"Grey's Anatomy" Now or Never (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Oh. My. God.
jeakle1519 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
007! 007! 007! OH MY GOSH! When George met Izzie in the elevator, my jaw fell to the ground. And then the damn cliffhanger that had me on edge for months.. incredible episode and ending to an emotional and outstanding season!
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florenciasetiajid5 February 2021
This episode is so good I had to watch is twice. I am a fan of TV series and I binge-watch so many TV series throughout my life. And by far, this is the best episode, not only of this series, but of my life. Mindblowing. Heartwrenching. Shocking. Unpredictable. Amazing.
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rodrigues-391891 May 2020
This is it! This is prime time television at its best. This episode had it all, brilliant acting, heartbreaking moments and perfect execution. I cried my heart out. Chandra delivered a tour de force performance this episode and Sandra oh was immaculate as always. Truly one of the best grey's anatomy episodes of all time.
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Best episode of the show
voldemerd8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This one is by FAR the best episode of the entire show till this day. The cliffhanger was the hardest in history of Grey's. I don't quite remember Grey's has ever left us with a cliffhanger on a finale except with this one and with 'Flight' (S8E24). But God, this cliffhanger was so damn hard. How can we wait for months to see whether Izzie and George are gonna make it? The way Meredith ran screaming 'John Doe is George'. The fact that Izzie signed for a DNR but Alex was able to convince Richard to ignore the DNR and save her. The way the season ended with Izzie's body rising from the strength of the resuscitation. Absolutely magnificent.
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That Reveal
zacleng2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I was younger my parents used to watch Grey's and I didn't really care about it but I remember one character George O'Malley and I asked my Mum why he wasn't in it anymore and she said he joined the army.

So now my sister and I have been watching Grey's on Disney+ and got to this episode. I thought yeah O'Malley joined the army so he's not going to be in in next series.

Minecraft! That revelation at the end when Jon Doe traces 007 on Mer's hand and my sister went hysterical and I was shocked when the guy they had been operating on all episode was O'Malley and that they had been looking looking him. Madness.
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Just as exhilarating as Slumdog Millionaire
missjodiebegley17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
*I have added Spoiler Notations for the people who haven't seen this episode yet because it hasn't aired in New Zealand yet - i was just an eager person, who loves the fact that people now upload episodes on to the internet a whole half a series before we get it*

One word: Exhilarating I haven't felt this exhilarated since Slumdog Millionaire and cried so much since A Mighty Heart. Last episodes ending shocked me. I had cried when Izzy & Alex got married, but George going to the war??!! NOOOO....

I was happy to see that Izzy has successfully made it thru the night and surgery without any ventilators attached or not dead. I personally would of gone with the IL02 chem option, and not the risky risky procedure, as well as an DNR. However when the short memory slurs happened, i sorta thought "oh no, this is gonna end in tears." However when she remembered every word that Alex said to her - "Short memory the length of a carrot" ... yeesh. Harsh. However remembering was awesome to see and as Cristina ran for Alex, kissing Owen in the meantime (thumbs up!!), no worries right??

Cristina & Hunt make Hot & Cold look ... well hot.I know that Hunt/Owen (Ima gonna call him Hunt), strangled Cristina but the fact that hes going to therapy and its helping him, and Meredith survived therapy, so Cristina can give him another chance right?? Totally right. These two are hot together and its great to see happiness in amongst so much disaster.

Who knew that finally after 5 series, an one-night-stand, an ex-wife, lots of elevator and On-Call room loving, Mark ..oh yes we love Mark.. breaking up, getting back together and lets not forget those dates with Sydney & Rose .. the love couple - Meredith & Derek finally became Mr & Mrs McDreamy with the "Post-It" wedding. Awwww. Definitely romantic. And these two have been thru A lot. Lets not forget the Drowning, the bomb, Addison, Mark, the break up of Cristina & Burkes wedding "Over, So over" and Denny Duquette. But now these two are married and will hopefully spend the rest of their lives together. But none-the-less, season 6 awaits.

