the picture. While I have developed a soft corner for the post retirement Roy Kent, I had failed to notice how much his interactions with Jaime Tartt effected the first season.

I had been a little worried about Nathan Shelly's arc however the twist of events led to a positive note. The snippets from the bar aren't just superbly entertaining but also have me INVESTED in the characters. Hoping to learn more about them but not too much since that would ruin the whole bit.

'Ted Lasso' yet fails to connect in certain cases such as Rebecca and Beard's storylines while managing to secure a base to build up the future episodes. Cannot wait to see what happens to the man himself!

PS: This is exactly why we need to have access to mental health professionals in every possible space. People who really need help may struggle to reach out if there's no visible hand to hold on to.
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Back on track
davidjaldred27 August 2021
After the disappointing Christmas episode "Caro of the Bells", the next episode "Rainbow" made a valiant effort to drag me back. And this episode "The Signal" sealed the deal. As I've said before, I do not like football. I just don't get it; I think it's a foolish sport. But Ted Lasso - in its more sublime moments, explains it to me in pictures. This episode had me cheering at the TV! More of this please.
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Love TL but this is my Honest opinion
Near-L28 August 2021
While everyone is loving the newest episodes saying the show is getting back on track i actually think the opposite. The first episodes this season were good and are on a decline now... the jokes don't land and i do not care about the drama parts. On the first season i laughed and cared.
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Do you remember?
freefalling-earth1 September 2021
Remember in English language class those in the back of the classroom who'd end up getting an F in their GCSE English language? He went on to write the part of the script of them watching bake off in the pub. Show has gone from mid- forgives me cringe level season 1, to off the Richter scale. The fake users rating this episode better than most of breaking bad's ratings is a sad state of affairs.
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oscar-6403928 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why th fuxk Tottenham lose to Richmond.this is bullshxt.
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Even in Ted Lasso Spurs are Spursey
GoldenGooner0416 August 2022
Good to see some actual football This show is not great, i know it won awards but it's pretty average Bring back Dream Team !!

Roy Kent, is the best character.
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