Into the Deep (2020) Poster


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Surprised this doesn't have a higher score...
alexrparr11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a crazy story and the documentary isn't organised with any shocks about what happened next, it just goes in to more detail about the terrible things that happened. You couldn't make up the story or the footage that the documentary makers got. The last footage from madsen at the end is chilling. Here was a guy who knew exactly what he was up to and wasn't a million miles away from getting away with it. Sometimes the real world is just as strange as fiction, and part of me thinks that madsen played his part here in giving the documentary makers a real life movie to show. Sickening to the core that these people exist on planet earth.
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Monster of the deep.
Dark_Forces18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've no idea what the complaints are about, looking the the reviews. It's seems most of the disappointment is levelled at the movie not being as a good as other docs they've seen on this subject. This tale is unique in several disturbing ways. The makers of the documentary set out to record a team of wannabe amateur engineers build a 'spacecraft". Instead, in retrospect they were recording the planning and execution of an appalling murder of an innocent woman. What you watch in this film, turned out to be Exhibit 'A' in the trial and was the main reason this creep was eventually put away. We see the team go from supportive disbelief to shock, to the acceptance that a good friend was an unimaginable monster.

Highly recommended.

RIP, Kim Wall. X.
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Compelling viewing
fergal-952-2151542 October 2022
This is a chilling exposé of a sociopath at work. In every frame of this absorbing documentary you cannot help but question the real motives of everything Peter Madsen says and does. Of course, hindsight is a wonderful thing and you really feel empathy for the cast of characters caught up in his web of deceit.

The producers and director do a great job weaving the characters (effectively innocent bystanders) to the main plot. The director also manages to ratchet up the tension as we get nearer and nearer to the already known, but still feared, denouement.

This is a great piece of documentary work by the same producers who gave us the equally absorbing Amanda Knox story.
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philstrachan2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's an ok documentary, i felt it missed a lot of details that have previously been disclosed in other documentaries. There were times I felt it was being padded for time instead of using that time with interviews with police, criminal psychologists, prosecution and others involved. Most psychopaths like Peter rarely "just start" and usually have a history of other events in their lives. More background on him would have been interesting. Forensic experts could have been interviewed about their discoveries and findings. Her friend is well covered, perhaps too much, but you must have empathy for her as she'll live with the "what ifs?" for the rest of her life. I feel there could have been so much more put into this. It's a fair tribute to the victim although not much about her and her journey to produce her project was covered in much depth - why did she choose Peter as her subject? Was she targeted by him specifically or was she just very unlucky to be the woman, that he was obviousky going to do this to, in the wrong place at the right time?
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This documentary fails to show very important events. The dramatization in HBO's "The Investigation" is clearly the better choice.
Erik_Surewaard30 September 2022
This is not the first time that I see a crime show or documentary about the "submarine murder" done by Peter Madsen.

The dramatization in the 5-part "The Investigation", made me first aware of the events that happened. And I should say that it is far superior to this documentary that is just released by Netflix.

This documentary misses a lot of the events that were instrumental in the complete story. Events like either the extremely difficult task to lift the boat from the seabed or the mindboggling search for the body-parts using blood hounds from another country were not even covered in this documentary. And it is exactly these unlikely events that make this murder case unique.

I therefore recommend that you instead watch the above-mentioned crime show "The Investigation". You will be way more informed of what really happened.

All-in-all, I could therefore not really be surprised by this newly released documentary on Netflix. Although it is a decent documentary, I got the impression that during the last 30 minutes much "filler-material" was used to get to a 1.5 hour target duration. Especially the scenes of a woman with curly red hair - a volunteer that worked for Madsen - were totally out-of-place. She was suggesting that it must have been her that was the original target of Madsen, thereby putting all focus on herself instead of the real victim. I found that a bit disrespectful.

I should note that this documentary peeked my interest more towards the space-race between Madsen's rocket company and the neigbouring "Copenhagen Suborbitals". The story between those two companies was the most interesting of the complete documentary.