And finally George. OMG. War. George. 007. Alex was right. "George would get himself killed". Well lets say, nearly right. George, telling Bailey that he was going to war. Bailey causing an intervention at 6pm after his final surgery with the Chief. And then suddenly no George. Lets not forget that the "John Doe" who saved a woman from getting plowed down by a bus, only to be dragged himself down the road, beyond recognition. Seem familiar? Looks like Ava/Rebecca is back again. The whole time, he couldn't breath, nobody could see his face and yet his bones were broken, skull had to be drilled into, to release the extra blood. And the times he tried to write with the help of Meredith.

CLIMAX Hugging Alex again, after he told Izzy he loved her and was sorry, she collapses.In his arms. With that DNR still stuck firmly in everyones mines, Alex begins calling crash carts, codes, where Bailey, Chief stand around saying "No, she has a DNR", yet Alex begins compressions, and finally the Chief says "Screw the DNR" and helps with no luck ...

John Doe is about to go into surgery, and yet again begins to write things in the air. Finally Meredith hands out her palm and begins spelling out. "0.0.7" "00 7" *GASP* "Oh my god. Oh my god" Meredith runs screaming. "Its George! Its George. John Doe is George!" *silence and tears from around America and the world, tears for George O'Malley*

Izzie in her ball gown goes into the elevator, as she does the night Denny died. The elevator stops, the doors open, there standing in his new Army uniform is George. Is this the end? Izzie & George? Have they gone? All remains to be unseen.
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Licence to Kill - Oh My....
barmybramgaming22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning : Spoilers (You have been warned)...

I have a career in medicine and love my job so am attracted to dramas involving medicine, so I subsequently have watched E.R., House, and Casualty/ Holby City.... I started watching Greys Anatomy when it first came out but only got to the end of season 4, and in 2008 there was no way to stream it back so I've left it, until now. Over the past month I've binge watched the entire seasons of 1-5, and this particular episode had me bawling like a baby, not for the first time in watching the show, however it hit me hard when all was revealed at the end.

A brief synopsis, the episode starts off with Izzie waking up from her surgery and seemingly has some memory deficits. Alex struggles with this initially but gradually throughout the episode we, as viewers, get to see just how much he loves her as he never gives up on her. George announces to Bailey that he's going to join the army as a trauma surgeon - Bailey does what she does best and questions his decision, whilst Izzie still has memory issues so Alex improvises and makes post it notes with information on to jog her memory... and she also has Hyperkalaemia (Raised Potassium) which can cause heart arrhythmia or even death. In one of the next scenes it focuses on a John Doe - a man pushed a woman out of the way of a bus that was going to hit her and he ends up in its path and is dragged down the street. He suffers horrific injuries for this, and his face is badly damaged as a result so they can't ID him for the N.O.K. The woman who he saves, realises what an amazing man he is and calls him her "Prince Charming" and it's obvious she is prepared to stay with him and hopefully be there for when he recovers. He tries to write something down, but Meredith realises how weak he is and comforts him by saying "You can tell me tomorrow". The gang all discover off Bailey, that George is looking to join the Army and each one suggest he will end up as cannon fodder, so they decide that at 6pm they will all go speak to him and try and change his mind. Meredith and Derek exchange vows in a very non traditional way, and John Doe appears to be stable yet still very critically ill following some emergency surgery. When it gets to 6pm, they go into see the Chief who was supposed to be performing surgery with George, yet find he was sent home early morning by the Chief and told to go visit his mum. Then Izzie tells Yang that Alex offered to "Put a pillow over her", to which Yang asks "where's the note"? On realising Izzie isn't reading off the post it notes and has in fact recalled the memory from earlier, Yang goes to tell Alex who rushes to her bedside. Meanwhile, John Doe suffers complications from the earlier surgery and a CT shows a re-bleed so he requires more surgery. Meredith tells him how wonderful he is, and how he's got a friend for life. He then grabs her hand and starts writing on it. "O O 7".... Meredith reads it back to him as Oh Oh Seven and then says "Double Oh Seven" and John Doe squeezes her hand and looks at her, to which she suddenly realises that John Doe is in fact George O'Malley! They rush him to the O.R. and he flatlines, while Alex rushes to Izzies bedside and her Hyperkalaemia also causes her to Flatline at the same time. Alex ignores Izzies DNR (Do Not Resus) and the Chief agrees and they attach Defib paddles and try to bring her back, as George is on the O.R. table also fighting for his life!!

