"Daria" Psycho Therapy (TV Episode 2000) Poster

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A weekend away for the Morgendorffers
Tweekums13 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Helen's boss thinks that she is partnership material and as part of the assessment he wants her and the whole family to go away for a weekend at a spa where they will be psychologically assessed. Daria's responses to the questionnaire filled out before they departed look as if they might get her certified but it quickly becomes clear that she just has a strange sense of humour... the rest of the family have issues though! Meanwhile Jane has set up a webcam so people who can watch her whenever she is in her room; she has only told Daria about it and boyfriend Tom is not amused when he learns that he has unwittingly featured in her live broadcast.

This episode was packed with laughs; some being provided by each of the family; including Jake drinking too much milk, Helen getting 'passing the test' because she was deemed to ignore her family because of work, Quinn hijacking a session by giving fashion tips to a large patient and Daria's amusing answers in the questionnaire. Jane's webcam also provided some laughs and more importantly could have moved the plot forward by damaging her relationship with Tom. This is definitely an episode not to miss!
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Helen learns that having a sick personality is a good thing....
planktonrules11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Helen's boss informs her that because she's on the track towards becoming a partner, it's her turn to go with her family for a weekend visit to a local sanitarium. The point is that she and the family will undergo a series of tests and family therapy to help them get in good emotional shape. Helen knows it really is to determine if she and the family has what it takes for advancement.

Once at the clinic, it's soon obvious that this family is a complete mess, though Daria is relatively healthy. Helen is horrified as her pretending to have a perfect family is now shown to be ruse--but, oddly, this impresses her boss, as being a workaholic with a dysfunctional homeless is what they want! So, yes, they are a mess--but the sort of mess a successful career woman needs! Overall, this is a very funny episode but it is also good because it gives a nice psychological profile of the family and why they each assume the roles they choose. Clever and worthwhile for psyc majors and anyone who who loves this excellent show.
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A fun and heartwarming episode Warning: Spoilers
Most mothers in media (and specially in animated sitcoms) tend to be portrayed in a very clichéd manner, being either flawless or evil, constantly repeating the same usual archetypes in a way that made them feel like completely flat and uninteresting characters.

Fortunately, "Daria" managed to avoid such kind of predictable clichés by giving a good and interesting character development to the main cast, and this episode did a pretty good job examining the role of Helen Morgendorffer: She is a flawed character, far from the usual "perfect super mom" archetype, but she is portrayed in a sympathetic manner that makes her a believable and endearing (just like her husband Jake) and who despite her personal faults, can be still considered a good mom.

Her dialogue with Daria at the end of the episode was cleverly written and managed to be heartwarming without any kind of schmaltzy nonsense.

A pretty satisfying episode, which sheds some light about the Morgendorffer's usual traits and dysfunctions, perfectly encapsulated by Daria in her own therapy session, resulting in one of the main highlights of the fourth season of the series.

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Most original episode of the series
Waigon26 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While most episodes of Daria are filled with humour that the viewers find relative, this is more of a straight-forward comedy half hour. I did not stop laughing for one moment.

Memorable quotes include:

"I've always wanted to sleep upside down and spread rabies." Laughing

Quinn: "Ewww, pop-tarts! Have you ever heard the saying 'You eat what you are'? Daria: "And have you ever heard the saying 'Get the hell away from me'?" Laughing

French Doctor: "Hello, Dawia. I'm your one-on-one councellor. Are you playing your game?" Daria: "No. Just talking to the computer." French Doctor: "And do you always talk to your computer?" Daria: "Only when the refrigerator's mad at me." Laughing

Quinn: "Finally, we're getting facials!" Female Doctor: (regarding role reversal) "Actually, we'll be wearing each other's faces." Quinn:: "Ewwww, you mean like that movie with the guy and the other guy?"

Quinn: "A spa? Great! I need a facial so bad." Daria:: "Don't get your hopes up. This says it's a spa for your soul. Didn't you sell yours a while back?"

Spa's Tag-line: We exercise your inside instead of your outside. Daria: "Good. My pancreas could really use a workout." Quinn: "Ewwwww!"

Doctor: "Daria, we've got a very nice room for you. Do you like egg-shell white?" Daria: "You got anything in gym-mat grey?"
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