In the end I would rate this documentary with 5.6 stars, which I round up to 6 stars.
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Needed to be a lot shorter & missed the point
mctiernan3411 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It could have been a very interesting documentary but the director seems more interested in a co worker & "friend" of Peter Madsen than in the death of the actual journalist which is a serious flaw in the film. She is emphasised far too much - she wasn't the victim but is almost portrayed as one. There is no real mystery either. It felt overly long and drawn out to expand the running time.

There are aspects of the story that should have been covered for instance why did Kim suddenly leave her going away party to go on a submarine ride with Peter? We get a fleeting idea of who this woman is which seems odd to me considering the story is about her murder.

The most interesting part is the creepy interviews of Peter himself who is clearly very odd.

Overall the docu could have been better.
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Compelling case but could be condensed into a much shorter show
AdamJACox11 October 2022
I didn't know the case beforehand and haven't looked further in to it subsequently so i cannot comment on the accuracy of the documentary and whether key information has been missed or excluded but overall it's an okay documentary, that does cover the accused in detail and ticks all the boxes in terms of explaining how he had means, motive and opportunity that said it feels very dragged out to cover a 90 minute time frame.

The case instantly grabs your attention in building up a mystery. A fairly well known inventor and a journalist are onboard a submarine, which disappears (found wrecked, sort of) and the journalist is reported missing but it becomes very clear that there is only one person of interest in this case and although he doesn't outright say it, the fact he changes his story so often based on the evidence he is confronted with, almost certainly confirms his actions.

Very little is told about the victim, other than she was a journalist who was moving the following week. The documentary spends most of its time covering the accused through the use of interviews and talking about his background developing submarines and rockets.

It's only really revealed late on what his motivations for committing the crime were and how psychologically messed up he was (could have revealed this stuff earlier, as you spend most of the documentary wondering why? Why did he do this? Was it planned? Etc. But i guess there would be no reason to continue watching i guess).
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Disjointed but Incredible Story
fmartin-2139418 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard about the Kim Wall case years ago when it happened and had followed the news surrounding the murder. You couldn't come up with this stuff: experimental engineering group trying to send a rocket into space led by a secret sadomasichist who lured and murdered a young journalist in his handmade submarine. Just crazy. Once he was convicted, I kind of fell off any updates. It's incredible that a documentary following the group's mechanical achievements was already in the works when the murder happened. The movie then switched its focus to the case at hand. Because the murder is arguably more interesting than the rocket ship, the documentary features more about that and glosses over what this organization was originally working on, which I was disappointed in because I would have liked to understand them better. Then my chief complaint is that the movie jump back and forth in time very frequently, dizzying the viewer and confusing them if they miss the title card noting when the upcoming footage was shot. I understand starting with the murder to hook the viewer in, but it's just relentless with the jumps throughout the feature. But I do appreciate learning a lot of new, and honestly super creepy details about the case. The pacing also speeds along well and never drags. I would recommend this documentary for true crime fans and possibly those interested in engineering, but am noting that it's light on the engineering-side.
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Enthralling and Disturbing
statchmo-317-16208612 April 2023
"Into the Deep" is basically a documentary about someone filming a documentary only to find out that the subject of their documentary is not at all what they seem. It's a true story, and as it unfolded in the film, I realized I had vague memories of reading about the events in the news but never heard how it all played out. The way this documentary is structured and paced, incrementally revealing more and more about what happened, kept me enthralled but simultaneously disturbed. Whoever cut this thing together knew just where to place some of the most bizarrely incriminating film footage that was shot when everyone thought they were just making a nice little film about an eccentric inventor with dreams of glory, as opposed to unwittingly documenting a narrative that is more suited to a Hitchcock film or maybe a Stephen King novel.
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Evil in Plain Sight
helenroberts-9974431 December 2023
I was broadly familiar with this murder, having been aware of it at the time it occurred. I wasn't aware of this documentary but someone mentioned it was on Netflix and worth watching, so I did.