So, on reflection the signs were there quite early on that something was going to happen to George. A lot of very successful TV series tend to use foreshadowing to help prepare viewers for traumatic events; Glenn seeing a pic of brains bashed in by Lucille in The Walking Dead as an example. On at least 5 occasions, Georges colleagues all say in one way or another that George will die if he goes to Iraq. Also the fact the show suggested he wouldn't be in it anymore by dropping the Iraq "bomb" helped with this foreshadowing. Saying that, I still didn't see it coming until George spelt 007 on Merediths hand, and it hit me exactly like it hit her at the time. The pacing, acting, cinematography and especially the score/music (Greys has amazing music) was 10/10 for this episode and although I've yet to watch the next episode, I know it's going to be painful to see what happens as I've grown to love the people of Seattle Grace Hospital.

If another episode hits me like this one, I'll write another review. :)
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007 - The Twist That I Didn't See Coming
LoveIsAStateOfMind30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I mean I was prepared for the Izzie roller-coaster and I guessed that it would end with a cliffhanger and with us not knowing whether she lives or dies but George, GEORGE! I did NOT see that coming! Oh wow. I mean I read the spoiler about him joining the army but I did NOT expect this. See how big a shock you get when you don't spoil yourself? I mean the episode was coasting along just as I had expected and then -bam- he wrote 007 on Meredith's hand ----> jawdrop. If I'd known that was going to happen the episode would have consisted of me sitting there waiting for the moment of revelation, blind to everything else.

Oh God, does this mean that only one can live? I mean obviously I want them both to live but if they both survive won't that be a bit too hopeful? Surely they won't both die because I'm not sure realistically how all the characters will function emotionally having lost two members of their 'family' in the same day.......

If I have to choose then I have to choose Izzie to live. I love George but he's hardly had a storyline this season so overall Izzie will be missed more. Besides I much prefer kindAlex rather than off-the-railsAlex which would surely happen should his wife die. Also the fallout would be greater? One thing I am dead against is them hanging around as any form of ghost. Dennyghost and Denny ghost/Izzie sex this season is the worst thing GA ever did and this includes the George/Meredith and George/Izzie sex.

Actually now I come to think about it ..... surely they're going to have to kill George off unless he's going to spend the next 5 seasons with a face like that? I know they fixed Jane Doe's face but George has so many other severe injuries ..... I mean even if he does survive he's surely never going to be able to be a surgeon again? Anyway, let's rewind to something other than the end (the Izzie/George elevator scene was nicely done btw ...) Thank you writers for finally giving us a George/Izzie scene. Despite everything that's happened these two are meant to be best friends so it's about time we had a moment with just the two of them and George telling Izzie to be strong and fight the cancer etc.

I kind of like how they injected humour into Izzie's short-term memory loss issue with Alex and the signs. "Your memory sucks." Zach Gilford and Liza Weil guest-starring! Yay! I have an issue that I feel like the soldier's story never got an ending though? Did the amputation go okay and did it stop the pain? I don't know think they'll be any follow-up in the premiere either.

Arizona is really growing on me. That scene with the Chief was classic! I do much prefer her to Hahn and I think her and Callie are good together. It's also nice to have someone who's actually cheerful on this show.

"I love you Cristina Yang." Awwh, love Meredith/Cristina scenes.

Meredith/Derek/Post-It Note. Kinda sweet but I want a real wedding however small dammit.

