"Now and Then" A Good Day to Give Thanks (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Give thanks, but to what
moviesfilmsreviewsinc17 July 2022
While 'Now and Then' has not been a perfect show by any stretch of the imagination, one factor that has always been in its favor has been the pacing and how with constant twists and turns, it keeps the audience's interest. 'A Good Day To Give Thanks' is the first time that the writers have decided to forego its swift plotting. Of course, given the unpredictability it constantly has been trying to achieve, the writers couldn't have sustained it throughout so it can only be hoped that the next episodes try to go back to that style. Given the revelations it makes at the end of the episode, that's a plausible thing to hope for. In the 2000 timeline, a montage of what happened during Alenjandro's last Thanksgiving opens the episode as we see how different the relationships were at the time compared to the present, the most surprising one being the one between Marcos and his father, removed from their present mutual contempt towards each other. An obsessed Flora starts to test Sully's patience as she takes decisions without informing him since he's her superior. Yet her thoroughness soon bears fruit as she discovers that apart from the officials who first reached the scene, there were fingerprints of an unknown person around Jessica Thompson's corpse. Pedro tells his mom what really happened with Alejandro and Jessica after she discovers a bloody pair of shoes, making her force him to confess to the police but he, guilt-ridden as he is, refuses, knowing that the others would denounce him as the killer and put him in jail to save themselves. This guilt is only compounded when we see that Pedro's higher education was paid for by Rodrigo. Marcos's life is falling apart after Isabella's departure. They run into each other one morning when she's taking her stuff out of his apartment and he unsuccessfully lies to her about not cheating on her with Sofia. This separation makes him sink deeper into his drug addiction. During Thanksgiving dinner with his father and their colleagues, he abruptly leaves because he can't focus and isn't in the right frame of mind, despite being told by Arturo that Flora has been taken off the case. A drunken Marcos calls Sofia, who comes to drive him home. There, he tells her that he never forgot about her in the twenty years they were apart. They reconcile and as she helps him in leaving the bar, he falls to the floor in what seems like a critical state.
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