(TV Series)


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Suspension of Disbelief
bob85028 November 2022
I kind of enjoyed seeing Ben Matlock talking to a ghost. Think of "Mr. Ed," "My Mother the Car," or "My Favorite Martian." This long-running series needed a little comedic kick in the pants, and got it with this episode. Franc Luz wax the perfect foil for Andy Griffith, and the disbelief of Ben Matlock's core group was perfect. Usually, Ben is the "feet planted on the ground" realist, and the idea that he is now communicating with the dead makes for a fun, light, episode. If you're just starting out watching the series, I wouldn't start here, but after several seasons, this is a nice departure from the status quo.
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The Ghost episode. Ben is hilarious.
reb-warrior8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm here for Andy Griffith to ham it up as Ben in this funny light episode.

Mike Wilson is murdered. The police think his wife did it. She thinks she did too as she shoved him away from her in an argument and he fell. Mike shows up as a ghost and wants Ben to help/represent his wife. Let the hilarity ensue!

A fun episode made humorous because these various other people see Ben talking to himself a lot but he's really talking to Mike, the ghost. Everyone thinks he's bonkers. Lol.

Ben also does a lot of body expression humor. It looks so funny in the views they show where Mike isn't there. And we all know how expressive Ben is. I loved when Ben ran away from the ghost/Mike when he showed him he was still there after a truck ran through him. Ben was like " go away, and get away" as he ran off. It was so funny.

This is obviously a nod to the movie Ghost which was a big hit in theatres about 3 years before this episode aired. Ben is basically Whoopi Goldberg's character.

Anyway, a good laugh, something different, and lots of fun. Not for sticks in the mud at all. 8/10.
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Jumped. The. Shark.
bda96511 May 2021
Ben befriends a ghost? Really??

It's bad enough that Michelle, Julie, and Les left the show after last season because of the change of location of the show and essentially allowed Andy Griffith to start a new show with just him as the only constant.

But now the main character (beyond the regulars) is a ghost? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it through the next 2.5 seasons...
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ApeLieUproar25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just started watching this episode and, at the very least, the setup of this episode is similar to the movie 'Ghost' which was released in 1990. This episode, "The Ghost" aired in 1993.

A deliberate tribute to the hit movie or did the show's producers simply run out of ideas?
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