"Star Trek" Plato's Stepchildren (TV Episode 1968) Poster

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the weirdest Star Trek episode
HelloTexas1122 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While 'The Way To Eden' and 'Spock's Brain' often vie for the title of All Time Worst Episode of the original series, I don't think there's a serious contender to the claim of 'Plato's Stepchildren' as All Time Strangest Episode. There were some other oddball entries, no doubt, particularly in the third season but this one about a group of superpowerful humans living in their own version of a Platonian utopia has some very disturbing undertones of depravity, cruelty, and humiliation. The show isn't bashful about putting this perverse behavior on display. It's actually quite daring for its time and place... that an episode of a network TV series back in 1969 would even cover such ground is amazing. Of course, not all of it works. There are many bits that are unintentionally hilarious, others that are cringeworthy. There is the constant reminder in Alexander's treatment by the others of man's inhumanity to man. By way of the Platonian's mind control, Kirk is forced to slap himself (repeatedly), dance, sing, act like a horse, even kiss Uhura before using a bullwhip on her and Nurse Chapel. Spock is similarly humiliated. In an odd turn of events though, Kirk pretty much shrugs off his degradation while Spock takes his, shall we say, very personally. The scene where he and Kirk discuss their mutual ordeal is quite something, and one of the best scenes in the episode. Spock looks like he might implode with anger. Other parts shine as well; the character of Alexander is sharply written and has the best dialogue. Kirk and Spock are eventually able to duplicate the Platonian's power and the overall effect of the final scene is of a bunch of petty bullies being shown up and discredited. (But not before we get to hear Spock warble 'Bitter Dregs,' one of his lesser hits.) I think it is to Star Trek's credit that they were still trying in that last season... the cast and writers and everyone involved weren't just phoning it in, they were still reaching for interesting stories to tell and occasionally succeeding.
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Power Corrupts Even Saints on Platonius
Bogmeister11 February 2007
Well, there never were any saints on Platonius, I'd wager. No, I would say that the small grouping of inhabitants on this planet were always egoist boors, even before acquiring their power. Kirk, Spock & McCoy beam down to a culture patterned after ancient Greece, to treat an infection suffered by the group's leader. However, the resemblance to the old-time Greek philosophers & intellectuals is mostly superficial: the jerks here possess vast telekinetic powers and enjoy using them on 'lesser' beings for purposes of humiliation, to satisfy their sadistic need for vicarious entertainment. In other words, they're bored as hell after an existence of over two millennium and the Enterprise crew offer a brief respite from the doldrums. A cautionary take on the 'power corrupts' principle, the episode shows how these Platonians are unable (read: unwilling) to hold back from using their power for even the briefest of periods. Kirk gets the first sampling when Parmen, the leader, forces him to slap himself repeatedly. It gets worse, much worse.

This episode probably elicits different reactions from viewers based on their ages and life experiences. I know when I was younger - much younger - I couldn't help but laugh when Kirk & Spock started into their forced Tweedledee & Tweedledum routine. With age, callousness gave way to empathy, and now I sympathize with the heroes, because this is torture and I already know what's next; it reminds me of some of the worst excesses of our history, such as how the Jews suffered under the Nazis or the slavery in America before the 20th century. Unlike their turns at an Abbott & Costello shtick in "The Trouble With Tribbles," when we were laughing with them, here we either laugh at them or boil in anger, in anticipation of some payback. In the end, however, this is a good case study of just how far we've evolved in the 23rd century, according to the Trek-makers: Kirk, Spock & McCoy retain their dignity even as they're humiliated and even when the time for revenge has arrived. We see that they will never revert to some of the base instincts mankind left behind 200 years earlier - it's rather inspirational.

This episode is known for the first interracial kiss on TV, occurring between Kirk and Uhura when the Platonians escalate their sadistic manipulations. It's ironic that this kiss is forced and it still caused controversy back in the sixties, though I've also noted attempts to downplay it in later decades, with some stating that the two performers did not actually make contact. Well, it looks like contact to me (I've also read some accounts that Shatner purposely spoiled the takes where they may not be actually touching, forcing the editors to use the take where they were). You can downplay it all you want, but what was the 2nd interracial kiss on TV? I sure don't know, though I guess it would be interesting to look up on the internet. By the way, these Platonians are another example of aliens visiting Earth in ancient times, much like Apollo and his brood from the "Who Mourns For Adonais?" episode; it seems a common occurrence in the Trek universe. This also benefited from the guest star turn by actor Dunn, better known for his mesmerizing portrayal of the villainous Loveless on the "Wild Wild West" TV series.
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"Where I come from, size, shape, or color makes no difference".
classicsoncall25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well you have to admit, Star Trek came up with some pretty goofy stuff from time to time. Kirk and Spock have a Monty Python moment in this episode with their Tweedledum routine, and there's even a scene where Spock laughs because, let's face it, he probably couldn't keep a straight face with some of the nonsense going on.

