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Top Of The Line......................
redryan649 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers an example of a classic comedy episode/short subject, using outstanding cast of supporting players and adherence to the prime laws of comedy.

STARTING OUT WITH the well known public Gracie Allen scatterbrained characterization, basic elements of gag repetition and mistaken identity are blended in a gourmet recipe. The distinct advantage of doing a series with ongoing happenings to recurring characters is one of short-cutting the laugh process. Hence, we have the audience (us!) already prepared to laugh.

BUT IN GOING even beyond these elements, the production team added and nurtured the episode in its assigned mission of tickling our collective funny bone. Pacing, repetitive actions and the choice of an All-Star team of character actors (all of which were shown in their very best light and role-types).

IN ADDITION TO regulars, such as: Harry Von Zell, Bea Benadarret, Fred Clarke (Harry Morton # 2 *) and Rolf Sedan (Postman Mr. Beazley); veteran screen thugs Sheldon Leonard and Ben Welden provided the presence of comic gangsters. All of this we are given to enjoy, with the added treat of having a cameo by Dutch, himself. Yeah, we mean Ronald Wilson Reagan, then future 40th President of the United States of America !

WE'VE LONG BEEN viewers of the GEORGE BURNS & GRACIE ALLEN SHOW; dating back to our childhood in the 1950's original run. Thanx to the ascent of channels such as ME TV, ANTENNA TV, BUZZR TV, JLTV and others, we can now view the best of the "Good Old Days" television nostalgia on a daily basis.

AS FOR THIS episode, THE GEORGE BURNS & GRACIE ALLEN SHOW: GRACIE SEES A HOLD-UP/JOHNNY VELVET, it deserves to have a special place in comic cinematic history. Yes, we believe that it could well be used in any film making class as an example of how to make a comedy short !
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