The Casino Job (2009) Poster

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Really not as bad as you would expect.
subxerogravity28 January 2017
I give props to the filmmakers on this one, it was obvious from what I see that they did not have much to go on, but what they had they used.

Somewhere in-between the idea of a soft-core porn movie and a Heist movie lies the Casino Job, when one of their own is raped by a low life Casino owner, who gets away with it, it's not enough to kill this guy they have to destroy him by hitting him where it hurts...his wallet.

It's a lot of what you would expected from a low budget indi film. It's a lot of talking about the heist and how to set it up, but the overall Heist itself is very cleaver.

Plus it's got nudity, can't hate a movie that puts a room full of naked women in it just to hold your interest. and what can I say, worked like a charm.

Even if your not into naked breast you should give the Casino Job a shot cause it's a decent heist movie that starts slowly, but ends solid
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Bad movie but loads of tits
mail-232221 March 2009
When we first put this movie on, the beginning seemed like the opening of a porn. As the movie proceeded we found out that it wasn't a porno flick but a soft core porn. You get to see a lot of tits in the movie and that's the best thing there is to say about it. The acting is bad, the story is semi bad and the movie itself was just super bad. In the movie they start out at strip club. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually went to a strip club to do the casting. Some of them are hot but the dialog sounds as i said like something out of a porno movie.

Watch it if you have nothing to do, no other movies and it's raining outside and you wanna stare at some boobs and ass.

This is definitely not a movie I'm gonna watch again or recommend to any of my friends.
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Hot Women and good twists
mbentertainment9 March 2009
I rented this last night and loved it. It's got a great story and although it's low budget it has its charm. If your expecting to see these girls get naked, that they do so it's a seven out of 10 for that alone. The robbery was very cleverly put together and seemed possible. The casino owner was a true sleaze ball, but he made it funny. Some of the acting was a bit wooden but, hey, the chicks were hot and naked so I'm going to let it slide. And I kind of expected that any ways. Over all, it's a good rental and it's exactly what you would expect from looking at the box. One last note the Russian chick from PLAYBOY was HOT as Hell.
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Porn movie without porn
SnappyCroc15 May 2009
It looks exactly like a standard porn-movie! The acting, camera angels, dialog, actors and so forth. Exactly! And though i appreciate a good porn flick, its not because of the acting :) This is just a porn where they skipped the actual sex and replaced it with more of the hideous dialogue, plot and acting we know and hate from the porn genre.

My girlfriend even came by and looked at the TV and asked. "Are you watching porn?!?"

There's lots of nudity in this film. full-frontal. And thats the only selling point..

Its a complete waste of time. Second worst movie I've ever watched.
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Not a fan.
jawise198017 March 2009
So, I thought I was renting the casino movie about the kids from that prestigious university scamming the casino. Not at all. I should have researched it, but the fast food was getting cold. About the movie, I think it closely resembled the quality of almost any government instructional video. Aside from it being the wrong movie, it was found wanting in many ways. After seeing so many government instructional videos, I am able to spot all the details. The dubbing was mismatched in many instances, making it seem like it was narrated, almost. You could hear background noises, but they didn't match what was going on in the movie. It was as if they hired some of those guys from the old radio shows...the ones that clicked the shoes on hard surfaces in front of a microphone to simulate a walking sound. Don't know what else to say. I lost interest after about 6 minutes, even with the nudity. Not what I was in it for.
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Casino heist meets porn star style acting
josh-b-king11 March 2009
IMDb, Welcome your newest member of the bottom 100 club!

From the beginning I didn't expect much from this movie, no credible actors, a director i've barely heard of and a plot thats been rehashed more times than I can count. That being said I still decided to see the movie....And at the end, I want my 1 hour and 20 mins back.

I knew this movie was low budget from the start, but that was more than confirmed when the high roller in the movie rolls up in his 22 year old Ferrari. Don't get me wrong here its a nice car, but cmon..This guy is supposed to be a super rich casino boss. I can let that one go, but what I can't let go is exaclty how bad the acting is in this movie.

From start to finish (god forgive me I watched the whole thing) the story, which isn't that bad is annihilated by the extremely poor acting by pretty much all the characters involved. There is no play between them, there is no magic. Honestly it reminds me more of a soft core porno than anything else.