Its an amazing coincidence (or not? - when did he know he would commit a crime, was he leaving easter eggs for the audience - it is weird) that there was a film crew in tow following Madsen right up until the day of the murder.

It was good in the sense that it showed how creepy Madsen was, hiding in plain sight, basically telling people what he was and what he was going to do, and no one noticed. It also showed the impact of his crime on all his interns and collaborators, who had recognised he was eccentric but had trust in him in terms of delivery of their project.

I understand that some of the people in the film were not happy about the final product and some voices and faces may have been changed using AI. I am really confused about that, the woman whose face is supposedly different just looks like she has a soft filter on, so I am not sure if her face is completely different or that slight blurriness is the effect. I'd actually be half tempted to google her to find out what she looks like to understand the nature of the special effect they have used, which probably defeats the object of them altering her appearance.

What was lacking was information about Kim Wall, there was barely anything, not even really proper photos, she is the victim, I would like to know a bit more about her. Also we never saw what the inside of the submarine was like.

Also, though some might not agree, for completion, I would like to know what they think happened on that submarine, a timeline of events, but there was nothing. He clearly just planned to get any female on there and kill them, and he basically told the girl who may have been his intended victim, that he had a plan, I would like to know, what happened. Did he drug her to incapacitate her? I don't know and when it comes to keeping safe from evil, it is useful to understand their methods. The actual event was not much of a feature of this documentary, it was just before and then briefly after and some reporting of the court case.

I feel like this documentary prompts more questions than it answers for a viewer who broadly knew of the murder but doesn't know all the details.
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A Disturbing News Story, but A Weak Documentary
MogwaiMovieReviews7 October 2022
I'd never heard of this incident before, but had the film recommended to me so I went in blind, without reading reviews or searching for the story on the web.

But it turns out there was no need for me to do that at all: there *was* no mystery; the murder of the title is solved in the first 15 minutes, and then it's all just interviews and flashbacks to previous interviews that don't increase our understanding or add anything meaningful or new. There is no progression from one point to anywhere else, so it's actually all just very repetitive and boring.

On top of that, there just seems to be something *off* about the people involved: if someone had told me it was a mockumentary (or part mockumentary), I would have believed them, because everyone's talking seems stilted and... rehearsed? I don't know if that's because most of the people are Danish and so needed to clarify and self-translate their own thoughts into English before speaking, but it really reminded me of the 'Catfish' film from years ago, in which some parts had to have been recreated and acted out after the fact.

Something feels false, anyway, and we never get beneath the surface of anyone in the film, or ever feel that we've gotten to the heart of anything important and true, so the final judgement has to be that this is an interesting murder case turned into a very dull, amateurishly-made and largely pointless documentary.
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The end really kicks you
annaosetroff5 March 2023
I thought this was a fabulous documentary. No it wasn't your typical who done it crime documentary but that's the point! This film maker stumbles into a psychopaths world unknowingly, yeah its personal and not only police facts but that's what's so heartbreaking about it all! I can't imagine how Emma watched the rushes back and cut this into a film without losing her mind. Such a wild story and that final shot, sheeshh! I literally feel sick after finishing watching this, I now need to go watch some trash tv so I can sleep tonight. Well done team, a very well made film from a very different perspective.
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A unique hook
Leofwine_draca20 July 2023
Another Netflix true crime documentary, this time with a feature-length running time of an hour and a half. Even that feels a bit padded towards the end. Apparently there were some problems with consent which meant this was withdraw from viewing for a while and re-released with one of the participants' face obscured, which is a little distracting. However, it's still as engrossing as most true crime stories. The real hook is, of course, that a documentary film crew just happened to be filming the participants even before the murder took place, so we get to see Peter Madsen as an 'ordinary', pre-crime figure, one who bears all the trademarks of psychopathy.
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R.I.P Kim Wall
ruthdean-4704913 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I followed this case a long while before I even knew this documentary was going to be released. It was a shocking and somewhat fascinating case where a man of such genius could be capable of the things he did to such an innocent woman. That being said I was prepared for this documentary to shine a lot of light on the events that took place at sea the day Kim Wall was brutally murdered. Instead we get...... this.