It's too bad the message of the story didn't stand out more than the quote in my summary line might have suggested. The best scenes had to do with Kirk's uplifting dialog with Alexander (Michael Dunn), providing him with inspiration and hope even as the little guy kept getting tortured by Parmen's (Liam Sullivan) mental blasts. For a society bred toward contemplation, self-reliance and longevity, the Platonians certainly didn't apply any humanity to their world view.

And taking the 'color makes no difference' angle a step further, the Captain plants one on Uhura in TV's first inter-racial kiss. I know everyone else on this board has mentioned it already, but this really WAS a big deal. A year later, ex-footballer Jim Brown had a big screen inter-racial match up with Raquel Welch in "100 Rifles", and though I'm not sure if that was the first movie instance of black and white lovers, it had to be close. So once again, Star Trek broke new ground, going where no man (or woman) had gone before.
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Uncomfortable but solid theme about degradation and human nature
doug_mertaugh20 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of my guilty pleasures. While I had seen the show as a child on it's first run, this was the first episode I watched as an adult. It had the bonus of involving telekinesis (or psychokinesis as it was called in the episode), something I find fascinating within the realm of fiction.

There is no question that the story has heaping logical flaws. These Platonians have lived a few thousand years so they must have a tremendous resistance to disease as well as longevity but a mere cut infects Parmen badly just from sitting around all the time. But once Dr. McCoy helps him, the doctor comments upon Parmen's amazing recuperative powers. Then there are problems such as the Platonians had apparently visited Earth during Plato's era or shortly thereafter and then left but he forces Kirk and Spock to quote Lewis Carroll. And he knows about this how? The episode falls into a typical Trek pattern as the telekinesis of the Platonians seems without limits although in this case, the heroes can give themselves the same abilities as the seemingly all-powerful aliens, which is an unusual twist.

One comment I've heard throughout the years is, "Since Kirk stated they could recreate the power at will now that they know how, why haven't they pulled it out of mothballs to stomp the Borg and others easily when they were attacked?" This is just one of those situations where you have to take each episode as a self-contained reality having no bearing on future stories. That would be far less likely to work these days. If you like, Kirk was wrong. It can only be simulated for a short time and only using materials on Platonius.

The acting is unusually good in this one. Even Shatner's acting is good considering the humiliating situations. Liam Sullivan as Parmen is the heart of aristocratic evil and desperate need for anything to keep him going. Barbara Babcock as Philana beautifully portrays the desire to feel and, so I got the impression, to participate rather than just watch feelings. Michael Dunn, whose portrayal of Dr. Miquelito Loveless in "The Wild Wild West" was superb here takes a character who has to spout a lot of exposition and makes him the most sympathetic character.

It's hard to buy into the idea that it's their longevity and power that has "made them crazy" since Alexander says he was brought there as the court buffoon to begin with, that they already had a smug, class divided society and that they started really pushing him around the day they got the powers.

It was a tribute to the philosophy of Star Trek though that, once they triumphed, Kirk tossed revenge out the window as did Spock.

I found the sets to be bright and highly attractive, perhaps the more so because there was a certain stage set unreality to them. I think I found the power fascinating as well because it had to be acted rather than accomplished by CGI.

One note is that the "First interracial kiss on television" thing is a long debunked fallacy. The first interracial kiss was almost any episode of "I Love Lucy". If specifically black and white is meant, there was previously a variety show where a black and white person kissed. Only if one means specifically fiction on television between two characters who are one black and one white does it become the first interracial kiss and even then, it is clearly filmed in such a way that one cannot tell whether they are really kissing or not. Even if they are, we cannot see it- unlike the undeniable and prolonged kiss between Spock and Chapel. So it will always be argued whether it was or was not the first interracial kiss or a kiss at all.