I would seriously hope this movie never makes it to theaters, but just in case it does.....Wait till the DVD comes out. And then wait till its shown on TV. Then wait 2 more years and accidentally watch it while your drunk.
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No breakouts in this movie
sculles13 March 2009
How can anyone think this was possibly a good movie? How did someone suggest this has good acting from anybody in the entire cast. This is the worst acting I have ever seen and that includes porn. Bad porn. There was not one line in the movie i believed, one emotion that was real. It has the acting quality of a bad acting in porn without good looking girls. Sound is awful too, it sounds like everything is done in post and done extremely poorly. Lame. It is the type of movie that knows it is bad so it throws nudity into it to try and get people to watch it. Don't fall for it, the nudity isn't good. Save your time and go elsewhere.
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I have to add another comment::
luism-523 March 2009
Because is not possible to vote for zero,if it were possible that is what i'll vote for this movie. I know i just voted couple of minutes ago,but i can't stop thinking about it..... and i have to say it : The worse film ever made,disgusting,i can't believe somebody can waste film to record such a pile of r----h. People is going to talk a lot about this movie,but not to say anything good. Well that's it. i feel better now. So as i said,try something better,drink a coffee. Or another thing you can do instead of watching casino job , could be buy it and give to somebody you don't have good relations with , i think giving this movie to somebody you don't appreciate to much is like pushing a knife straight to the neck ( so ... you can guess what a .... it is). What happened to this guy ( the director i mean ) ? . Didn't he watch the film before he launch it to the market?. I do a movie like this,i finish it, and i watch it before i pass it to the producer's hand , and you can be sure i would throw it to the river excusing me to the producer and saying somebody stole it from my car meanwhile i was in the petrol station,paying my chocolate bar to the cashier guy. Well ,i think i don't have much words to say about casino job,just giving the advice to everybody of the kind of movie they have made,if you suffer from your heart,or you have attacks of euphoria don't watch it because after watching 5 minutes of it you will want to get the director's neck,and do something that is not kissing it. Have been a pleasure to describe my opinion about casino job,i never watch anything like this before,and i will try don't watch it in long time. Yours faithfully Dlkpiedra.
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bad soft core porn
flyer_al15 March 2009
this is nothing more than a bad attempt at bad soft core porn. i surprise myself by saying 'showgirls' was more intellectually stimulating.

flipping thru the Redbox i came across this. OK for a buck i'll watch it. unfortunately i didn't for 2 more days, why did i waste my money!!! the acting was bad, the script was bad, story was bad (if not formulaic, chick version of ocean 11 at worst... maybe "summer's eve 11"), .... in short everything was bad. only thing worth watching this is the nudity from all the boingaliciouis babes! got to admit, know a few girls who are very much like the character "paradise" (the lovely playmate irina).
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Why are films like this inflicted on the unsuspecting public?
MBunge6 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this low-budget-and-made-with-less-talent flick does have a good number of reasonably attractive women getting buck naked. That's largely offset, however, by the fact they're filmed with all the grace and eroticism of an industrial safety video for sewage plant workers. And despite all that nudity, there's only one halfway decent sex scene in the whole production. But I have to give writer/director Christopher Robin Hood credit for stocking his movie with a lot bare female flesh, because that's the only cotton pickin' thing this wet fart in a hurricane has going for it.

Let me be blunt. The Casino Job is almost as low as you can go on the scale of motion picture quality. The only way something could be more poorly made than this would be if the entire film was out of focus and the soundtrack was non-stop white noise. The camera work here is brutally simplistic. The plot could be mistaken for a dog turd. The dialog has all the flair of a UPS truck. And the acting…oh, sweet Mary! The acting here is so bad that is you put this DVD on the shelf next to Glengarry Glen Ross, it would transform the Mamet masterpiece into Ernest Goes to Camp and turn Jack Lemmon into Jim Varney. I am not exaggerating for effect when I say this cast could not have done a worse job if car batteries had been hooked up to their genitals and they were randomly shocked while on screen. Oh, and for some reason, most of the dialog had to be redubbed after shooting was concluded, so when everybody talks they look and sound like Andie MacDowell in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes.

