"The Umbrella Academy" The Swedish Job (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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A sadly relevant episode.
maxglen16 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is quite fantastic. Plenty of action and a lot of very important character moments. Alyson finally uses her powers to save her husband in an extremely uncomfortable and upsetting scene which although takes place in the 60s is still quite a present issue in modern society. Luther gets his heart broken and allows himself to feel those emotions in a very visceral scene. Lila, unbeknownst to Diego is basically a spy for the Handler. Klaus is on a mission to save David from enlisting in the war and heading for certain death and Vanya is in the Swede's crosshairs as she begins to be given pieces of her past by her brother's. Wonderfully written instalment.
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"Snatch" nod for sure!
kep-8985130 August 2020
The episode was all around great, the show continues to tie relevant real world situations in to its time shifting story line. And the end was absolutely a nod to Guy Ritchie's movie "Snatch". Its one of my favorite scenes ever from any movie.. I started singing "Golden Brown" right when it would have started in the movie and then it kicked on in the show... gave me chills. Great ending and such a phenomenal little Easter egg.
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Good episode
aboalhyjaa31 July 2020
Whenever i watch a thing that talks about how black people were used to be treated back in days in usa it hurts me a lot. But lets talk about the episode, wow,wow and wow. Who would thought the ending though !!
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An episode with an important message
msmramsr31 July 2020
The 3rd episode highlights the social issues being experienced from the past, which I believe it is still occuring nowadays especially racism and police brutality. This episode is outstanding because there are a lot of emotions being showed by the actors. One thing also I'm curious about is the big revelation in the ending scene of this episode. Every episode keeps getting better and better and I cannot wait to watch the next episode.
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This Is My Powerful Episode Review 🙌
sophialorraine194 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To be clear, this is my episode review not my series review. Though as far as stars 🌟 go, it's a 10/10 for me on this series and this episode. The reason why I am choosing to also leave a review for this episode was because of the importance of it and the message is has. The mirroring images of 1963 Dallas to 2020 Austin, Texas (where I am located), sent shivers down my spine.

I was crying when they were in the diner getting harrassed and called names. Having sugar poured on their heads. It was terrible and I just kept thinking how sad that must have been. Then... then the scene slowly morphed into something that I recognized. Something that I have seen on person, from a distance, but in 2020. It it impacted me in a way I didn't think possible.

The message in this episode is clear. Everyone should be treated equally and systematic racism has to stop. Police brutality, regardless of race, needs to stop ✋! And it can start where it's at it's worst, with people of color. It's 2020, not 1963. I should have never seen that reenactment and thought to myself "this looks do familiar ".
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Did anyone else notice the "Snatch" connections?
Samthebrave23 August 2020
While the optimist in me would like to think it's an homage to Guy Ritchie, the portrayal/shots/music choice at the end of the episode of the bare knuckle boxing match almost seem like borderline plagiarism/copyright infringement of Snatch. Just a thought.

"Family barbeques are about to get real weird." Great line.
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Reunions and Protests
chase18fiore3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably my favorite episode so far. I am really happy it isn't taking too long for the Hargreeves to reunite. Although, it's kind of silly they never ran into each other prior. Other than the reunions, the strongest part of the episode was Allison's storyline. Being a black woman from 2019, it's understandable Allison would become a key player in the Civil Rights Movement. It's an especially powerful topic considering the present BLM action. I wonder how Allison and Ray's relationship will change now that he knows there's more to her than meets the eye, and since Allison knows Luther is still alive. Klaus also tracked down Dave, and my heart was exploding. It probably isn't a great idea for Klaus to get involved, but how can you blame him? Vanya's powers awakening was so epic, and I'm shocked she believed everything Five said so easily. I want to know more about Lila's connection to The Handler as well. I doubt she's really her biological mother, but this makes Lila untrustworthy nonetheless.
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This is my favorite episode so far
epiczico1 August 2020
Lots of great things in this episode with the twist being very nice. We get to see where Klaus and Ben have been for the past three years and his cult, I was really sad when he met Dave and it has a reason for him to leave San Francisco to go back to Dallas. Luther and Rays part was also very enjoyable. Allison's part was really shocking and quite scary at the same time and Luther part at the end was also gear fun to watch. All in all Best episode in the series so far.
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Gut wrenching
tsidney25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots going on in this episode. The hardest part was the diner scene. I can't imagine the atmosphere on set before during and after that was completed. It must have been incredibly emotional for all those involved. The brutality and pure ignorance that went on then is unfathomable and watching it made my heart hurt.
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Less Ellen Page, Better It Is
Oktay_Tuna5 August 2020
I didn't like the first two episodes, I thought they were bland and nothing really exciting with bad visual effects. But in this episode the relationships between our superheroes change a lot and the episode had interesting themes inside about Klaus and Alison. I hope the season will continue this way. Also am I the only one who finds Ellen Page so irritating, her character is not that bad but the way she plays it really touches my nerves.
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Hitchcoc23 September 2023
If it were not for the fact that the characters begin to have epiphanies this would be just a commentary on the sixties and the Civil Rights Movement. Allison is faced with a husband she has loved, who is lost because she has to use her special power to save him. Luther finally comes through. He has been a thorn in the side of the entire movement. Diego thinks things are getting straightened out when he engages with Lila, but we are let in for quite a surprise as the episode ends. Overall the best of the episode overwhelms the few weaknesses. I guess the forces are nearly back together to do whatever it is they do.
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Calicodreamin18 August 2021
While some cinematic moments and interesting plot developments, most of the characters are still wandering and the overall storylines are disjointed.
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ggsdcxk6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Its a tribute or a copy of the movie Snatch? One thing its that you have an inffluence and the other one its to copy the music and scenes.
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Great episode..
J0RWAL5 September 2021
A great episode that brings to light the evil that existed in our society.