The episode is uncomfortable to watch but what I think a lot of people miss is that this is because the raw emotion and display of the negatives in human nature make it uncomfortable. Sure, Kirk on all fours neighing like a horse seems funny from one point of view and yet in the sequel to "Roots", we have the LeVar Burton (ironically, a Star Trek connection) character on all fours neighing like a horse and being ridden by children while staring at someone with a look in his eyes that says how degrading and dehumanizing this is. I suppose by trying to make the same point but doing it with aliens in a fantastic setting, it's hard for the audience to get by the window dressing and recognize the same theme and situation. This is about the lowest levels of degradation that humans can sink to, not just the victims but more so the perpetrators.

There are those who rate it as the worst original Trek episode but it is probably my second favorite next to "The Empath", yet another episode rated low by many people but which cuts to the very essence of what Star Trek is which, in my opinion, is about admitting what we have inside us, the depths we can sink to but making a choice and rising to the highest levels we are capable of.
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Despite a super-dumb plot, it is oddly watchable
planktonrules8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, it was sure silly when the Enterprise investigated one planet inhabited by 20th century-style Romans and another which was a re-creation of the Nazis. However, these bizarre and impossible situations made the visit to aliens who act like they are the descendent's of the ancient Athenians not so impossible to take after all! Sure, it's all completely silly, but somehow the execution is good enough to keep the episode from being dumb. In fact, since these Platonians are also super-powerful, it's pretty cool to see them abuse their power and torture not only their pet dwarf, but the crew members. While stating that they are enlightened and honorable, the Greek Freaks are really just petty little jerks who love pushing around weaker people. Well, despite their hubris, in the end, Kirk is able to defeat them and watch these pansies beg for mercy.

Interestingly enough, aside from being a pretty good episode, this show has the distinction of having the first American televised interracial kiss between cast members of a series, as Kirk kisses Uhura passionately on the mouth. According to a book written later by writers of the show, this passionate kiss wasn't the first between Ms. Nichols and Mr. Shatner!
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Absolute Power
bkoganbing7 June 2014
Again a reference to earth culture in a Star Trek episode for a reference point for viewers. Some travelers in space who at one time settled in ancient Greece and admired the culture have now settled on a planet and have developed their minds kind of like the Krells had done in Forbidden Planet. Only their monster from the ID is nothing like a pretend creature from the depths of their souls.

They've developed their minds and psychokinetic abilities to such a degree that they make everyone else dance to their tune. Such is what they do for amusement to several Enterprise crew members. They do have a purpose in mind. They're a finely tuned genetic machine these Platonians, but having achieved almost immortality and eradicating those pesty one celled things that cause disease they're immune systems are non-existent. When DeForest Kelley treats the head Platonian Liam Sullivan for a simple cut that has grown infected, Sullivan decides a Platonian doctor on call is what the planet lacks.

Sullivan is also willing to go any lengths to keep Dr. McCoy there at his beck and call. And of course making the Enterprise crew do what you want them to do is good amusement. Previously the only one whom they could do it to was dwarf Michael Dunn.

