"Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" Tails' New Home (TV Episode 1993) Poster

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The Parent Trap
ExplorerDS678910 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Being a big fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog games growing up, I also watched Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog quite a bit. It was a series I had a love/hate relationship with, like one week I'd love it, next week I'd hate it because of how nonsensical and over the top it was. Most people gravitated toward the Saturday morning show, and in hindsight, I wish I had given it a better chance, because it looks like a much better series. As for Adventures, here is one episode I've been wanting to talk about for a while. Out of the 65 episodes for that series, this one in particular has always stood out to me. It's just so... I can't quite put my finger on it, but it never sat well with me. It just left me with a bad feeling, like this one was done so wrong. In a series that's totally inane and nonsensical as this, why would one episode bother me so much? Well, let's take a look at it: Tails' New Home. It opens with Tails being pursued by Scratch and Grounder for some reason, and they catch him easily because this series made him such a wimpy damsel that Sonic always had to rescue, but more on that later. Of course, Sonic shows up to save the day, making the two idiot robots look like fools, but in the process, Tails falls out of a tree and "doesn't feel so good." With that, Sonic decides that maybe taking this child under his wing to help him fight bad guys wasn't such a good idea, and so he decides to find Tails a new home. He starts with a birdbrained bird family. You remember the Dodos from Follow That Bird? They were geniuses compared to these two. They nearly burn down the house making cookies, then they flood it out by leaving the bathtub running, because comedy. After that family blew chips, Sonic tries yet again, and this time he chooses Sergeant Doberman, a whacked-out soldier who despite being retired, is still in very active duty, and immediately puts Sonic and Tails to work doing drilling, and I like how such a speedy runner like Sonic gets winded after a few pushups. They bail when Mrs. Doberman gets behind the wheel of a tank. Despite Tails' objections and urging Sonic to forget this stupid plan, he's still set on finding Tails a new home. Okay, are you just picking people at random, Sonic? You're just going up to people and saying, "would you be willing to take this little fox off my hands?" Also, leaving him with total strangers doesn't ring of responsibility, Sonic. You're our hero, remember? Stop acting like an idiot. And by the way, isn't Sonic still a teenager? Shouldn't he have a home too? Whatever.

Meanwhile, Scratch and Grounder have somehow gotten wind of what Sonic was doing, maybe they read the script, and do the following: they announce on a loud speaker and show on a giant screen Tails' baby picture, followed by photos of two obviously fake looking foxes, claiming that they're looking for their long, lost child. They even give out the freakin' address. Not only do Sonic and Tails fall for this obvious crock, but the latter is extremely excited to finally find his lost parents. Going over there, the fake foxes shower Tails in gifts, and the father says to Sonic that "Tails belongs with his own kind." Remember that, because it will come into play in a few minutes. So Sonic bids Tails a less than heartfelt goodbye and speeds away. Some friend. While Tails waves goodbye with tears in his eyes, Dr. Robotnik watches the whole display from his view screen, and I LOVE the shocked look on his face, as if he can't believe his plot worked. I agree with him. Our heroes were sure stupid this time, as those fake fox robots even have fizzing wires sticking out the back. What a joke. They reveal themselves and hold Tails hostage, knowing Sonic will eventually be back. So Robotnik goose steps around and gives himself a "prrromotion." Scratch even gives the "zeig heil" salute. Nice symbolism there, animators. So as Sonic pats himself on the back for his good deed, he immediately starts to miss the little two-tailed fuzzball, even recalling back to how they met: one day, Sonic just stopped randomly to a dance a little jig, when suddenly a baby fox with two tails fell on him from out of a tree. He introduces himself as Miles, as you players of Sonic 2 know that Tails' real name is Miles Prower, and he wants to stay with this strange blue hedgehog. After an initial rejection, Tails cries himself into Sonic's good graces and he informally adopts him, bestowing upon him the nickname of Tails, as he hates the name Miles. Flashback over, Sonic recalls the father fox saying that Tails belonged with his own kind, and suddenly realizes that his real parents would have called him Miles, his real name. See? I told you that bit of dialogue would come into play. Sonic races back to the house, where Robotnik and his goons have set a trap. Oh, so what's he going to do? Trap Sonic and Tails in the house and burn it down? Maybe seal them up inside and pour in gallons of water or perhaps sulfuric acid? Or just blow the whole thing up? Nope: Robotnik has rigged a magnet under the floor to attract Sonic's sneakers, and then cause a huge weight to drop down and crush him. Seriously? You know, for an evil genius, Robotnik, you're pretty stupid. Want proof? He falls for Sonic's mailman disguise, having arrived after the robots were ordered to deliver the ransom note. Sonic reveals himself, makes short work of the fox parents, then he rescues Tails and tells him to get out of there. But when Tails begs to help, Sonic threatens to reveal his true name of Miles, making him book it. Stupid! Dr. Robotnik throws a fit, ordering the trap to be sprung, though yet again, Grounder and Scratch fall for Sonic's disguise, as this time he has a fake fan letter, asking them to demonstrate their trap... just go with it. Long story short, all three idiots are crushed by their trap, though I love Grounder voicing a response, telling his fake fan to take a long walk off a short pier. LOL. So, Sonic apologizes to Tails for putting him through hell, saying he wanted the perfect family for him, which Tails reveals that he IS. He's his mother, father, and his picket fence. Great, they went through all that for nothing. Good job. Oh, and we have a Sonic Says about Coconuts wanting to run away, though in his case, it's either stay with an abusive master, or survive in the wild full of dangers. Pick your poison, robot primate.

That was Tails' New Home. Just what was the point? It's horribly written, the animation is sloppy, moreso than usual, characters repeatedly go off model, and nothing makes a lick of sense. Why was everyone so stupid? Could they not have moved their contrived plot along otherwise? One thing about this series I never liked is that they made Tails so helpless and always needing rescuing, like I stated earlier. If you've played the games, you know that Tails is capable of handling himself. Sure, he still has a child-like mentality, but he's just as strong as Sonic, just not as fast. Why did they make him such a wimpy kid? They did the same thing in the Saturday show, making him a little tyke who has to stay home while Sonic and the new characters NOT from the games go on the adventures. What was DiC's problem with Tails? Did they NEED a damsel for Sonic to rescue? Ridiculous. Also, why does Tails hate the name Miles? I doubt Miles Standish or Miles Teller hate the name. Makes no sense, like this series as a whole. The idea of Sonic abandoning Tails to strangers is unsettling, even though his feelings of not wanting Tails to be in danger are sound, as this is a very dangerous world, despite Sonic's claim that "Mobius is full of nice people." Yeah, and plenty of STUPID people too, and I'm looking at you, hedgehog. I love Sonic, but his TV shows were very hit and miss. I do recommend Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, because most episodes are pretty good, but definitely skip Tails' New Home, because it's a rushed, sloppy joke that Bruce and Reed Shelly thought was funny, well it's not.
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