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The end of an era...
lordnimbo26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I accidentally tuned in on this episode, which was fortunate, since it was during the period that Microsoft was trying to destroy its Windows Media Center product by changing the TV-Guide source to one that has incorrect listings.

This episode contains the usual ridiculous dialogue translations, and giant monsters that need to be battled with by Giant Robot, but it also marks the end of the series, with the ultimate sacrifice by Giant Robot to save Johnny and the world.

I believe it is the only occurrence in the series, where Giant Robot disobeys Johnny's commands.

ALSO, since this episode (and the entire series) was produced in 1968, does that mean that all other subsequent animated (or otherwise) 'boy and his robot' movies/shows ripped-off 'this' ending ? Was Johnny Sokko (and his Giant Robot) a ground-breaking show ? (Copied by Hollywood, as they would do with all of the Kurasawa films)

Though it didn't occur, you can tell from the Narrator's final lines, that they kept open the possibility of a future series...
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