An interesting parable about absolute power. This Star Trek episode should be seen back to back with Forbidden Planet.
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Star Trek: The Original Series - Plato's Stepchildren
Scarecrow-8826 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The cruelty of aliens modeled (in basic attire only) after "Plato's Children" upon Kirk and Spock has a real potency that leaves a bad taste (as it should). The planet itself has properties that have provided the alien residents with telekinetic power that can force those without it to do their so desire. The planet had minerals and soil content the Federation found desirable not realizing the Platonians were living on it. Parmen (Liam Sullivan) and wife, Philana (Barbara Babcock), along with 38 other smug, loathsome, detestable Platonians toy around with dwarf humanoid, Alexander (the wonderful Michael Dunn), using his as a "buffoon" for entertainment purposes, disrespecting and humiliating Kirk and Spock when McCoy refuses to stay behind on their planet as their personal medical doctor (Parmen nearly dies from a simple cut, resulting in a serious infection that McCoy helps to heal, his recuperative power helping also). Such despicable acts include Kirk being forced to slap his face over and over, Kirk and Spock having to sing from "Through the Looking Glass", Kirk forced to all fours while Alexander rides him like a donkey, and Spock's emotions infiltrated to where he must cry and laugh. While Uhura and Nurse Chapel are forced to beam down and kiss Kirk and Spock respectively (resulting in one interracial kiss quite celebrated and the other an interspecies kiss that is often overlooked), I think the best scene is actually Kirk, McCoy, and Spock dealing with the humiliation and embarrassment of what Parmen done to him…Spock admits, like McCoy, of the hatred that fills them, while Kirk endures the physical toll the actions of Parmen took on him. Alexander is the ultimate victim, having endured the Platonian cruelty for far too long, seeing past his own disgust and rage thanks to Kirk who fights against the desire for revenge in favor of securing the same power Parmen and his aliens currently have so he can combat their efforts to bend him and Spock to their will. I think that when Kirk and Spock refuse to kill Parmen or even inflict a little payback to the others when the duo are hypo-injected with double the nutrients that give them extra telekinetic power is a testament to the maturity of Roddenberry's vision of mankind in the future. The kiss between Shatner and Nichelle Nichols gets a great deal of the recognition, but I think we must not discount the message regarding man's cruelty through power towards those powerless to stop him/them. And we see that those in power who do treat those disenfranchised with cruelty eventually fall. The results, though, are pure Roddenberry…to be better than those who were evil towards you, finding the better angels in yourselves to define your resistance towards repeating the same mistakes as those who posited cruelty towards you.
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Humiliated by Platonians
Tweekums6 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Having responded to a distress signal from an unknown planet Kirk, Spock and McCoy are greeted by a dwarf named Alexander who takes them to the society's leader Parmen who is threaten by an infected cut. After McCoy treats him the away team learn that this society, the Platonians, is based on the Ancient Greek society which they visited before it fell. They then moved to their current home where a eugenics programme led to a tiny population which is effectively immortal and everybody apart from Alexander has telekinetic powers. They say that this incident shows that they need a physician so they insist that McCoy stays with them. When he refuses they use their powers to humiliate Kirk and Spock; treating them like puppets. McCoy manages to discover the source of the Platonian's power and replicate it but he is unsure how long it will take to work. Before it can start working the Platonians have force Uhuru and Nurse Chapel to beam down and join in their cruel puppet show.

This is one of the best known episodes of Star Trek thanks to the inter-racial kiss between Kirk and Uhuru; thankfully anybody watching know would hardly think twice about the characters different races. That doesn't mean it isn't a rather disturbing scene because the characters are being forced to act against their will; there is a sadistic side to Platonians in general and Parmen in particular and the way he deliberately humiliates Kirk, Spock and later Uhuru and Chapel makes for some uncomfortable viewing. The cast do solid job with guest stars Michael Dunn being likable as Alexander and Liam Sullivan being suitably unlikable as Parman. The story itself is entertaining enough although we have had enough of societies that either mirror or are based on historical Earth societies… it might have been better had these characters just been aliens without all the Grecian trappings. Overall a solid enough episode but not as good as it could have been.
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Humiliation not to be taken lightly
KayDrama5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In response to the reviewers who ridiculed this episode for being ridiculous, the entire point of the crews "performances" was to humiliate them while providing entertainment to the Platonians. And one must remember when watching TV shows/movies that pre-date the 1970's, that you must read between the lines that are allowed to slip past the censors. The scenes between the male/female members of the Enterprise crew would be equivalent to an actual explicit S&M orgy. They would seem funny and lightweight to generations today who are used to seeing gratuitous violence and sex played out before them.

As others have said here, Star Trek was leaps and bounds ahead of its time and, frankly, I'm amazed at how much they were able to "get away" with throughout the series. Even the line from this episode that "where I come from people are not judged by the color of their skin...or size" would have caused an outrage in some people during the time who did not believe that all people are equal. Thank goodness for the famous interracial kiss to keep the bigots distracted from protesting that "inflammatory" statement.
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A story of hatred.
amusinghandle9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's easier to pay verbal tribute to lofty ideals then to actually live up to them in the real world. Captain Kirk is a founding member in a long line of starfleet officers who manage to turn the other cheek in what can only be describe as an awe inspiring level of self control.

This episode succeeds in making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I am not a fan of gore horror but I do enjoy psychological horror/terror when executed properly. This episode creates a deplorable and hateful villain with the character of Parmen (who is wonderfully performed by the way).

This is a solid episode that at it's heart is an examination of hatred. My primitive monkey brain would make me hate the character of Parmen but I can appreciate how letting go of the hate is the wiser course of action ---- y'know, before it consumes you and you start upon the bloody path of revenge.

