"The Bullwinkle Show" The Boundary Bounders or Some Like It Shot/The Washington Whirl or Rocky Off the Record (TV Episode 1960) Poster

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The End of the Story
Hitchcoc15 November 2014
In order to get the moon men back home, R & B try their best to get them U. S. citizenship. That would allow them to be part of the space program and be the first Americans to be launched to the Moon. Unfortunately, a windbag Senator has been beating the drum to make it harder for people to become citizens. He says, for one thing, all you have to be is born here. The conclusion is quite entertaining as they confront these barriers. The Fractured Fairy Tale tells the story of "Sir" Galahad who received this name at birth by accident. His father, a successful career clown, want his son to fill his big shoes. The kid wants to be a knight. He goes on a journey on a swayback horse to rescue a damsel in distress which leads to delightful consequences. This is one of the best of the Fairy Tales. Peabody goes to see the great lover, Don Juan, who has fallen from favor with the ladies because of his fixation on onions. A nice concluding collection.
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It should go without saying that the most important . . .
tadpole-596-91825621 November 2023
. . . part of this 91-second television show is MR. KNOW-IT-ALL: HOW TO GET INTO THE MOVIES WITHOUT BUYING A TICKET, especially back in the 1900's when this picture originally aired and people were not yet able to view their flicks on VHS tapes, Laser Discs, DVD's, Beta, On-Demand or by streaming them. The local popcorn bucket or drive-in were the only choices in town for seeing a film on a screen larger than 32 inches. Bullwinkle does not talk about drive-in's here, since anyone would know that all you have to do to obtain free viewing was to park a block away and then climb a tree that offered a good view of the screen--resulting, unfortunately, in a silent movie. The big moose suggests that posing as Flo Ziegfeld is a good way to gain illicit entry. However, in 1960 most theater managers would recall that Ms. Z. had kicked the bucket in 1932. The ACTUAL primary way to sneak into a theater was and still is to familiarize yourself with its layout, and to have an accomplice buy a ticket and then hold an exit door open to allow the complimentary entry of the remainder of your party.
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The finale of the Jet Fuel Formula Saga explores . . .
pixrox126 November 2023
. . . the controversial American Principle of Birthright Citizenship. The Evil U. S. Senator Archibald Fuss-Muskrat, R-Red State, is an obvious caricature designed as a composite character to depict every wrong doer populating the egregious Elephantine Political Party. Consequently, the saga's pair of Moon Men characters become metaphorical stand-ins for all of the Real Life refugees oppressed by the dregs of the lazy overlords. Since enshrining the demonic principle of "three-fifths people" in the moldy parchment of a constitutional suicide pact from the 1700's fiendishly fashioned to be impervious to meaningful correction, these dead-for-centuries malingering miscreants have been enjoying an eternal last laugh over we Progressives such as Roosevelt, Kennedy, Rocky and Bullwinkle.
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