"The Rookie" Triple Duty (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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UC Lucy Chen
SourCandyOrNoCandy6 May 2022
I'm so excited to see the direction this show goes without the rookie aspect now that Nolan is almost finished with his extra month. I'm also curious to see if this whole UC Chen storyline goes somewhere or if it'll be a short-term thing.

Best parts of the episode?

  • UC Lucy Chen is going to be a favourite for sure. How she handled that last situation was extremely impressive. I would've immediately caved.

  • I love how we're using Tamara's character. I didn't expect her to be included in this way but I love it! I hope we get to see her more in that capacity.

  • I was pisseddd when I saw Doug, but I love how that storyline ended in this episode.

  • I can't help but love Sandra de La Cruz. The writers of The Rookie really know how to write likeable villains (ie. Rosalind, Caleb).

  • I'll say it in every single review until Angela and Wesley get married. Man of honour Tim is the best.

  • That fight with Bradford and Nolan? I loved every. Single. Second.

Worst parts of the episode?

  • I can't think of anything. I really, really liked this episode.
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7 Stars because it failed in this episode for the same reason it succeed in all the other
oberlanderrg18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The initial premise of the whole show is "we're going to give you the straight dope on what it takes to be a serving LA LEO". They eschewed honesty for creative license to a fine degree with their constant shootouts and facing of serial-killers/interaction between drug lords and beat-cops, but the procedural inaccuracy on this one KILLS me.

Listen, you can have have problems with modern (circa 2010 thru today), you can argue that this show portrays an idealistic view of policing, all of that I get. This one episode though, it shucks all of what I feel was solid ground built and solid work done to the side to say that a damn-near Rook should be given clearance up & down to conduct a UC op against a high-level drug target without any formal training on being a UC. Being optimistic about a recruit (which is all Chen is at this point)? Cool. Thinking she could do great after 2 years of low-level asset alignment and case-building? Awesome (if you had allowed it to happen). "Throwing her in the deep end"? Unconscionable and freaking rude to be honest. UC's spend their LIVES doing this work, and saying some just-not-Boot street cop with a BS in Psychology can do the job is disingenuous at best and patronizing at worst. Do better.
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The Drug War
claudio_carvalho2 November 2021
La Fiera's gang kills drug dealers from the Madrigal's gang in a cemetery to revenge the death of Diego. Lopez is assigned to go to the hotel where La Fiera is to ask her to stop the drug war in LA. Nolan and Bradford are following the Madrigal's gang and they save the life of Cesar Madrigal's mistress Reyna and their baby from La Fiera's men. Meanwhile Harper is assigned to train Chen to work undercover posing as a chemical engineer to cook meth for the drug dealers. West finds that Stanton is back and discuss his issue with Prof. Ryan and Sgt. Grey.

"Triple Duty" is an engaging episode of "The Rookie" that could be better with some modifications. Chen, who is traumatized from the abduction and near-death experience, out of the blue and in one-day training becomes an undercover agent. It is very hard to understand her progress. The racist segment and the annoying Professor Fiona Ryan were buried in the last episodes. However, the writers revives Stanton and it is hard to understand why Jackson West, having a powerful father leading the Internal Affairs, goes to Sgt. Grey and Prof. Ryan to resolve his racist issues with Stanton. The acceptance of the West's gay thing in the Police Department by the officers that are not his friend is hard to understand and never approached but is OK since usually does not interfere with the storylines. But this insistency in the racism theme is killing the show. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Triple Duty"
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jimspencer718 May 2021
When can we get back to the police procedural show this series started as before becoming all about being WOKE?! I thought it was supposed to center around Rookie Officer Nolan but it seems to have left him out as principle character in order to "teach" us about our real feelings? Sorry, I want entertainment, not political correctness.
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Ok again not horrible
But again about this systemic rasism stuff. I don't care bout that storyline. I really hope its out of the way now. There was more good than bad, sadly west storyline is just bad, so now will his next issue be, that he's gay?
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Oh boy
bagaran10 May 2021
Started good. Became woke real quick. Such a pity.
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Deja Vu
adaarongriffin96118 May 2021
For the love of all that is policing please can the woke bs. Had the potential to be a great episode but ruined by a dead issue.
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After last episode
leebm-6908912 May 2021
Wow, really thought they had turned the show around but no yet more over political crap whilst also supporting drug lords who kill thousands of kids with there drugs.
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jeersNcheers14 May 2021
If this gets canceled, and I really don't care anymore, but if it does, I hope the makers realize it got canceled because they pandered to the left rather than to the loyal audience that had actually been watching this show!
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LOL. Ridiculous
supermodelyum8 January 2022
Chen under cover? Yea. Sorry. Laughable.

Rookies don't get that chance. Besides which, the dumbest thing ever is watching her hair flips & goofy high school "awe shucks" expressions. - Maybe it would work if she was going under cover in a high school or college, but she about as "street" as Charlie Brown.

Her tantrum after the (very obvious test) reveals just how fragile she is. But it fits the actress. It's just bad casting.
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Background music
bigpaw199917 May 2021
What the heck is that background music all about It sounds like kids across the street in the garage and its very distracting.
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Enough with the stereotypes.
Racingphan212 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All drug dealers are Hispanic? Can we just drop this dreadful story line.

Get back to John and his fellow rookies patrolling the streets.

And it's time for Castle to hook up with Toks from the Neighbors.
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