We Are Not Alone (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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Poorly edited
shannah-120 April 2024
This documentary is disjointed and poorly edited. Questions were asked but not answered and ideas were not explained or fully developed. The hostess often talked over guests turning the interview into garbled nonsense. The subject matter jumps all over the place.

I think there was new information about a UFO crash that happened during or right after the atom bomb experiments but it was hard to tell exactly what they were talking about and when it happened.

Finally, they use computer animation to dramatize certain events. But be warned, the animation is creepy which makes it very, very distracting.

PS Big Foot makes an appearance.
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Pretty Decent
emelanson7823 November 2023
While most of the material covered, has already been covered in multiple other documentaries, which of you're a UFO enthusiast, you already know all of this, the only thing different here is it's a little more hippy dippy. Alot of new agey, meditation stuff that Greer covers in his films. While the message is good, I still felt kinda bored as all this has already been spoken of hundreds of times. I was left feeling like hoping for something new and tangible. I like Greer and Serena, and I think their motives are on point, but let's have something new to discuss. Also, if folks could stop and listen while interviewing and not keep speaking over one another, that would be great. Lol.
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