This is also the first interracial kiss on tv! Can you believe it? Our world is not exactly paradise but we are slowly progressing forward and that's a great thing. Who knows --- Maybe Star Trek itself has a minor part to play in expanding a segment of our population and amplifying or emboldening those progressives that came after.
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What Did I Just Watch?
Samuel-Shovel2 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Plato's Stepchildren" has to be one of the oddest entries in the show's run. Drawn to an uninhabited planet by a distress call, Bones is asked to save an alien race's leader from a deadly infection. The people here are telekinetic and prior visitors of Earth. They left their planet after its sun when nova and they visited Earth for a time. They became infatuated with Greek culture and based their own planet off of it. Their powers have allowed them to live here for centuries undetected. After saving the leader's life, they ask Bones to stay and be their doctor. He quickly declines but they won't take no for an answer, even if that means torturing his friends in the process. We see Kirk continuously punching himself in the face, Spock almost crushing Kirk's skull with his foot, and all sorts of bizarre interactions and movements.

Bones is able to isolate why this planet gave the people these powers. He creates a concoction in Kirk's blood that allows him to battle the leader telekinetically. Kirk wins and warns the people to be better behaved or the Federation will come down and give them a shiner in the future.

I'm not sure whether it was Gene or just a fad of the times but there is an absurd about of Greek content in TOS. "Who Mourns for Adonais?" and this are two entire episodes based around its culture. (I wonder if the two alien races ever met while on Earth or were aware of other alien life forms there?) Anyways, I'm not a big fan of either of those episodes. Both revolve around the concept that more advanced alien species would end up on Earth and become so infatuated with these lesser beings that they would base their entire culture and lives around the Greeks. It's a bizarre concept.

The physical acting in this episode is absolutely insane. Kirk's strange gyrations and tics, Spock's emotional outlet and song & dance, it all felt like I had stumbled across something that I wasn't intended to see.

Even so, I couldn't take my eyes off of it (I believe the old adage is "like a car crash in slow motion). Is it good? No. Is it bad? I don't know... But it is a peculiarity worth investigating.
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One of ST's BEST episodes
jollyrottn24 July 2022
This is one of the rare episodes that makes you sense real danger. The dwarf character, a victim of a sadistic elite class, is really well written. The episode isn't just about the Captain and his crew, it becomes much more.

This is one of four episodes the UK took off the air in the 1960s for being too serious, since it was considered a children's show at the time.

You also have a white man kissing a black woman so naturally Americans couldn't handle it.

That it's still challenging and offending people today proves it's a Great episode.
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One iconic kiss, ritual humiliation, and a little surprise
snoozejonc20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Enterprise receives a distress call from a planet closely resembling Earth's Classical Greek era.

This is a mixed bag of an episode with some decent ideas, but suffers from distinct lack of originality.

Yet again the away team encounters a simulated Earth culture and is forced to perform for their captors. The eventual resolution to the problem works, but the concluding scenes for me offer very little satisfaction.

Written into the story are some great themes around elitism, sadism, and the corrupting influence of power. Some of it includes some fairly uncomfortable scenes of the Enterprise crew being tortured and humiliated as a means of coercion, but also as a form of amusement to the onlooking Platonians. I think it's how you react to these scenes that will likely influence your feelings towards the episode. I found them relatively disturbing, but it is clear to see how some viewers find them camp and unintentionally funny. If anything they demand a large amount of physical performance from William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and guest star Michael Dunn.

Dunn in particular gives a strong performance that generates sympathy. His character is written in a non-patronising way for an actor with a restricted growth condition. His size is factored cleverly into the sci-fi element of the story.

This episode contains the most famous and iconic moment of the entire Star Trek franchise when Kirk and U'Hura are made to kiss. I accept it was groundbreaking at the time, but I wish the creators and network had the guts to write it consensual and actually film Shatner and Nichelle Nichols properly kiss. What is generally forgotten is that minutes later he is rather disturbingly made to whip her.

Generally the actors get through the scenes of forcible humiliation with their dignity fairly intact. Exchanges of dialogue are done well and the characters use their skills and intelligence to find a way out of the predicament.

The less said about the final scenes the better. After all the writers put the characters through it is ended with a very uninspired exchange between Kirk and Parmen.
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Very Strange Episode
njpaul-0063328 April 2021
Imagine going home to your family after shooting this episode and having to explain to them today daddy played a neighing horse, Tweedle Dee and danced around like a fool. Good grief I wouldn't go home.
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Again, sometimes wrongfully dismissed.
Blueghost20 January 2010
There's a theory in psychology that if you press a person's buttons that you'll get to the heart of the matter regarding whatever it is that's bothering them, and hence be able "to cure them" of whatever emotional ailment is believed to be afflicting them.

