Children of the Snow (TV Mini Series 2019) Poster

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Very Informative
chrissy-332833 July 2020
It was a good documentary for a case I have grown up hearing about. Gave in-depth information about a 30+ year old serial children murder. I don't want to take away from the families pain from losing their children, especially in such a horrific way. My heart and prayers goes out to the families. But what I don't like is the fact the City of Detroit had very little to do with the murder but the documentary constantly showed scenes of the city. Cass Corridor is full of abandoned buildings owned by people outside of detroit, many are or were Macomb and Oakland county residents. Since Cass Corridor was so "prominent" in this documentary I hope another will be made about the missing black children from Detroit. Oakland County is not a suburb located within Detroit, it is a suburb of Detroit (Metro Detroit) which is outside the Detroit City limits. The residence of these suburbs have intentionally segregated themselves from Detroit and its residence, so why give the illusion of Oakland being Detroit to viewers who may not know any better. Probably should have shown shots of the Silverdome, Pine Knob, or how about anything north of 8 mile road. It's irritating and quite gross that the suburban communities always wants to be associated with the city ONLY when something bad happens. It's unfair to a city that was abandoned in the 1960's by a lot of theses suburbanites as well a made a "ghetto" by the suburbanite slum lords. Detroit is Wayne County!
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3hrs to tell this story?
joleneblessing3 May 2022
This is an important story that could be told in an hour. The repetitive cycling of the same dialogue for three hours is a regret. Really bad. Ridiculous enough to be offended.
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It was a good documentary but very sad.
salisha-500204 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am glade they created this show to get what had happened out there into the eyes and ears of others. I am sure someone somewhere knows something. I feel like corey williams knows more than what he is saying because of the look he gave during one of the interviews, he seemed to be in deep thought. If millionaires and sons of high corporate companies were involved in such terrible things then I would be surprised if a person of authority was involved too. Its best to go down all leads. Also take in the fact that the witness who saw a police officer was tormented by police and told to shut up when he was a little boy, and he isn't saying this for attention because he doesn't even want his identity to be revealed. And it wasn't just him that police told to shut up, they told all four families to keep their mouths quiet too, also the guy who suffered being raped and exploited when he was just a young teen, talked about how mean the police were towards him too. I think it was a team of higher end people but I think a person of authority (someone kids could trust) was apart of that team- which would make since if there was a cover up (what police officer wants them or their kid to go to prison?, especially because being a person of authority is bad in prison and then being a person who hurts children is bad in prison) They never went into asking questions from the witness of what color was the car that he saw the girl and cop get into? Mr Williams stated the cashier never said anything about a cop, however did you ever ask about it? Because when it was first mentioned the cashier was asked if they saw a little girl come in, which they did and she left after purchasing her items. That's it. Nothing was asked about if the cashier saw a police officer came in, or in the area, or outside or anything. I wonder if the guy who almost got abducted can remember what the guy looked like and what he was wearing and how he lure him up to his car to talk with him to begin with. I truly feel like that police department is not going to find whoever did it. The reason being is because they had clear true evidence of two millionaires, one who fled the country (which we all know US can easily ask that country to get this person back into custody) and the second guy went off to California. This is the saddest and most sickest thing of all. I don't know why, till this day they have not arrested this two individuals for rape and exploiting kids but that's disgusting. The people who went through pain and suffering should have that money and those two ppl should be rotting in jail. Don't expect them to find a killer if they aren't willing to arrest a rapist when they know exactly where they live at. God only knows what other children are having to suffer because of those two still be out in the public, lurking around. They would be better off hiring a private investigators than to be trusting a police department that don't put rapist in jail. I gave this a 9 because I am disgusted that we didn't look more into why those two individuals didn't get arrested and because there was a lot of unanswered questions.
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Slow and repetitive
passavantbaby18 January 2022
The subject matter was interesting but 40% was repetitive and extremely slow moving. It began in an organized fashion and went off on tangents leaving the viewer unsure of what the connection was. Suspects were not clearly explained. The parents of these murdered children were not well serviced by the police or by the producers of this program.
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jayde_bianca29 August 2020
Very informative but terribly produced. Painfully slow and repetitive. Could of been explain in two episodes.
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Blaming the cops all throughout, disgusting.
sgeorgepgh11 July 2022
They blame the cops throughout this entire thing. So disgusting. That's no different than saying, "Where the hell were the parents?" Blame your law MAKERS, who are not only usually involved in the child sex trafficking rings, but also make it SO HARD for cops to catch and convict these people because the laws are so tight. Then throw in a bunch of ignorant people like this who are constantly blaming them and hating them for everything and it's a wonder why anyone would want to continue putting their lives (and the lives of their families) at risk to help people. The producer guy wanting to look like a hero, what a joke. Meanwhile he's using the files of the people who actually did the work and then blaming them. This is truly disgusting to watch. My condolences to the victims and their families. May God bless all of our amazing police, military and first responders.
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Every part of this is poorly executed
ctdietzel4 August 2024
The premise seemed interesting so I took on a chance on it because it was only two episodes. It turns out that even two episodes was too much, as about half the show is just repeating things they've already said a bunch of times. They also take the approach of declaring "this is who did it" and then switching to the next person, which makes the audience feel like they have been tricked. The better approach is "This is one of the suspects" and then go into detail. Also, the filmmaker seems determined to believe he was almost kidnapped by the killer when in fact all that happened was a guy may or may not have tried to abduct him and there's a very good chance it wasn't the killer. The worst aspect is the amount that the story jumps all over the place with the island of kids. It could have been the focus one time but instead the filmmaker brings it back up a dozen times. Really poor approach and execution.
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Would've, could've, should've...
Valid_ID1 October 2023
Three long episodes that reveal NOTHING NEW!

There's a seemingly endless rehash of perhaps 20 minutes of actual information on the cases, followed by a lot of "could possibly" (sic!).

The possible leads are weaved into fantasy by biased points of view, with no actual proof.

It's easy to point fingers in hindsight: there was incompetency on the part of the police, but lets face it, there's incompetency in all trades, so no surprise there.

I did tear up at the lifelong pain the victims' parents endure knowing their children were kidnapped, raped for 4-19 days, and violently killed, but other than this emotional reminder, there is no reason for this documentary.

If there is a lesson to learn from all the gory crimes media loves to showcase it's that being vigilant is way better than trying to find a culprit after the fact.
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