"Tales of Wells Fargo" Two Cartridges (TV Episode 1957) Poster

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A Close Call with the Sioux
gordonl5617 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TALES OF WELLS FARGO "Two Cartridges" 1957

TALES OF WELLS FARGO was a western series than ran for a total of 200 episodes between 1957 and 1962. Dale Robertson plays the lead as Jim Hardee. Hardee is an agent for the stage and cargo hauling outfit. When something goes wrong he is the man they send to fix it.

This episode is the 16th of the series. Wells Fargo man, Hardee (Dale Robertson) is in Deadwood on business. The local Wells Fargo stage is held up and 10 grand in greenbacks is lifted. The bandit, Jim Davis, had shot and wounded the shotgun rider during the robbery. Robertson saddles up and heads off to hunt Davis down.

The local Wells Fargo manager, Harry Harvey, tells Robertson he will round up a posse and follow the next day. Robertson rides hard and picks up bandit's trail. He surprises Davis as he is bedding down for the night. He disarms the man and recovers the cash. He intends to take Davis back to Deadwood the next morning.

This idea goes south rather quickly as a group of Sioux warriors put in an appearance. They are less than amused with Mister Davis. It seems the man had stolen several of the Sioux horses the day before. They are looking to give the thief, "the big haircut".

The Indians come hard and heavy forcing Robertson to give back Davis his pistol. The more firepower, the better their chances of survival are. The two men set up behind a couple of handy boulders and let fly at the Sioux. The Sioux quickly retreat after 4 or 5 of their number go down. Now it is a game of cat and mouse as they snipe at each other.

Robertson and Davis are quickly running out of cartridges as the Sioux work their way closer. Just as the two men run out of ammo, the posse shows and runs off the Sioux. Davis makes to take off with the cash assuming that Robertson is out of ammo. Robertson blows off the hat of Davis. He then tells him that he had kept two cartridges just in case. Davis knows he is beat.

This is a quick moving episode with plenty of action. The episode was helmed by James Neilson, who had just finished filming the James Stewart and Audie Murphy western, NIGHT PASSAGE.
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Vintage TV Western
StrictlyConfidential17 July 2021
(IMO) "Tales Of Wells Fargo" (1957-1962) was an above average TV Western with competent actors, plenty of action and believable situations.

I really liked Dale Robertson as the no-nonsense special agent, Jim Hardie.

"Two Cartridges" was first aired on television September 16, 1957.
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Two Cartridges
coltras354 August 2024
A rookie outlaw, Al Porter, holds up a stage for $10,000. Jim waiting for the money to arrive decides to go after him alone after learning about the holdup.

Shortly, after finding the empty strongbox, he comes upon the robber camping and Porter refuses to give up trying to escape. However, Porter stirred up the local Sioux when he stole the second horse from them. He and Hardie are now trapped with little ammo. They have to work together to survive- but Porter would likely in off with money the first chance he gets.

Simple story and plot, but it's the chemistry and slightly blossoming respect between the two men - Hardie and Porter - that makes this watchable. Jim Davis plays the outlaw and imbues him with an intelligence- he's a thinker. Nice injun attack at the end to pepper things up a mite.
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