For starters the timeline is everywhere. Hops from the day of the murder, to 2 weeks before, to 7 months after, to 11 months before and during this time you know this scum of the earth and dictator Peter Madsen has committed this terrible crime and instead of showing the events that took place in the aftermath I have to go back 11 months and watch him be idolized and making a freaking rocket? At that point I don't give a damn. How are you going to insinuate someone decapitated an innocent woman and then force us to rewind and watch him be praised? They didn't even go into details about the ACTUAL murder and the severity of it. I felt like I watched a documentary on " the wonderful Peter Madsen and all his accomplishments, oh and also he killed a chick." So disrespectful to the family and loved ones of Kim Wall- not to mention the poor saps of interns and volunteers that actually followed and believed in this man.

Also the fake face CGI? Really? Just blur it. We don't even know who this woman (not referring to the victim) is or care who she is for that matter and she ends up being a massive part of the documentary. The lack of the victim shown in this film is honestly sick.
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Why is this not getting higher ratings?
niskehler11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is an masterpiece! It is not a mystery story with an surprising twist but more a well-crafted unsettling peak into the mind of a psychopath during the planning of a, now famous, cruel act.

This documentary has, by pure coincidence, been present and witnessing Peter Madsen almost confessing his crime in advance. It is a truly disturbing but also mesmerizing experience.

Me being danish I of course heard numerous stories about this murder and even though I am not a fan putting the spotlight on a attention seeking needy person as Peter Madsen, and even though I believe that the victim, Kim Wall, was a much more interesting and important person that her perpetrator I still think this story is an relevant one to tell.
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Very poorly directed and portrayed.
Top_Dawg_Critic6 October 2022
This docufilm was very poorly directed and portrayed. It was all over the place and the constant timeline changes did nothing to improve the viewing experience. It actually confused the the entire story and I'm not sure why that direction was chosen. The 90 min runtime dragged on and felt much longer. It's a generous 5/10 from me. This docufilm was very poorly directed and portrayed. It was all over the place and the constant timeline changes did nothing to improve the viewing experience. It actually confused the the entire story and I'm not sure why that direction was chosen. The 90 min runtime dragged on and felt much longer.
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iiscotty2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To be making a documentary about an eccentric inventor leading up to the point of murder is remarkable. To continue this with the people who were around him, close friends, potential victims and see the realisation dawn upon them is truly astounding. It's rather exceptional the film maker maintained such a rapport with these people whereby they go on camera sharing their conflicting emotions. No doubt the filmmaker was going through the same dread and disbelief being present at the time sharing this horrid experience with them. Peter Madsen conducted himself with such duplicity, this is an extraordinary dark journey but an important one.
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A poor production
pietclausen31 October 2022
If one doesn't know anything of this happening in 2017, this production is just a compilation of discussions of no real interest. It is inconsequentially put together, thus the viewer is seeing scenes before and after the fact, all jumbled up. It would have been of better use with a proper beginning and what happened and how it ends. If I didn't know this event really happened, I would have stopped watching it almost immediately. What the viewer gets is what he or she deserves for watching yet another Netflix documentary of no value at all. It is not even worth having to type at least 600 characters to say so.
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Good Documentary
mf28122 October 2022
I had never heard of this story beforehand, but it was a really well put together documentary. It literally takes you down the road from a seemingly eccentric guy who's actually done a "TED Talks" episode on his adventures, to a well and truly snapped person. There are a few characters who recall in hindsight some startlingly strange conversations and text messages on the days leading up to the event and there is guilt felt from a few, but there's no way in hell they could have imagined in their wildest dreams that this crime would go down. I cannot imagine how scared the reporter Kim Wall must have felt when the s#*t hit the fan.
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There is something off...
phoebecward27 November 2022
Something about this 'documentary' seems really fake. The people seem like actors reading an exaggerated script, some of the camera angles seem staged and one of the people's faces I am convinced is deep faked. They did say this particular person were played by an actor to protect the actual person...but together with my other examples, I think this is a mockumentary.

