55:15 Never Too Late (TV Series 2021–2022) Poster


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Your dream doesn't have to be big. No matter how simple it is, do your best to achieve it. Even though people around you invalidate it, as they see it as a "simple" dream.
chiamtalaina5 April 2022
It's surprising that this series hasn't gotten more attention, yet. This series will teach you to cherish every minute of your life. That as a youth, you don't need to dream big to be successful. That you should do everything you can to achieve your goals, no matter how simple or small they are. Yes, we have a lifetime to achieve it, but we never know when it will come to an end. This series will teach you that no matter how difficult it is or how busy our lives are, we must never give up on our dreams. It encourages us to look at the larger picture so that we may comprehend things more clearly. Overall, this series will touch your heart as it will be relatable to many of us.
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Retaking the examination of life, pass or fail?
sreelekhaburla27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For those who are wondering if its a Bl, nope. Waking up as one's younger self, how wishful.... yet if given a chance anyone would want to return and mend their regretful actions. Cast for this series, renowned people of the agency, have delivered a flawless performance. I loved the high school scene where veterans donned uniforms, making 1965 liners look adorable. Prikhing and Ploy were together again uwu... please someone heed my prayers and cast them in a Gl with tungsten content. Ever since the flop 'My gear, Your gown', Phagun and Pawin have appeared in multiple series in supporting roles. I think they should be offered script which can easily mold into their regular self, ie; Pawin played well in Eclipse while i liked Phagun in10 years ticket. Art team has worked hard to portray the backdrops from both time lines. I wouldn't suggest this drama to everyone because it needs a broken heart cured with a coupe of wine to relish such profound narratives. Khaotung's soundtrack was rather too peppy compared to theme. Story being slow paced might test your patience so if you r just curious as to what caused them to turn 15 at 55, here's the answer- Xerox machine. Their ID card photos got photoshopped a little during copying (no logic) Every character meets a comforting end by the last episode that brings viewers a thought for the day, 'every age of life is significant in its own way completing one whole'
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