Bailey's idea for an intervention: "Grey is going to coax him back as a loving friend. (to Cristina) You are going to use logic and reason to point out the idiocy of his ways. Stevens will make sad cancer eyes, and if all of that doesn't work, Karev, you'll gonna pull out your "I was raised out back with the trash cans" roots and just beat the crap out of him." Oh Bailey, you legend.

Mark/Lexie .... growing on me too. I'm not really bothered by them either way. I guess it's about time Mark Sloan had some development and I guess it makes sense that dating his best friend's girlfriend/fiancée/wife would make him grow up.
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George and Izzie their Lives in Danger!
ZegMaarJus6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Cristina, Alex, Meredith and George, they slept at Izzie's room this night. Izzie had her surgery yesterday. Izzie wakes up. Meredith is getting married today. Izzie has some problems with her memory after the surgery. Bailey heard that George will join the army, she tries to stop him from joining. Derek and Meredith got 'married' on a post-it contract. Izzie her memory is back. Cristina kissed Owen. Izzie gets a cardiac arrest. The unknown patient that has serious injuries is George. Alex resuscitates Izzie. Derek performs George his surgery. Amazing Final Episode of Grey's Anatomy Season 5, what a cruel but outstanding last Episode of this Amazing Season. Who survived it, we will see it in Season 6!
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julielumborg8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've rewatched this episode too many times... First of all you think this finally is a good episode (all episodes are 10/10 but just not good for my mental health) and this episode has a good moment, when Merder get post it married (IN LOVEEEE) But then there's a John Doe who jumped infront of a but for this random girl BUT THEN suddenly he writes in mer's hand 007. She then realises that it's GEORGE O'MALLY (WTF) George goes into surgery (SREAMING CRYING) AND THEN Izzie gets like a heart attack AND she signed a DNR, but Alex ignores it and gives her heart message. BUT THEN we see Izzies pov and she sees George in her dream??!!?!?!!!


Luckily izzie survived!!
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I have one problem with this episode, and it's a big one...
colaof4 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I liked the episode. I really did, and I understand why the other user's have given it high reviews. It certainly deserves it. With that being said, I have a serious problem with the episode. Before today, I had only ever watched Now or Never once, back when it originally aired. This time, of course, I was watching with the pre-knowledge that John Doe is in fact George O'Malley. The issue I have though is this. The last time we see George before he gets hit by the bus it's 4 1/2 minutes into the episode, when he tells Bailey he's joined the army. Exactly 1 minute and 1 second later the ambulance rolls up with John Doe aka George O'Malley inside it. How much time are we to believe has elapsed in this meer 1 minute and 1 second? I know it's only an hour show, so things have to happen off camera, but seriously? Now I must add that prior to George's reveal to Bailey that he's joined the army, he also mentions that he's on his way to scrub in with the chief for a surgery. Comments are made throughout the episode that lead us to believe that this actually happened. That George has been safe and sound in the O.R. the whole time. It's only later, at about 37 minutes in, that we find out that George never scrubbed in. That the chief, instead, after finding out that he joined the army sent him home to be with his mom. Can you say convenient? I can't help but think that this was a ploy by Shonda Rhimes herself in order to make the reveal that John Doe is in fact George O'Malley all the more shocking, and it worked. It clearly worked. I doubt anyone, including myself, ever saw it coming. I was shocked. Yet, when I watch the episode now, knowing who John Doe is, it just doesn't seem like that 1 minute and 1 second is enough time for George to leave the hospital, get hit by a bus, get picked up by the ambulance, and be brought by that ambulance back to the hospital. The only thing that happened in between was a conversation between Meredith and Christina about Meredith and Derek getting married. That was it. Had there been 10, or even just 5 minutes in between it would have been so much more believable. I hate to be one to nitpick, because it really is a good episode. I'm fine with everything other than the amount of time between the last time we see George and when the ambulance rolls up with John Doe. Were it not for that I'd probably rate the episode at a 9 or 10, because the actors, all of them really knocked it out of the park with this one. As it is though, I just feel like Shonda Rhimes pulled a fast one, and didn't think anyone would notice. I noticed, and I didn't like it. I want to give this episode a fair rating, in spite of Shonda's trickery, but I just can't bring myself to rate it any higher than a 6. If you don't believe me, watch it again. I felt like I'd just gotten whiplash it happened so fast. It's still a good episode though.
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Wonderful episode except for the pro-war propaganda
danielkeough14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was very dramatic and well-written, etc, but I just really hate the fact that Grey's Anatomy was selling people on the idea that a war in Iraq was a good thing. Invading a nation to satisfy political egos is NOT reasonable, especially since the framing of the show is about people saving lives. The idea that somehow there was this pile of American freedom to be located by invading another nation, bombing poor brown people for corporate profit, is simply disgusting. Americans were not helped by killing people in Iraq. Killing poor people is not "serving your country." We need to get past this horrible, evil mantra. Military invading nations does not equal heroes does not equal service. It's shameful that G'sA writers took on the coercive practices of Uncle Sam. US invasion of Iraq, and elsewhere, becomes more acceptable when the media, and the arts--including tv and movies do this sort of stuff.
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Shiryu0518 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of GA from episode 1. It took me till season 5, literally this season, to see George O' Malley emerge from his cocoon and become a really likeable, confidant person; something more than the try-too-hard, tag-along we had become accustomed to.

