"The Walking Dead" Splinter (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Please no !
llipsis25 March 2021
One more episode like this and I jump from my window (even if I live on a ground floor)
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Princess is an unbelievable bland and horrible character
ngregas-3756423 March 2021
Imagine Rosita took her place in this episode? Why do they feel the need to add so many characters? I don't care if she was in the comics, she wasn't a good character in them either. The design on the commonwealth troopers is so ugly and hard to belive
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Probably the worst episode since Tara/Oceanside. Still... Warning: Spoilers
I am a HUGE TWD fan so it pains me to write this review. You should know this was entirely a Princess character study type episode. The problem with that is there just isn't anything compelling about her character. Not yet at least. What is this, her 3rd episode? What do we learn? She's afraid of the dark? Is prone to panic attacks and anxiety? Also a bit delusional? It would've made more sense to do an episode focused on Luke if that tells you anything. I thought this episode was going to be about the new story arc of the final season. There's absolutely no explanation of the Commonwealth. I appreciate these extra episodes but I'm feeling like the only one that's gonna be epic in 10c is "Here's Negan." "Splinter" may go down as the worst TWD episode of all time. The last episode this bad was when Tara discovered Oceanside. (Season 7, episode 6) I still wonder what happened to Heath. Anyway, I love this show so much so take my word, there is absolutely nothing here that'll move the story forward. Just a little back story on Princess as she suffers a panic attack for 40 minutes. So I gave it a 6/10 and that's being generous.
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Why am I watching this?
kderuy-8242224 March 2021
As a fan, I am far too invested in 'The Walking Dead' to just stop watching at this point. But after this episode, if that's even what you want to call it, I'm on thin ice. This isn't even an episode of the show! It's a random character we just met who is having a delusion in a boxcar for 40 minutes. There is zero point to sitting through this drivel.

Shame on the director, writer, and show runner for this ghastly, horrible episode.
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It's tough to call this character development...
irishviking2125 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've read through a lot of reviews. I'm just not seeing how this is character development. I'm kind of at a loss for words on how to even describe this. For all of you that are making the pandemic excuse, they could have waited, or couldn't they? I guess that's the thing here is that this show has tried and tried to stretch itself out, and it's the end of the road. They realize that the longer they wait, the more viewers they lose to other shows. They can't afford to wait and do it right, they have to cash in on who's left.

This is why you don't get greedy. Look at The Wire, Breaking Bad (the series), Lost, Game of Thrones...there's a reason there weren't 10 seasons. Viewers want it to end even if they don't know it. You'll always want more, but not just for it to be something you can fall asleep to. This show will go down as being one of the best shows that was the last one to know when to leave the party.
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No one cares about these characters because the writing is shiy
curiousbush24 March 2021
At this point I think I'm at the hate watching stage. Ask yourself why no characters have been able to mean as much as s1-3 characters despite 7 more full seasons of opportune development?

I just can't like a show that expects me to care about these horribly written/acted characters, let alone the characters themselves.
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Making the best of a bad hand.
bronzesquib5 July 2021
A good character building episode for Princess that gives us a bit more context for why she acts the way she does instead of just alluding to vague mental health issues and moving on.

The main complaint people appear to have with this episode is that it doesn't advance the overall plot. However, this should not be a surprise to anyone since this is one of the six episodes made during Covid lockdown restrictions, meaning a more in-depth, multi-character episode was untenable.

Whilst it may not be the interrogation episode fans wanted, I believe the writers took a sensible approach in deciding to use the unexpected restrictions as a means to allow Paola Lázaro to flex her acting mucles and show us what makes the latest addition to this ever expanding cast tick. A task that she tackles admirably without ever descending into a charicature, which is no mean feat considering her manic-pixie get-up.

Having watched since season one, I am confident that at least some of the reveals from this episode will also end up paying off in some quieter, inter-personal moments next season.

So, although some viewers may feel robbed of a tense, drama-filled interrogation episode (as if we haven't already had enough variations of those over the past ten seasons) this is a decent character study that continued to lay the foundations for whatever the TV version of this new group is going to be.
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WTF was that?
larrylurex7224 March 2021
That was the worst episode from TWD so far. I couldn't get out of shaking my head.
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bobcobb30130 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show's best days are long gone, but the Princess stuff was actually not that bad here. Kind of interested in her character now.
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Series 10 Ep 20 Boring & Pointless
phil-8373723 March 2021
I've watched all of the Walking Dead, some episodes are better than others, this is one of the worst ever, boring, pointless, dross. A waste of an hour of my life. Hate the filler episodes.
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Character Development is Bad Now I guess
miguel_cruzeiro21 March 2021
None of this 6 bonus episodes will move the story forward people. They aren't meant to. It was done under covid-19 protocols. This episodes are supposed to focus on individual characters and develop them for the Final Season. It's all done so no time is wasted on season 11, and it's necessary and interesting. We're seeing things we never saw from this characters, especially Princess which we barely know.
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Different and focused doesn't mean bad, people
tristan_1919 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
People are complaining because we get a focused and character centric episode ? Well it's been that way since the beginning of 10C...

