"A Million Little Things" United Front (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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I love the show, but the need for suspension of disbelieve keeps piling up.
Zett765 August 2023
I can forgive the writers for giving everybody the same style of humor - because it's, more often than not, a good one. I can forgive them for that "I blame myself, why didn't I do something to prevent it" theme every other episode, no matter how far fetched that thought is.

But in the AMLT universe, it's getting more and more obvious just how many bad things happen. It reminds me of the Hannibal series, where they hunted a historically bad serial killer EVER SINGLE WEEK (not even globally - in their area...). Just without the crime... there is nobody without trauma, without having lost someone. That's either the unluckiest group of people ever, or it's a different universe.

Still loving the show. That says something. At many other shows, I'm not willing to oversee such a list of flaws.
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Tough when it comes to talking about divorce
ldamena20 May 2021
Good episode showing how parents have to talk to their children when a marriage comes to an end. It's tough, and the writers showed it in a realistic way. Loved Maggie and Sophie bonding this episode. I hope we get more of that in the future. Gary is the friend that we all wish we could have even though I'm still not digging him and Darcy. And Regina + her "two" moms was hilarious til it got serious good they were able to fix it. I'm worried about her. Looks like next week is gonna be another tough episode.
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After all they have been through...
sawznhamrs-127 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really did not imagine that Katherine would immediately give up on Eddie. Of course it's just a show, but I like when shows model the way things ought to go. It just seemed so sudden. The poor child. I am not even sure the actors are convinced or are on board with the divorce!
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roleredelinghuys30 May 2021
The writers are so uncreative, they take politics and wokeness to make a story. They missed the Floyd story, so they went back in time just so we, the audience, can relive it through their eyes, a whole YEAR later.. i am getting anoyed how evryone who isnt democrats are portrayed as haters and idiots. Enough with this celebrity preaching stuff.
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tc228422 May 2021
They do "woke" with the subtlety of an orangutan. Moving on from this train wreck.
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ChristyGuinn30 May 2021
Backtrack a year to make an episode like this. What a waste!!
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The drivel continues...
Batree26 September 2021
Just stop with the nonsense of the adena that all police are bad. Hollywood has gotten ridiculous in pushing an agenda.
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