For those of us who don't live in the US and have free access to media, we knew that the US declaring war on Iraq based on WMD was complete and utter BS. Let's face it, the US has become the World Police - nothing and no one is allowed to think or act for themselves without that American stamp of approval. If they want something from you or want to control you, watch out! You're enemy number 1.

That being said, ever since Owen's arrival, the ideas of army life/war has been intertwined with hero, courage, bravery and saving lives. For those of us who DO NOT place innocent lives below those of patriotism, there is nothing brave or courageous about going off to fight wars on the behalf of the rich and corrupt. There is nothing "awesome" about it.

We know "collateral damage" is code word for killing innocent people and locking those casualties neatly into a box. George's choice to enlist, while understandable in that he wants to make a difference, was foolish. Patriotism over humanity? Is that what we want to teach future generations?

Want to make a difference? Join the Peace Corps, volunteer on the Sea Shepherd, join Doctors Beyond Borders. That's saving lives without destroying the innocent.
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Why 1 star?
MidoriAi24 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Because first of all, I really detest the pro war propaganda. As a couple of commenters stated, "shockingly" the ones that has the least thumbs up, I too believe it is unnecessary and another brain wash machine made by the media. And I too live outside US (NOT América, US) You don't want a basket case that came out of a war? stop invading other countries and call that patriotism. No one in Irak is going to invade your country. You need better health care, a free one.. Like in the S06E01 a patient was denied a highly cost study because the hospital couldn't afford it. Why don't you give that war money, that was citizens money to begin with, and put it in the hospitals, and on education. Start being patriot that way, I think it's better for your citizens. Invading other countries is not going to pay for your MRI. And it is true about US: if they want something from you, they will go on a war. Wars aren't what they uses to be. Just think about what Elon Musk support in Bolivia. They do that since times immemorial!! I'll stay in my 3° world country where If I get a fracture I don't have to prostitute myself to pay the cost.

And what the hell about O'Malley???!!! I heard he left the show because he wasn't having too much time on screen. It is a shame. I too believe that it was stupid to see him grow into a decisive doctor, but almost non screen time. I mean, Izzy got sick and he was the last one to know. That's stupid!! Once Cristina wasn't the only one on the know, she should have call for him....
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Deja vu
superfox_8885 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this episode feels like we've done it before. Izzie loses her memory every 30 seconds, characters tell each other what the viewer literally just witnessed, same old trauma cases needing the same old doctors, and Meredith & Derek are getting married (like they were going to do two episodes ago...)

It's like the writers are reusing storylines. I'm watching this in 2020 and, based on this season finale, I'm shocked the series is still going.
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