Gotta give props to the crew for trying, and Paola Lazaro did one heck of a job acting in that one. Great twist, almost Fight Club-ish, learning Ezekiel, Eugene and Yumiko are in fact Princess herself struggling to adapt throughout the episode. And god is the new group scary and dangerous. Hitting on people and getting them on their knees. Kinda reminded me of some other group we know haha. Tensions were high, and I was engaged. I'm not sure if this version of the Commonwealth is good at all. Might be a little twist, and maybe they'll play the ultimate villains for Season 11 ? Anyways, great dive into the psychology of one of our new protagonists.
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Big fat zero
Sushi124 March 2021
This is literally the worst episode in the entire show and the show had lots of awful episodes, so yeah you can imagine how awful.. also you can skip watching, nothing happened at all, besides wasting time.
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Utter Rubbish
izif25 March 2021
Look all you movie / TV aficionados with your 10s and 9s and telling everyone how this is character development and it is a 'covid story'. Who cares. I want a story not acting classes. I am sick to death of season after season of art and spotlight opportunism. If you can't see this is self indulgent bull then you are blind. The original story was good then it became the Actors Playhouse. Give it a rest and tell the damn story. I don't care about this rubbish I want action and a story. This is complete nonsense. I don't think I can take anymore of this tripe.
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Worst episode ever
dingram-129 March 2021
The show has been hit or miss since about season 4, but Splinter was everything bad about TWD wrapped into one show. Dire plot. Boring, and preposterously over-melodramatic. So utterly unwatchable that it has me rooting for the zombies to put an end to them all. Better to have no shows at all than the soap opera drivel they are spinning these days.
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Leofwine_draca18 April 2022
Another episode entirely focused on a supporting character; this time, it's the new one, Princess. Sadly she's completely dull and all this seems to be is people trapped in a railway carriage. Dull!
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Weak dialogues, enormous plot-twist.
emt-5861618 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The walking dead writers really should work on improving the dialogues and the conversations because they're extremely boring and avoide sticking in one place for too long. However, the plot-twists of the princess illusion didn't see coming. Best episode of 10C besides E17? Guess so.
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Yet another cop out for AMC and the writers
brgordon-4164824 March 2021
*Writers*- "should we further the plot?... nah lets just say it never happened".

There were countless opportunities to further the plot AT LEAST a tiny, tiny amount but why would they do that since its just a "bonus episode". "Lets just waste more of our viewers time, think of the money we could make."

AMC and The Walking Dead has become nothing more than all promo, all promise and absolutely no payoff. It's all about the money and the views and they could give less than half a **** about the storyline and the fans.

COVID or not its no excuse. If they can give us what we saw in "One More" than theres no excuse for this trash. They were pulling this Garbage way before COVID!

And 10/10 seriously people? This is really the standard you want out of The Walking Dead rolling into its "Final season" ... ya know minus the spinoff they decided to announce before it was even over giving away the fact that 2 main characters live... again all money money money...

Pathetic. Just pathetic

P.S - This is nothing against Paola Lazaro, she gave a great performance and plays the character super well! This was just yet another case of the writers ruining the great work of the shows talented actors.
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It sure isn't bad, but did you really need it?
contatobegames19 March 2021
The episode serves very well to build the character of the Princess, and it does so in a very short episode, which is not boring and passes quickly, but it is all too slow within the plot. Did I really need a whole episode for that?
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Frustrating writing
dannylee-780828 September 2021
Agree that character development is necessary but like this is NOT the way to go about it. I put it on 1.5x and I still was falling asleep. They certainly had no reason to include this episode. Hard to fathom that this actually aired.
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An ambitious, different and story progressive episode
thesunshinestte18 March 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by the previous episode with Gabriel and Aaron, and this is once again the case in a roller coaster of an episode with Princess in the lead role. Paola Lazaro delivers a brilliant performance, one of the better performances I have seen in recent times. The episode takes place right after the end of 10x16 "A Certain Doom".

Something I have really appreciated in these bonus episodes so far is the writers' ability to go in depth with several of the characters. This time, the mental aspect is in focus, an interesting angle that makes one reflect on whether Princess is mentally stable, what she has experienced earlier in life and what is actually going on. It's just like you as a viewer are present in Princess' head through the actions of the episode, and it feels scary but entertaining at the same time.

All in all, a great fast-paced and creative episode where a new ruthless group was introduced. I look forward to follow this story further into the summer.
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Actually good
diamondsfan19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So the pros of this episode is that we get a deeper look into princesses character which I will hopefully grow to like in the final season most characters are introduced and will get maybe 3 episodes of them and then become a side character we see every 5 episodes but princess has potential to be a important character the next good thing is the setup for the commonwealth arc and I hope the arc is handled well last of all the plot twist caught me off guard and the ending is making me want to see more

The cons are short but I'd say pretty big the episode does not progress the story a lot making it yet another filler and we barely got any screen time with the other 3 characters nothing at all happens with them except a few talks

Overall this episode once again is a mixed bag with some good moments and some moments that remind me of the dark days of twd personally idc if everyone finds this not helpful it's my opinion in the end and I think the show is at a average level of storytelling and character development and needs to improve in its final season if we want this show to be remembered as one of the greats
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Perhaps the worst and episode ever?
jamesprismallfilms24 March 2021
As The Walking Dead goes, the episodes can be known to be incredibly bad this is one of them. I think that I could have entirely skipped this episode out as it didn't add anything to the story.
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carlgarethnorton23 March 2021
Fitting for the walking dead though

I've watched from day 1, so glad it'll be over soon, don't get me wrong, I hope it gets better and a good send off but each season is filled with tedious boring episodes and yes this is a covid episode but id rather just wait until lockdowns are over if this is what they come up with.

The actress who plays Princess did a good job, I just think the writing has been poor for a long time. She's a good character because the actress really brings her to life, shame she wasn't included long ago.

Anyhow, didn't really make sense, I don't even know how they got there, I can't remember if this was hinted at in the last episode featuring this story because it's not a memorable one,
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Worst episode of the walking dead in a while
srushworth23 March 2021
What a boring episode nothing happens! So disappointed when so close to the end of the season that they did this story mostly in Princesses head. I do not like Princesses character she is just awful, no offence to the actor I just think this was a pointless character to add into the show so close to the end.
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