"Van Helsing" Novissima Solis (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Good finale thanks to Kelly's return
Lets start off by saying this whole series wasn't a masterpiece. It was a decent vampire series with high and lows and should be judged as such.

I liked this finale mostly due to Kelly being back. Her presence is felt. Most of the episodes without her since the middle of season 4 were bad. I didn't care much for Violett and Jack. I kept on watching mostly hoping she will return. Scarlett in season 2 and 3 was actually more interesting then both of them.

I understand that Kelly gave birth in in 2017 and 2019 this is why she was missing that much.

Tricia Helfer made a great villain. And Axel was a great charter too.

On a final note, I hated their rewrite of history with Abraham Van helsing becoming Jack Van helsing. There was too much male characters becoming female as it is.
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You have to take it at face value.
WordsworthStone4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a big fan of the first two seasons, when it was it still an apocalyptic survivalist drama--a fresh way to approach vampires and zombies. Then it somehow got sideswiped into that petty melodrama. But sometimes, I think that's the SYFY formula; it's well known for generating quality concepts and executing it all wrong. They'll dump a budget into a great science fiction idea/trope in hopes of rallying the hype and the dollars to keep it treading water. And if it didn't go as planned, the A-team and budget gets pulled onto a new project and a B-team salvages maintains sinks. It worked as the original cable television formula, the MTV generation, the precursor to the 'trending generation.' But technology and streaming squashed that habitat and just like the dodo's population waned, you know where I'm going with this. Let's just look back fondly at the network that brought us: this, The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG, Krypton, Continuum, The Magicians (need i go on?) just beloved shows they couldn't afford to follow through with, even though the shows lives, if not, thrives, on reruns and streaming. At least they followed this to a series finale.


TL;DR. The big question is, what happened with the backdoor pilot regarding the Sisterhood? They going to make us wait until Netflix or Amazon picks it up? History says, yes.
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pauli_gomez26 August 2021
It was a decent finale, wrapping things and allowing some open ending, but I did not like the ending of many of the characters, including Vanessa herself. Many things may no sense, though. It the inner logic had been best, the rating would have been 9, as it was entertaining and cool to watch.
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Wrapped up with a good finale
rslade-7728127 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I thought was really good. It wrapped up the entire series quite nicely. I love how everything tied in the past and present and how Dracula still got to have family in the end. Axel watching over Vanessa coming full circle, I thought was great. Very satisfying for a series finale. The only thing that's left me to question was Ivory leaving Jack. It made me feel like perhaps the writers introduce that story line at the end, in case they wanted to make her character a spin-off show. Unknown if that is the case? Overall though excellent ending!
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Calicodreamin18 July 2021
A decent season finale, bringing in some fun cameos. The final battle royale was more witchcraft then vampire, but that's okay. Storylines were wrapped up and some open endings left for the audience to mull over. An ending the series deserved.
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Overall - I liked this finale episode
PaxD7512 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked how they wrapped everything up and the mostly happy endings. Too much in the way of superpowers in the final battle. The series was never about that but I guess you needed an amped-up Vanessa to deal with what was really a supernatural evil entity.

It makes sense that Vanessa became a vessel although I would have preferred her living in the physical world. She had lost so much in the physical world, went through so much, was created (essentially) for battle.

Her life in the real world might have been emotionally, psychologically difficult. So creating this kind of pseudo world was probably the best therapy for her (for now).

Loved them bringing back Vanessa's daughter (and the emotional scene between mother and daughter). The loss of her daughter nearly broke her (or might've broken her in time). That's why this pseudo-world is so important for Vanessa now.

I especially loved seeing Callie. It made the entire episode for me. That girl is a survivor!
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Good ending
matthewnorthfield28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After what I think was a pretty terrible season, this one made up for it. Very good ending R. I. P Vanessa Van Helsing.
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UGH. They just Mary Sued it. What a disappointment.
zedon7328 June 2021
It's over thankfully. The first season was good and the 2nd alright and then I pretty much hate watched it the rest of the way, hoping it would get better. Similar to TWD it lost its way. Why can't any of these shows keep their flow. It feels like they changed show runners after the 2nd season. Virtually nothing about the end of this show was about vampires or vampire hunters, it was more like super heros or wizards fighting. Plus all of the interesting characters except Axel were gone long ago. Everyone who worked on writing and directing this show should be ashamed of themselves, it's like they gave up half way through the run and were forced to follow some weird agenda. I feel sorry for the actors, even the bad ones. At least they got to end it, kudos to syfy for that, it ended quick thankfully and didn't drag it on for 10 years.

Season 1 8/10 Season 2 7/10 Season 3 3/10 Season 4 1/10 Season 5 2/10.
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After 4 attempts since 2021 finally got to the end & so glad it's over
nicwinklepicker15 March 2024
Thank God it's over. Words I rarely use to describe a TV Series that started off so promising to a Sci-fi fan. This is the fourth time I've attempted to watch past season 3, just to be able to see how it ends. It was a hard slog watching the show deteriorate and many a time I wanted to yell at the screen at the characters stupidity (due to the shoddy writing). If the amulet was so important why did Vi and Jack have it on display? Tuck that necklace under your shirts!!! Good grief....the only light at the end of a long drawn out tunnel was the return of Vanessa - who luckily escaped the last 2 seasons, a well timed pregnancy by the actress!
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