This is a Las Vegas heist movie, sort of like Ocean's 11 if 11 stood for the combined IQ of the filmmaker and his performers. A crew of strippers decide to ruin a casino boss, for reasons I won't bother getting into, and concoct a stunningly idiotic plan to do so that revolves around the strippers all being heartless whores and the people working at the casino all being blind and retarded. The plan works (surprise!) and the movie ends with the strippers all boinking various other characters, only to have another conclusion tacked onto the end of that which appears to have been an attempt to set up a sequel. If such a sequel is ever made, I will to go the home of Christopher Robin Hood, pour five gallons of kerosene over myself, ring the doorbell and when Mr. Hood answers, I will grab him in a bear hug and light a match.

This movie sucks, and not at all in an entertaining way. It's like driving through Nebraska. There's nothing to react to and you can only hope you don't die before making it to the other side. The Casino Job is another example of cinematic fraud being perpetrated on the public. I suppose you can't blame Christopher Robin Hood, his cast or crew. Everybody wants their big show business break. But this piece of crap wouldn't get a passing grade in a community college filmmaking class and somebody still decided to put it out for unsuspecting people to buy or rent. That person needs to be sent to federal prison and made to bunk with a large gentleman named Jerome.
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A little bad, a lot of good
tcaserum15 March 2009
I'd never heard of this movie before I rented it, but it came up as the very first film available at my redbox, so I figured it must have been at least a theatrical release. Okay, definitely NOT a theatrical release but keeping everything in perspective, it was a good movie. Clearly a very low budget which, to me, allows for a much greater degree of forgiveness. The technical side is rough in some respects, but I expect that's due to the budget. One review said it was a Blair Witch budget ($60k according to IMDb) which I find hard to believe with the big cast, locations and some big scenes like the casino stuff. So even double or triple that, they did a nice job. Yes, there's some weak acting. Yes, there's ample gratuitous nudity that's a bit distracting. Overall, I agree with 'Arisdoddle' and there was a lot of good stuff, good laughs and a lot of fun. I would have also given it 6/7 out of 10, but to offset a couple very unfair and obviously biased reviews (the guy who says the casino chip and neon credits don't fit the film???), I bumped my score a bit. With a big budget and stars it could totally be a Hollywood film.
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It's a "B" movie deserving of an "A" rating for a better than average surprise ending
Ed-Shullivan12 August 2015
This was definitely a low budget film produced on a shoe string budget and minus any major film corporations blessing or class A stars. The writer/director and cameo actor Christopher Robin Hood is to be commended for pulling together not only a pretty decent story line but a better than average last 15 minutes filled with a few surprise "endings". I just laughed my a## off at the ending which left me with a good impression of this entertaining B movie.

Okay so some of the actors were very bland such as Curtis Joe Walker who plays Duncan the Casino's money counter. Hey buddy you need to get a few stiff drinks in to you and loosen up before you get in front of a camera again. On the other hand supporting actors such as Jay Anthony Franke who plays a Casino card dealer and Scribe, and Dean Mauro the corrupt casino owner, were more than adequate in their assigned roles. The girls were all decent actresses and easy on the eyes. The sprinkling of nudity was nice but I thought it actually took away from the quality of the film's story line causing it to drop to the grade B movie that it is qualified to hold.

I loved the story's twisted ending and Barry the casino owner is dealt with a bit of Karma that leaves the audience enjoying this happy pun intended.

I rate this B movie crime genre a good 6 out of 10 rating.

Of note, Christopher Robin Hood's subsequent writing and directing credit includes a similar 2014 crime genre film titled Dirty Dealing 3D which does not appear to be out in general release yet but if you like The Casino Job as I did I am sure Dirty Dealing 3D which has a similar casino crime plot will satisfy his followers.
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Casino Job on Fire
filmfan-7413 March 2009
I finally managed to rent a copy after several stores being sold out. Seemed there are mixed reviews here. The film does contain a good amount of nudity but judging by the cover we all know that going in. However, I totally disagree that this film is actually the worst film of 2009. Also, reading further down I noticed the film was made on a 'Blair Witch' budget. Now, Blair Witch actually made me walk out of the theater....Casino Job did not. The Casino Job lays out an exciting plot and my girlfriend and I actually laughed at several of the films funny moments as the heist progressed. Overall, I'd recommend this one, especially if you enjoy watching an entertaining movie that delivers a real punch!
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It's really not a bad movie. Honestly.
Arisdoddle14 March 2009
I can't believe I signed up for IMDb after watching The Casino Job but I felt compelled to let the world know that they shouldn't overlook any movie based on budget, hype, or "production values".