It's sad that something so lesser like racism influenced so many people.
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Family Reunions and Timeline Twists
Abdulxoxo25 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 3 had its fair share of ups and downs for me. On the bright side, the narrative continues to pull us deeper into the tangled web of our beloved siblings' lives. The entertainment value is definitely there; the show maintains its quirky, offbeat charm that I've come to enjoy. The group is slowly inching closer to reuniting, and that's something I've been eagerly waiting for. However, there are a few things that didn't quite hit the mark for me in this episode, especially when it comes to pacing and some of the plot choices.

Let's start with what I liked. There's a definite sense of forward momentum as the group edges closer to getting back together. Seeing them interact, even in brief encounters, brings back that familiar family dynamic that's both chaotic and endearing. Diego's escape from the mental hospital, aided by Lila, was a highlight. The chemistry between them is good, and there's a sense that Lila's character is going to be more significant than I initially thought. Her reveal as someone with a potentially deeper connection to the Handler is intriguing, even though we're still in the dark about how exactly the Handler ended up in this timeline.

Speaking of characters, I'm also enjoying how each sibling's storyline is being fleshed out. Vanya's continued amnesia is an interesting plot device. Her relationship with Sissy is sweet. I'm just hoping it doesn't drag on too long because, let's be honest, we all know she's bound to remember who she really is sooner or later. Allison's involvement with the civil rights movement is a meaningful storyline that grounds her character in something real and important. Meanwhile, Luther's subplot is starting to feel a bit isolated from the rest. I get that he's wallowing in self-pity and regret, but I'd love to see him re-engage with the rest of the family and the larger plot.

Klaus' interactions with his cult followers are comedic gold, and yet there's an underlying sadness to his character that adds a layer of depth. I like how the show balances these different tones so well. The show thrives on these character-driven moments, and Episode 3 is no exception.

But here's where things start to get a bit shaky for me. The pacing felt a bit off in this episode. At times, it dragged, and I found myself waiting for something significant to happen.. I'm all for character development, but there were moments that felt like filler rather than meaningful progression.

And then there's the JFK storyline. I mentioned this in my previous review, but I have to bring it up again because it's becoming even more central to the plot. I'm not entirely sold on it. I understand why it's there; it adds a historical anchor and creates a sense of urgency. But at the same time, it feels like the show is leaning too heavily on this one historical event. It's a bit overdone at this point, and I'd rather see the narrative explore more of its own original elements rather than relying on real-world history to drive the plot forward.

The Handler's sudden appearance in this timeline is another sticking point for me. We still don't know how she managed to pop up here, and while I'm all for a bit of mystery, I wish we had a few more breadcrumbs to follow. It's one thing to keep us guessing, but it's another to leave us completely in the dark. I'm hoping future episodes will shed some light on this because right now, it feels a bit too convenient for my taste.

All in all, Episode 3 had some strong moments, particularly in terms of character development and setting up future conflicts. The siblings are slowly but surely finding their way back to each other, which is always fun to watch. But I'm hoping the plot picks up the pace in the coming episodes and steers away from the overused historical tropes.
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chadurban7 August 2020
So far this season is nothing more than a weak rehash of the 1st. Thanks for the history lesson on racism and women empowerment of the 1960s, it was sooo exciting! This show has gone downhill fast. Weak story and writing, every episode feels like they are stalling for time till the season finale.
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Weak sauce
jeroen-10626 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like season 1, the writers just do what the hell they please. They don't give themselves any constraints, so they don't have to write themselves out of situations in a smart way.

The result: two-dimensional characters and us never worrying about the outcome of any given situation or caring about any character because it's all nonsense stacked upon nonsense anyway.

When things get emotional, they become melodramatic. This is just adolescent, deep-fried, overstuffed snack content.

Also, those IKEA-mobsters with white hair seem to be remarkable incompetent in their only task to kill superheroes.

And the "nod" to Snatch to me felt like plagiarism, because they didn't do anything smart with it. They just carbon copied it. Sad.
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Why is so depressive ??? I mean, it's boring ok, but, is it also depressive? come on!
jere_zabala21 December 2020
I dont get how any smart person could rank this with more than 1, probably one of the biggest misteries in the universe.
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