What does this mean? It means torture. Not in the physical sense, but in the grade school sense where one is taunted and teased to the point of breaking. Any parent will tell you that the solution is a good spanking, slap across the cheek, or a "time out" where said problem child is placed in a corner, and not allowed to speak to anyone or interact with anything.

Now, what if you were an adult and experienced this? Your normal reaction would be to retort back or ignore the matter, until you couldn't take it anymore. So it is with Plato's Stepchildren, as we see a typical luring of the afflicted represented by Kirk, Spock and McCoy "to treat" the psychiatric-needful and physiologically distraught Parman, a man who models himself and his society after one of Plato's utopias (down to the slave class).

Like unexpectant, hapless, unworried patients approaching a "facility" they, the U.S.S. Enterprise's trio representing the ship's command of heart and mind, are lured to do bidding they have not foreseen.

The allegorical doctor is Parman. This script, like much of Roddenberry's fare, is taken right out of case examples of Psychology Today, where the patient is mentally tortured for "a cure". Nevermind the fact that this defies all principles of civilized nations, which seems to be the point that Kirk and Spock make after the display of debauchery they are forced to exemplify for a lurid audience who might as well be peep-show addicts down at the local porn shop. So it is the message of the author of this episode to the world of alleged mental health, and their snake-oil filled shelves of cures. The audience at the end of the episode are, in fact, psychologists represented allegorically.

Does a civilized nation of any sort, burden itself with such a pyramidal scheme of political power the likes of which are invested in Parman? The forcing of affections, the creation of a display against one's will, the violation of basic decency on the part of the subjects in question, in this case Captain James T. Kirk and Executive Officer Mister Spock, may seem like child's play to the child like mind, but it is serious business with men and women of pride and a code of conduct are concerned.

Would you like to be Kirk or Spock in this episode? Take care for your answer, because it does happen.

It is not until the balance of power is brought back that a sense of reciprocity is forthcoming. More than justice, but not quite revenge. Is this how things work in the real world from which the allegory is drawn?


What we're witnessing are school yard tactics which are often employed and labeled as "office politics" in the workplace. Either way it's unwarranted, and, if taken too far, libel to be the subject of arrest and a law suit for those involved in executing "the treatment".

Thankfully this is fiction. And not just fiction, but Science Fiction, and one of our favorites; 1960's era Star Trek :-)

The down-shot of this Trek installment is of course once more that it's another 3rd season low budget episode. Or, at lest low budget by Star Trek standards. No red shirts were hurt in the filming of this episode (thank goodness), and the musical accompaniment is narrow in scope as opposed to the relatively adventurous and grand orchestrations by the great Alexander Courage.

We have to ignore things like why doesn't the ship and crew just do Action-X or execute Plan-Y? Well, it's taken care of in the script as best as possible, but it does give one a moment of pause. But again, the episode's thrust is the indolent seeker of power to tamper with a thing that doesn't need tampering. I wonder if Plato would approve.

Note; interracial kiss; unfortunately Shatner denied it, then embraced it, then denied it once more according some involved. Looking at it in retrospect it's a silly thing. Men and women, whoever they are, should be allowed to feel and express affection for one another. Unless of course you're the actor involved, and you think your career might be damaged by it. Again, fortunately this is Trek, and know that the social taboos of yesteryear are just that; gone.
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Michael Dunn is the best actor in one of the worst episodes!
mike4812829 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The talents of the accomplished dwarf actor, Michael Dunn, (best known as Dr. Loveless in The "Wild Wild West" TV Series) are almost wasted here, but he manages to overcome one of the most contrived episodes ever. (It seems that all of the Star Trek stories involving immortal god-like beings are horrible.) The lowest point is "Alexander" (Dunn) riding on Capt. Kirk's back as Kirk imitates a child's "horsey ride". Ditto for Mr. Spock's double doing a Flamingo dance to amuse The "Platonians" who are immortal and can move things around just like Samantha Stevens, due to their "superpowers"! Originally not shown in the U.K., as it shows Kirk almost kissing Uhura, a black woman! Everyone walks around like puppets as they are commanded to do ridiculous things against their will, for the cheap amusement of the immortals, who dress like Greek gods. A terrible plot that drags so badly the entire episode could have been a half hour long and nothing would have been missed. Only two tacky sets, with lots of fake Roman columns and cheesy architecture. One of the truly awful Star Trek episodes. Only exceeded by "And the Children Shall Lead Them" for sheer stupidity.
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This one got in my head
jecskene15 December 2020
Typical of the 3rd season Star Trek; They had a shoestring budget and had to make the most of it. Most of the acting was right out there and cringeworthy; not that it was all that terrible but the actors pushed their characters well past their limits in this one. The star of this episode was a character by the name of Alexander (Played by Michael Dunn). His revelation and struggles seemed the most genuine and central to the plot.