I almost stopped watching early on in the movie due to the "soft-core porn" feel of it but decided to stick at it just to see what happens and, blow me down, the movie grew on me and I was ultimately rewarded.

Let's be clear - the movie ain't winning any awards any time soon but......the plot was interesting, the girls are sexy, the attempt was heartfelt and honest and the people involved at no time take themselves too seriously.

Sure it looks amateurish, the dialogue is simplistic and the performances are as wooden as the Amazon rain forest but it's still an entertaining movie and better than 90% of the tripe that's churned out by Hollywood.

In fact, if you replaced all the actors with "real" Hollywood actors and jazzed up the dialogue you could quite easily turn this into a Hollywood blockbuster.

I really feel the people involved deserve credit for a decent effort at movie-making on what was obviously a shoe-string budget.

Well done!
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very entertaining!
abrahamfromann16 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was very entertaining. Cool plot and I love the actresses. I didn't think the sex was too gratuitous. I've seen more explicit content in some major Hollywood movies.

I heard this was made on a very low budget. If so, I think they did a great job and should inspire other filmmakers, like Rodriguez did.

Irina Voronina is worth the price of rental alone! I think she is an up and coming actress with a future ahead of her. Also, if you are a Jay Anthony Franke fan, you'll like him in this. He did a great job. The others also added their own touch to make it a cool movie.

If you are looking for an entertaining movie with the the significant other, give this one a look. Sure, it's not going to win an Academy Award, but it fulfills it's goal and then some.
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Overall decent film.
angelsfly8816 March 2009
I thought the film overall was a decent one. Not the greatest but decent. You can totally tell it is a low budget film, yet does what it needs to do. Entertain. I watched it with my boyfriend and while there is a lot of nudity, that kind of stuff does not bother me. It had an entertaining story, somewhat likable characters, and some funny moments. Was it perfect? No, but it was decent for about an hour and a half. I would give it around a 6.5 on a 1-10 scale. If you get easily offended by nudity this is not for you. If you want a popcorn flick with good looking women and a fun story, pop it in. I think some of the people here expect too much from movies nowadays. It did not appear to have a huge budget. If this were a 10 million dollar film, OK then...i'd agree. But I think they did the best with what they had. The director seems to be new along with most of the cast. Decent job overall. Not perfect but decent. 6.5 out of 10 from me.
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Sex, drugs and casinos! Count me in!
rexbgood21 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, what you have here is B-movie making at it's finest. By that I mean making the most with (very) little money (see my review of "Clerks"). There are no names in this film...and I mean not even C-list talent, so that tells me this is as low budget as it gets. That said, I forgot about all that after five minutes and loved the ride. It had plenty of naked hotties which I'll take over A-listers like Keanu Reeves, Paul Walker or Mark Wahlberg any day of the week. I think the film tries to do nothing more than be the lowest common denominator and it worked. I love it. I laughed a lot and I laughed my butt off at the end (you'll see what I mean) and never got board. The only criticism was that I got a little confused during the casino robbery at one point. The robbery may be a bit more complicated than need be..but they made up for it with plenty of skin throughout! Highly recommended if you don't have a stick up your butt.
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Impressive debut effort on a low budget
mjohn446726 February 2009
I got the chance to see this film at a sneak preview last week here in Las Vegas. It was a lot of fun and much funnier than I expected. The story is really good and entertaining and the robbery itself is original and very clever (although a bit complicated for someone who doesn't go to casinos). There were a number of twists toward the end that I never saw coming which always scores big points for me. The only two little criticisms I could name would be that one of the actors came across as a little weak and there was a decent amount of nudity that was probably not completely necessary. I was told by one of the crew that their budget was about the same as "Blair Witch". If that's true, this film was a GREAT accomplishment for the level they were able to achieve on that alone!
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B-movie good times!
fotie44410 September 2009
To be fair, I'll start out with the bad then go on to tell you why I LOVE this flick. Yes, it's clearly a no-budget film and a couple of the actors are weak. Yes, there's ample gratuitus nudity which will make the prudes squirm in their seats.

The reasons I loved it are: it's clearly a no-budget film and there's ample gratuitus nudity! I was never bored as it kept moving at a nice pace and enough skin was thrown in to keep in interesting while waiting of the big robbery at the end. The girls were hot (well, all but the one who ended up bedding the hot blonde at the end) and they all got naked. Too many movies like this promise skin on the box or preview and let you down by not delivering. NOT the case here! Some really good laughs, too.

