"Hawaii Five-O" Savage Sunday (TV Episode 1969) Poster

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Good, but could have been way better.
brushwoodv31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An okay episode. Not as good as other Five-0 episodes. These criminals never really had a chance of escaping the island. The acting from the supporting actors seemed rather stilted and forced at times. I got a little tired of Chin and the others saying that Sunday was a slow day. Also, as usual in most shows, one lone police officer is left to stand guard outside a captured criminal's hospital room, because there is absolutely no chance that either the government of his country or his fellow men, might just try to get to him. In this case, his friends come along, knock out the officer, and help him escape with the old person in the laundry cart trick. Thankfully for the revolutionary leader, he probably would spend time in an American prison for his recent crimes, and not get shipped back to the dictator-run country he came from. The only thing I liked, was McGarrett setting the record straight with the counsul from the dictatorial country, about the rule of law versus despotism. Also cool to see Danno and Kono on their day off, about to go surfing. Unfortunately they didn't get very far, because of the robbery at a U.S. Military armory, that was completely under guarded. I also feel sorry for Chin Ho, since he was the only one that appeared to be on duty. So, this wonderful man with a wife and ten kids, has to be the only one at work on a Sunday! Summed up, there are better Five-0 episodes then this.
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Nice try, but this episode just doesn't make much sense...
planktonrules17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
On the island of Oahu in Hawaii, a group of South or Central American revolutionaries come to steal arms from a US military depot. This idea is just so wrong in so many ways. Why go all the way to Hawaii--it's a third of the way around the world!? And, why steal from the US military--doesn't that seem a bit...um...dangerous!?!? While even more about this episode makes little sense later, this intro just blew me away with its weirdness.

After taking the arms and shooting a guard repeatedly with rifles at point-blank range (hurting but NOT killing him), the bad guys (minus their leader) escape. The hope is to get the arms and their leader back into their home country to help them in their revolution. But, in their haste to leave, the boss-man is left behind and is soon captured thanks to the macho tactics of McGarrett (seriously--it was very rugged and cool). Now, considering that the bad guys have a bazillion weapons and they are fanatically devoted to their injured leader who now is in police custody, you'd think that McGarrett would have arranged better security on the boss-man's room at the hospital or laid a trap for them or transferred him to the infirmary at the jail. But, only one rather lame cop is left to guard the room and guess what happens--yep, he's rescued almost immediately. Yet the boss-man later tells his rescuers that he was impressed by McGarrett's intelligence!! Yeah. Right.

There's more to it than this, but frankly this one lost my interest because of the impossibility of it all. It is interesting to note that McGarrett seemed to like or at least have sympathy for the revolutionaries but he also has to do his job and get the guns. ¡Viva la revolución!--but not this episode.
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McGarrett all in white for this episode
glbenson-2425214 February 2021
This episode is a bit campy---McGarret is all dressed in white---even his tennis shoes---(was he on a Sunday outing when this happened?), ready to take on the revolutionaries! I'm sure his clothes don't get dirtied up at all. Also a bit much to think that little snub-nosed revolvers from Hawaii5-0's team can outgun all the M1 Carbines and M1 Garands that the revolutionaries are shooting back with from the armory.

Not one of the best episodes.
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