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Confusing but watchable
Rodrigo_Amaro15 August 2012
First of all, Luke Treadaway brought me here, otherwise I would probably never heard about the film or watch it. Too bad he's in it for like four or five scenes that at my view didn't add nothing to the already confusing story. Still love you, man!

This is what I've got from watching this short film. "God's Wounds" tells us a strange story about a happy rural community that has its peace broken after the arrival of an animal rights groups named God's Wounds that threats the local workers of a animal testing facility, accusing them of animal cruelty. In between the protests and the ferocious fight back led by one the angry workers, there's some moments involving a new girl in town (Emily Beecham) and her talks with the young people from the place, things unclear to me. And there's something wrong with the strawberries, also unclear to me.

Soundtrack is great, the weirdness of "God's Wounds" and it's thematic of people who only have terrible jobs to work on having to deal with protesters and threats is part of the appeal of it. Something tells me that is some sort of 'film test' where the director filmed only those 15 minutes of film trying to impress investors into making it into a larger project, that got lost in the way. And there's so much that could be made here since it holds our attention and excitement for a while then it suddenly ends with no conclusions. A little confusing but watchable. 6/10
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