The Blue's Clues Pride Parade Sing-Along Ft. Nina West! (Music Video 2021) Poster

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Absolute Disgrace
mcsncmana21 August 2023
This is one of THE worst "kids" cartoons ever produced, we need to put a stop to the indoctrination of children with all this "LGBT" Stuff, Remember When Blues Clues Was An Actually Good And Kid Friendly Show? Me Neither, overall this is actual garbage, listen I do not hate the lgbt community but neither do I support Their actions And Children Don't Need To Be Indoctrinated With This Garage Anyways like the audience this is directed to DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MATH YET? Because I guess supporting a specific group is more important then Knowing basically information like reading, writing, spelling and all that jazz, good grief.
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On hopium rn
weyou-9244912 August 2022
I hope the reviews are very supportive to the LGBTQ+ community *snorts hopium*

(this is just filler since apparently it needs a minimum of 150 characters)
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danchurch-5234516 September 2023
This was great because our family does live in ignorance or shaming other people... we encourage others to live their lives how they feel it should be lived based on their values and beliefs and to not be discouraged by those that believe otherwise. This is a great way to show that families are all different and it promotes inclusivity amongst humans... it doesn't encourage division based on a set of values established by a book that is frequently misinterpreted by its followers! More kids series should promote equality and inclusion and loving thy neighbor without judgement with the same intention that a certain book and declaration intended.
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Normalizing different families
mxandyburgess20 February 2023
This has helped my daughter realize that there are many different types of families and there are lots of other families like hers. I also hope that other kids who watch this clip will be more accepting and less confused when they learn about our family.

Gosh this character requirement is unnecessary. What else am I supposed to say about a children's show song clip? I will say the song gets a little repetitive and annoying for adults, but kids love repetitive annoying things.

If you don't want your children to learn about LGBT people, that's your choice, but you'll be doing them a disservice and leave them unprepared for their first time meeting an LGBT person or another child with an LGBT family.
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