The subject is interesting and it had potential as a great documentary but the production makes me distrust that it's a real story. But my heart goes out to any of the victims and their families for the crime and subsequent publicity it has caused.
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How Not to Commit A Murder
rbrb4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A reporter doing a story about a submarine entrepreneur unwittingly comes across a real murder.

The events arose in Denmark and the film is compelling .

By the end -if not before -it is clear that the murderer is deranged and dangerous.

I am not surprised he was found guilty as the evidence taken as a whole was more than sufficient to convict him as a murderer.

In a round about way the killer on camera more or less admits his guilt even before he commits his crime!

Not only is he crazy but also he is very stupid and a danger to the public.

The production does a good job of presenting the story in a interesting way.

7 and a half, rounded up:

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Poor Film Making That Just Leaves You Angry
nathancarey-446643 December 2022
I never write reviews. Can't be arsed. But this has left me feeling angry so feel compelled. This story could have been told so differently and I am so surprised this has been made by a female director. It's as if there's no victim of this crime. The only heartache shown is of those who were Peter's friends, all of which feel sorry for themselves and at having lost Peter as their leader. All are completely unlikable for it. None of them show any remorse that they may have been able to stop this from happening in the first place. Are they all that thick that they couldn't spot the clues? Emma even ends the film with a rant she filmed from Peter that said enough. If I was related to Kim Wall in any way I would be fuming. Really poor judgement and telling of what is a fascinating story.
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This is a very important documentary
danielstorm199322 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the footage from this documentary was used in the real investigation of the murder. So we should all acknowledge that it is a really good thing that these people set out to make a documentary about this guy in the first place. The documentary was originally about Peter Madsen and his space program, however the director was there at "the right time and place" and was able to record the murderer the day before everything went down. The documentary is however not for people with very visual imagination. I felt very bad after watching the movie. However the film is really well told, and contains some creepy clips. Apparently another girl who was supposed to go down with Peter Madsen before Kim Wall, was featured in the film and she had an AI altered face and voice. I think this is fine and I dont think i ruins the film. The only thing I really missed in the film was some more background on Peter Madsen, why did he turn out to be a murder and so on. However I think this documentary gives a very good historic perspective on Peter Madsens behavior, space program and the months before and after the killing. 8/10.
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Great Topic poorly executed by Netflix
Well where do I start basically this is a great topic for a documentary unfortunately Netflix does what they do with all their documentaries and that is drag it out with useless go nowhere information you watch the first 5 minutes and it tells you basically what the premises is.. journalist disappears with creepy submarine dude then the rest of the documentary is just filler nothing of importance nothing at all and then the last 10 minutes is pretty much what happened in between is just random stock footage and two women who are clearly hamming it up for the cameras it's a massive epic fail again for Netflix like so many Netflix Docos I mean I get it you want to drag it out but if you've only got another topic for a 30-minute documentary make a 30 min documentary don't stretch it out for an hour and a half I mean I've said it before I'll say it again with it comes to Netflix if you look at the Netflix documentary series and it's nine episodes you know it's only got about 4 good episodes the rest of it is just stretched out with garbage if it's a 2-hour documentary you know it's only gonna be good for an hour that's the Netflix way.

Again it's a shame because this could have been a really interesting documentary but it's just boring at times it is just a go nowhere pointless bore fest it is literally at best a 30 minute documentary that's all but Netflix stretched it out for an hour and a half.
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I had no idea there was an Aussie doco crew filming when she went missing
mark-494664 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was compelling viewing. You get an insight into the man and the people around him before, during and after the incident.

I haven't seen any other videos on this and so this was the first time I got to see this in depth. Was very obvious that he was a obviously a psychopath and very manipulative. Even the people around him that trusted him seemed to quickly realise he was capable of what he was accused of.

There were many times I was left with my mouth open aghast at what I was watching or hearing. So very sad what happened to her and it's clear she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Fascinating doco.
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