Certainly worth the $7 to buy it used out of Redbox (but I wish I got the original case)!
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Loved it!
dfull88 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard for me to explain why I had such a good time with this movie, but I loved it. Right out of the gate, I could tell it was very low budget which normally turns me off, but the film grew on me pretty quick. From the opening scene in the strip club I was like "Okay, grauitous nudity right out of the gate" and it is, but I gave it some time and the flick really pulled me in. The main chick (the one who gets raped) is smokin' hot and you feel for her after she gets raped (although my friend made the comment "Raping a stripper isn't the same as raping a real woman" ???? Don't ask, I already smacked him for that.) So, I liked the main girl and the casino owner did a great job - very sleezy. True, there were a couple of weak performances, but the movie isn't meant to win awards, just be a lot of fun and it is. The robbery of the casino was very cool and believable and the end reminded me of Wild Things with a bunch of surprises. I wish the studios would make big movies like this as the story was every bit as good as Oceans 11. Problem is, if a studio made it, they'd take out all the nudity and give us a PG version of Las Vegas. Who wants that?
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All things considered -- worth the price of a rental
YariFilmGroup25 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Considering what I heard about how small the budget was, this movie has outstanding production value and should be a rental hit.

If you're looking for an entertaining experience, Casino Job won't let you down. Attractive women, nudity, suspense, a clever "heist", twist certainly does it job.

Like a previous commenter noted, it won't win an Oscar, but it certainly won my vote. That being said, it's certainly more directed toward the male audience but I could certainly see women enjoying it as well considering it's about a group of girls getting even...i won't say any more. I don't want to ruin it.
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Classic Vegas Casino Movie
fellow-49 March 2009
I recommend this movie. The Movie carries a good story line about some Hot Vegas women that mess back with a rich Casino guy named Barry. The acting is believable (and believe me I know, given my experience with these type of women)., especially the Casino Owner and the blonde playmate he takes out in the Classic Red Ferrari that you see a few times. Also, some of the lines just plain made me laugh. There are some good shots of Vegas and locations I hadn't really seen in a lot of the films you see about Sin city. I actually want to know where some of the spots are, so I can check at the dance club for sure., but also that restaurant looked pretty nice too. I'm going to see this movie again on Redbox, because I was a little distracted the first time I saw it.
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Great "Guys Night" movie
sorpho-matt8 April 2009
We rented this movie and "21" as preparation for a trip to Vegas in a few weeks for our friend's wedding and bachelor party. We tried "21" first and got about, maybe, 30 minutes into it and had to shut it off. Too damn slow! How is a movie about Vegas that boring? So, we popped in this flick and, low and behold, it was damn good. Well, it certainly got us jazzed about going to Vegas anyway. We laughed our asses off in several spots, especially at the end and the movie makes you want to run out to Vegas and rob the casinos...or at least win big! My girlfriend is cool and would probably like it, but there is a lot of nudity, so bear that in mind if your girl isn't as cool as mine! I figure "21" probably cost $50 million to make and this film was probably $1 million and ten times better so I give it a big thumbs up.
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Great Independent Film
drew-4922 April 2009
This was simply a great movie to watch. There was a great plot of the casino heist type and the use of interesting characters really pulled the whole production together. The length was just right and it keeps you interested all the way until the end. Simply a great low budget movie without the low budget feel.

One highlight was the use of Jay Anthony Franke from the days of California Dreams, he played Jake. I thought the guy looked familiar and then found out who he was. If you have interest in film making, listen to the director commentary, it was very well thought out and you can learn a lot about what was going on during the production. It really puts the movie in a new light.
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nogodnomasters11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When Jenny (Amylia Joiner) claim that casino owner Barry (Dean Mauro) her three stripper friends work with her to scam Barry out of money and have the gaming commission shut him down. This is really a bad plot. It no Ocean's 11. Acting wasn't that great either. Story was short, but the film did have FF nudity and lots of topless women.

8 stars for the perv factor.

F-bomb, sex, brief rape, nudity (Amylia Joiner, Ilsa Martinez, Irina Voronina, Deanna Minerva, Julia Louise plus others)
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