I was so intrigued that I went to ask my my search engine whatever happened to him. I had just watched him looking so real and personable. Mr. Dunn died in 1973; 47 years ago. That really got in my head.
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Star Trek Roman Around
Hitchcoc6 May 2014
Silly science fiction, certainly. The only strength of this episode is to see those self- centered toga wearers get theirs and for the little guy to come out on top. Of course, like so many advanced civilizations in the original series, here we go again with their shortsightedness and their need to do evil instead of something positive with their powers. Kirk and the gang land on a planet that was every stereotype of ancient Roman culture we can come up with. The people have mastered telekinesis and use it to make the Enterprise crew look like fools, making them dance and do things utterly embarrassing to them. The whole coliseum full are smarmy, useless creatures who get their jollies from watching pain. Alexander is the gofer for them, ridiculed because he is a little person. He feels a total lack of importance. The problem here is that it is downright ridiculous, another earth culture that has revived itself in outer space. Man, the imagination was truly lacking.
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Repeat themes
mhubbard-546578 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Average Star Trek episode. By now, in season 3, we are usually dealing with repeat themes, and this is no different. More grandiose Greek gods with mysterious powers. Another gorgeous blonde chick with a big up-swept hairstyle. A little person abused by the gods for their cruel amusement, but soon the crew trio is also taken under their psychokinetic powers. Forcing them to do all sorts of humiliating and bizarre things. I must say some of the acting here is rather good, showcasing the potential evils of power.

Once again, our crafty heroes figure out a way out of it, and nobly refuse to seek revenge when they finally get the best of their captors. Then they beam back to the ship with a "little surprise", ie their new friend.

This episode is most famous for the "interracial kiss" between Kirk and Uhura, forced by the gods. With dispassionate kisses like this, we need not have feared an explosion of interracial children.
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Psionic Abilities, McCoy, Torturing The Crew
Rainey-Dawn13 January 2017
Season 3, episode 10. The Enterprise receives a call for a medical emergency on a planet where the alien people once flourished on Earth during the time of Plato, then they left after the time of Plato and kept the Platonian society. The Platonians have selective breeding and a type of eugenics that left their number paired down to 38. The planet is rich in "kironide" mineral deposits which gives them their psionic abilities, all except for a friendly dwarf named Alexander. Alexander is their court jester and a slave to the Platonians - he is forced by the psionic abilities to do their bidding. McCoy, Kirk and Spock all beam down. McCoy gives Parmen the medical treatment he needs and decides to keep McCoy. They have not needed the medical arts before the time that Parmen became ill. When Kirk refuses Parmen makes all of them do things for his entertainment - even bringing down Nurse Chapel and Uhura for more entertainment. Now Kirk & crew must find a way out of there with the help of Alexander.

What an episode. I actually like this one - it's not the greatest of episodes but it does bring out emotions in me which has me really enjoying it... even though Mr. Spock might find that illogical. LOL. ;) The famous kiss - erroneously called the first scripted interracial kiss on television. Forcing Kirk to the ground, having Spock to dance and almost crush Kirk's face with his foot, forcing Spock to laugh and then to cry (McCoy saying it will destroy Spock - meaning killing Spock to me). Kirk being forced to be a horse for Alexander the forced rider. On and on.... humiliating the crew in order to keep McCoy as their doctor. And what they have done to Alexander - very emotional.

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On the "Big Kiss"?
gene-0720219 January 2021
Leonard Nimoy was supposed to kiss Nicole Nichols, but Shatner intervened as he always did when he thought anyone was going to "steal the spotlight" from him. On this Inter-Racial" Nonsense? Frances Nuyen No one ever says a things about Frances Nuyen in the Episode - Elaan of Troyius (1968)... It seems that it ONLY counts as "Inter-Racial" in America if it is Caucasian and African American....... Go figure.... So Frances Nuyen is completely ignored in Television Trivia. Of course. her episode did come after Plato's Children.
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Bitter Dregs...
Xstal16 February 2022
Aristotle would have wallowed, Socrates would not have swallowed, Pythagoras would spin around and around while Democritus would gaze down with a frown.

