"Frasier" Semi-Decent Proposal (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Lousy two parter
travinitrav1 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like they didn't have enough material for two whole episodes so they stretched it out. It was filled with lame jokes and slow story telling. The B-plots with Niles & Daphne and their sleeping habits was annoying as was Martins trouble with a DVD player and Eddie not being popular. The constant neurosis of Frasier trying to impress a girl has long grown tired. Roz trying to get Springsteen tickets could have been a whole episode by itself but the opportunity was completely wasted, as was the potential relationship between Kirby and Frasier. Luckily that relationship has time to grow in another episode later on. Overall it seemed like the producers and writers ran out of good ideas a long time ago and the true gems are few & far between. This was not one of them even though Claire was great material. This two-parter should have been condensed so all the best jokes and plots could move along quicker. But a bad episode of Frasier is still much better than most other shows so it gets an automatic 5/10.
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Semi-Decent Proposal
studioAT3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't got much goodwill to bestow upon this episode, I thought it was dreadful. Not that the standard has been particularly high in general for 'Frasier' in series eight, but this really was dreadful.

Lana is a horrible character, and although they make some vague attempt to humanise her, her abrasive ways grated on me from the first moments of her appearance. We're supposed to feel sorry for her, and yet she's so unlikable it's hard to.

As for the subplots, well, they're as weak as you can get. The DVD player plot probably wasn't funny when DVD players were deemed to be high tech, so all these years later it really hasn't aged well.

All in all, a dud episode from a series that's had its fair share.
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Lana Is Really Tiresome
Hitchcoc25 October 2019
Two plots. Neither interesting. That martini guzzling, chain smoking, prom queen, has a birthday. Frasier is instructed to get her to a surprise party. Her friend Clare is what Frasier wants. Quid pro quo ensues. Martin, Niles and the women try to hook up a DVD player. Wow--2001.
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Lana the terrible
twanster-9765522 February 2021
At this point in the show frasier has had so many woman that it's not even funny anymore.. All beautiful and successful but none live up to the standards of an aging therapist.. Claire tho had promise, she was sweet, attractive, successful and had all the things frasier could ask for but naturally, frasier is always chasing a new woman because as he himself put it once "I'm frasier and I'm a sexaholic" I don't know if the show wanted frasier to compete with his old Boston chum Sam malone but by this time in the show frasier has probably best Sam because it seems every episode has him chasing a new woman. Lana was like Mel.. Just a dreadful character that made no lasting impact on the show. This is a good episode, it has its moments but overall its just another episode where frasier is chasing another woman to sleep with..
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