"The Rookies" Dead, Like a Lost Dream (TV Episode 1972) Poster

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Great idea--yet they blew it....
planktonrules22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of a psycho who did not make it at the police academy who wants revenge against the police is a really cool idea. Yet, somehow, the show was bungled! It's a great case of 'could have'! The show begins with a guy sneaking into the locker room at the police station and stealing a uniform. Then, while wearing the uniform, he does things to make the cops look bad--and he makes sure to use the names of various graduates of the class he SHOULD have graduated from in order to make them look bad. So far, it's a good idea. And, when he attempts to blow up the church where the benediction service is about to be held for the current class, it's getting even better. Yet, the show was so incredibly slopping it really irritated me. How could they get the details so wrong? Here are a few examples: the nut shoots out a mirror in his apartment but there is no hole in the wall behind the broken mirror, when the cops KNOW he's stolen a uniform and he might have infiltrated the academy they don't look for a guy in a cop's uniform or pass out copies of the photo they have of this suspect, when one of the rookies sees the psycho at the academy he never looks for help, when the same rookie sees a bomb he does not seek help and when the psycho catches him and holds the rookie (Georg Sanford Brown) hostage he is sure to give Brown a chance to take the gun from him!!! This is beyond sloppy--this is just bad. For shame--taking a good idea, hooking the audience and then giving them THIS!!
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