(TV Series)


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a haunting poem a bit disturbing but excellent entertainment.
wilhunteye4 June 2011
I wish I could remember all of the doctor Seussish poem the Groon . The Groon came on the ABC 'Children's Television Workshop' Saturday Mornings. A break from the standard cartoons. I do remember the first time I saw it. I was sitting for my sisters kids around Halloween . My young nephew who was eight years old and my niece a year younger were throwing pillows and jumping around, suddenly stopped and sat down, first lured then mesmerized by the eerie tone of the narration and totally captured by the Chuck Jones visual on our small black and white TV. It reran a few time for a couple years, but them faded into TV history. For months nay years to come when it was dark I could get both of the kids to cringe, by in the deepest voice I could muster, by simply saying, Beware the Groon is coming soon, so keep one eye on the moon and the other on anything moving about the room. What a terrible Uncle I was.

I thought of it from time to time in the following years and yet when asking about it only a few remember. Just the same I have been desperately seeking a copy of this T.V. series or even a printed version of this Ray Bradbury poem for a long time. I think many would enjoy this if it were available on DVD
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"Groon" by Ray Bradbury
kidcarson-454-51747120 August 2012
I remember the "Groon" cartoon, even after all these years!

"Does it bump 'neath your bed? (Near the head or the toe?) When it's here, *is* it here--when it's gone, where's it go?"

Truly powerful stuff for an easily-spooked kid's head.


I searched and I searched, and I finally found a recent YouTube video of Bradbury's "Groon" poem!

Not a video from the *show* -- but it's the same poem all right! Yayyyyyyyyy!!! :D

Here's the link:


Certainly hope the original cartoon version comes to DVD some day!
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Ray Bradbury's poem: "Groon"
drbadtrain20 August 2012
Ray Bradbury's poem, "Groon" really made an impression on me as a child. I only heard it once, but it stuck with me for years! I'm fifty-something now and a big Ray Bradbury fan... and up until this week I had no idea who had written those words I'd remembered all these years! :) I was googling it today, and this listing on IMDb was one of only a few results available.

But there was also this video someone had done, reading the poem! I could almost follow along, word for word, after only hearing the original once a zillion years ago! :) You can listen to it here: http://youtu.be/_ozcEBiHkTE Still gives the little kid inside me the shivers. And a hunger for some Halloween candy-corn. :)
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Chuck Jones' Curiosity Shop Season-One Episode-One Halloween Special
GaelicAshigaru1 September 2024
Ray Bradbury's "The Groon" was part of Season-1, Episode-9 Halloween Special of Chick Jones' "Curiosity Shop".

Cast members, Gerard, Ralph and Cindy look for a way to cure Gerard's hiccups and find Vincent Price ensconced in a black armchair inside a cobweb-draped Curiosity Shop. They find a drastic change in the appearance of the animal puppets; Halcyon is in wolf-man makeup, Ole Factor has become the Hound of the Baskervilles and Hermione looks like Vampira with long black hair and fangs. Whispering to the kids they are going to play a game called Scare, Vincent shows them clips from several horror films ranging from The Phantom of the Opera to The Abominable Dr. Phibes. Baron Balthazar's animated short is "Martin Makes It To The Top" and the Onomatopoeia leads them all in singing the "Onomatopoeia Scare Song". Vincent and Gittle have a run-in over a bubbling witch's cauldron and Gittle sings "These Wonderful Things". She then turns into Medusa, Lorelei and the Wicked Witch of the East and they all sing in harmony. A cartoon about "The Groon," created by Ray Bradbury, appears with a flick of Mr. Price's hand and everybody joins to sing "There's No Such Thing As Fear".
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