A group of alien philosophers fail to see the bigger picture and cause some of the crew to descend into the world of Marcel Marceau with vocals.
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Folly of absolute power is apropos
cbibins-3598321 October 2019
The world we live in and this episode silly, strange though it may be is an appropriate depiction of how power corrupts. Whether they knew it or not their fantasy world it's very similar to what people with power create for themselves. The folly is what we see every day in politics for instance. There are some laugh out loud sequences there was a history making moment. Star Trek it's always been full of lessons I believe this lesson in this episode was important
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My 2 Rating Would Be a 1 if it Weren't for Michael Dunn
eti556 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the very worst episodes from the worst season of the original series run. Kirk and company receive a distress signal from a planet called Platonius (they dress like Greeks, get it?), and encounter a bunch of vain, lazy, depraved and downright evil people who have telekinetic powers..and use them to torture and humiliate anyone who doesn't have them. They had been tormenting little Alexander (Michael Dunn), the only Platonian with any humanity in him, for eons, and now they have some new subjects to amuse themselves with. After Dr. McCoy saves the leader's life, they repay their benefactors by torturing Kirk and Spock and forcing them into performing humiliating acts, in an effort to break Dr. McCoy and coerce him to stay behind (the Platonians' plan is to keep the doctor, whom they need, then kill Kirk and Spock when they're done tormenting them..along with destroying the Enterprise). There is nothing redeeming here..not even the first ever on-screen interracial kiss (which Kirk and Uhura are forced to do). These people are so evil and sadistic that the episode had already lost me by the time Kirk was able to turn the tables. And the torture extends to we, the viewers, when we're subjected to Leonard Nimoy SINGING. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Even Michael Dunn's sympathetic portrayal of Alexander can't save this turkey.
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What Are Little Plutonians Made Of?
fedor824 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Belongs to the 10 Cheesiest episodes.

A sort of more extreme sequel to "Who Mourns For Adonis". It seems they were running out of ideas so they started repeating themselves.

SCOTTY: "Captain, may I express my utmost and sincere thanks that you didn't include me in the landing party for the planet Plutonia. I hear all of you are made to dance and act like utter idiots, so I'm quite happy to be spared that crap. Scotty out..."

Damn, I must calm down if I'm to successfully complete and post this comment! I remember seeing PS as a 7 year-old, and back then I considered it quite disturbing, an abomination of an episode. However, many years later I find myself laughing out loud at Kirk & Co., who mime their way through the silliest ST episode - even goofier than "That Which Survives". The absolute highlight is the first time Kirk, McCoy and Spock are dragged through a door: SCREAMINGLY funny. The less said about Spock and Kirk dancing/singing like kids, the better...

Spock: "Plato wanted truth, beauty, and above all justice". Actually, if you ever read the "deep thoughts" of this arrogant, deluded, boy-fondling Ancient Greek, you'll find that much of it is deranged, and not much less silly than this ST episode.

Visually, PS is perhaps the best-looking episode: great 60s glam-o-rama colours and nice sets. Otherwise, along with "Dagger Of The Mind", it is known as one of the more sadistic entries, and notoriously campy, with the crew being made to look more foolish than ever. Even the Marx Brothers never had to go this far. Chaplin must have been envious.

SCOTTY: "Captain, I hear you were made to slap yourself repeatedly in the face. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much did that hurt?... Your ego, I mean."

What exactly did Shatner tell his daughters when he came back from shooting PS? "Daddy, how was work today?" Shatner: "Don't ask... I had to bray like a donkey, while a dwarf rode me... Whatever you do, don't EVER go into acting!" One of them did, though. Perhaps she failed to watch PS... This episode should serve as a dire warning to any aspiring thespians about what can happen in the supposedly glamorous world of acting.

Strangely enough, PS has a small amount of good-quality, intelligent dialogue amidst all the lunacy.

SCOTTY: "Captain, I hear you got to kiss Lt. Uhura! I take back what I said earlier: when can I beam down, too?"

If there ever was an attempt to destroy Spock's cold/logical image, it was in PS. Worse yet for Nimoy, he was forced to touch and feel up Majel, whose hands almost single-handedly (no pun intended) covered the entire screen in one shot. Brrrr! It was also absolutely amazing to me that the Plutonians get away with less than a slap on the wrist! Kirk basically tells them "never to do that again, d'ya hear?", they nod, and that's it! Starfleet's absurdly impractical pacifism never did sit too well with me... However, it's an ending that should please any liberals watching it. "Give peace a chance"...
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