"Lost in Space" Revolt of the Androids (TV Episode 1967) Poster

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A deeper episode than it appears.
nswanberg9 January 2015
This episode is deeper than it appears. It has a sentimental quality and insights into humanity and human nature. Perhaps love does conquer all? Robot's time has arrived. I can say I liked this episode more as an adult than I ever did as a child. Dr. Smith is the most disgusting character in television history. Why the master of disaster let him steal the series I will never know. Perhaps Harris worked cheap per line? Some of the sets and props actually seem to be getting better as the second season goes along. For what this series could have been, what it became was a shame. Didn't Star Trek overlap LiS for one season? I remember instantly thinking Star Trek is what LiS could have been.
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Love, android style
jamesrupert20147 February 2023
Fearing disassembly, Verda the android (Dee Hartford), last seen in 'The Android Machine' (S.2, Ep. 7) takes refuge on the Robinsons' planet only to be pursued by IDAK Alpha 12, an unstoppable (supposedly) super-android hunter-killer machine. The Robinsons take pity on the increasingly human-looking/acting gynoid and offer her protection while Dr. Smith tries to resurrect the temporally incapacitated robo-assassin as his personal 'muscle' in a battle against a furry white ape-like ruby-eating alien (I kid you not). The story revisits the hoary old sci-fi Pinocchio-trope of artifacts aspiring to be human but the humanising epiphany of Alpha 12 is rushed by the desire to increase the episode's 'action' by bringing in a super-super-android (this time a classic 'Terminator' - you know the type..."doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever"). Dee Hartford makes for an attractive distaff simulacrum but I liked her more as the silver-skinned innocent in 'The Android Machine'. Once again the writers have no compunction against arbitrarily introducing convenient devices that inexplicably have never been used before by the frequently threatened space-castaways (in this case, a 'Disintegrator Capsule'). Much of the episode is played for laughs, notably the silly 'fighting' lessons Smith gives to the be-cloaked silver man-droid and the Robot's frequent wisecracks. Considering the frugality of the sets and props in recent episodes, the huge android-vacuum is fun to see. Add a karate gi to the odd assortment of things that the Jupiter 2 was going to schlep to Alpha Centauri.
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asalerno1027 May 2022
Verda the android woman from the episode The Android Machine returns to the planet where the Robinsons are escaping from a super android that has the mission to eliminate her. She has become more human over time and this is not approved by the Galactic Warehouses where she was manufactured. Don Matheson personifies IDAK very well and the Superman style suit suits him very well, at first he looks menacing but soon he begins to experience the same changes as Verda and to have human reasoning and feelings. This episode could be classified as a continuation of The Android Machine, but it ends up being superior in terms of its plot and development.
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Dee Hartford (The Outer Limits: The Invisibles) Returns
StuOz2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dee Hartford plays a "more human" android which means she now looks much like she did in one of my favourite classic Outer Limits shows: The Invisibles (reviewed by me on this site).

This is the famous episode with the famous line - "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" - spoken by a Superman-type android.

Superman is here! In fact, two Supermen are here! Not to mention an android-making machine that talks.

This is a busy looking episode where the three androids take centre stage. Smith and The Robot come out with the odd funny line but it is the colourful looking androids that steal the hour. Bill Mumy's comedy acting is a bit of a problem when he suspects that a new IDAK has appeared on Planet X - "Oh Dr Smith" - but considering the kid's young age we can forgive that problem.

One of the androids is played by the late Dawson Palmer, this tall gentleman played so many monsters/aliens in LIS, I always thought it odd that he only did one monster show on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea? I guess he was so tall that he would have struggled with some of those small-ish Seaview doorways? Maybe that was the reason? Revolt Of The Androids might not be one of my favourite LIS episodes but compared to many other year two episodes, it is not too bad at all.
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Don Matheson appears disguised as Android due the upcoming Land of the Giants!!
elo-equipamentos12 August 2023
Glad to see the second appearance of Don Matheson that'll share the top billing cast of the upcoming Irwin Allen's new series Land of the Giants, according own words of the actor Don Matheson he appears on this last episode disguised Android as Idaki Alpha 12 in order to wear out his image toward the general public due he was already casting LOTG and Irwin Allen wants introduce him as newest star, even he'd showed up in the first season episode The Sky is Falling as Retso as clean face, in other hand Dee Hartford a regular guest star on Irwin Allen's shows either already played Verda twice and will come up in third season as well.

Verda turns up on Robinson's planet running away from her pursuer Idak Alpha 12 ain't so strong Android, actually Verda wasn't a totally Android anymore, seems to a half-human, she is aided by Penny, meanwhile Dr. Smith, Will and the Robot stumble in Idak in a remote spot soon the crook Smith envisages a profitable show if he got a contract with the weird Idak as your manager for future fights, although Idak seems weak at first glance to our friends's eyes.

Therefore Idak's assignment are Crush, Kill and Destroy the Android Verda by all means, whom he repeat it many times, the Jupiter crew weren't able to stop him due the force-field is out of order and the beam weapons don't scratch Idak, thus Verda tries convinces his chaser that her no longer an Android, just a hybrid human-android, upon this Idak will spare Verna, then appears a Android machine providing a powerful advanced type Android Idak Omega 17 that Idak Alpha 12 doesn't measure up against so mighty Android, fine episode given a chance to all crew sharing the episode a thing rarely seems in previous ones focused on power trio Smith, Will and the Robot wretchedly scolded by the bad tempered Dr. Smith.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2023 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.
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Sexy, beautiful alien!
gcanfield-297278 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Verda, in her second appearance in the series, is more human-and ultra sexy. Between her beautiful face and space mini-skirt, she almost sent me into space! It was amazing that Dee Hartford never became a big actress. She surely had the talent, the sultry voice and the looks. In this episode, the IDAK android is programed to destroy Verda (for reasons that are never explained). He gradually loses his desire to destroy, as he is taken in by Verda's beauty and charm. Great episode with a great ending. Verda or Dee Hartford. Like IDAK, I would also have been happy to go to another planet just to be with her.
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Utterly Stupid
bigfrankie-434649 December 2022
Revolt of the Androids is near the bottom of the worst.

The only highlights are some zingers by Dr. Smith towards The Robot.

This episode basically fails at everything. The tow IDAKs look like an idiotic cross between Superman and Ultraman! There is way too much dialog and the expect for the usual Dr. Smith insults, the attempts at comedy fall flat.

Prof Robinson playing it straight is out of place, and a good indication of why Guy Williams was frustrated at this point. This is one of the many Season Two episodes that should be watched only if you want to review every one. It is painful to watch.
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