"Evil" N Is for Night Terrors (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


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Pretty good start to season 2.
brianearley2528 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't bored at all. I did laugh at the added profanity. You could tell it was added because Kristens mouth says something else. Very funny. It's a different show and that's what I like. Plus Herbers is awesome as always. Good start.
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Feliz Navidad!
wellwisger21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect episode. Totally worth the wait. Also it's good Ben is not just comic relief anymore.
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Great start to season 2!
bonera21 June 2021
Probably my favourite episode to date! Re-watched the last ep of season 1 as its been that long and this opens up seconds later. Michael Emerson is great as usual but all the cast are outstanding really. Some great scary parts but I really loved the humour - I actually found this episode funnier than most supposed comedies. The humour is fitted in perfectly too - doesn't get in the way of the drama and unexpected when it happens. Its been a long wait for the 2nd season but its more than worth it!
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Incredibly Pointless & Boring
Cobra_7724 June 2021
17 months after the last episode, we get an insanely boring episode featuring Michael Emerson's annoying face looking into cameras to scare Shakir the useless tech guy, and to taunt Katja Herbers, by letting her know that he knows she is a murderer.

Like usual, Herbers is the dumbest character in the show. After she murders a guy who threatened her nasty kids, she tells Shakir that a cross burned her hand, and then confesses to her lame therapist about it too. Soon she will post pictures on her Facebook page.

Herbers' vile kids are not screaming at the top of their lungs in this episode, and that is a blessing. However was previously hinted that one of her kids may have been manipulated by the satanic pediatric office.

That nasty kid is now growing fangs, which leads the moronic Herbers to take the kid to a regular dentist even after the kid bleeds all over her house and bathroom. This show would be better if it was about the Department of Children and Families taking her kids into foster care.

The best actor in this silly swill is Mike Colters, and he is in this episode for about two minutes. Evil has been going downhill fast, and this episode is proof that this show has no direction.
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This Show Blows
Good_Guy7725 June 2021
Michael Emerson's mousy face is hard to take when this episode is all about close-ups of him. Even Ben the useless tekkie spends every night looking at Emerson, because he put a spy camera in Emerson's apartment. Just watching what may be the most boring TV episode in television history caused me to develop a satanic hemorrhoid in my buttocks. It looks like Michael Emerson.

If you want to waste your life, go out to the sewage treatment plant and watch the sewage get processed. It is better than this garbage.
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