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Life after Freddie
kevinolzak4 July 2016
"Gregory Peck is a Rooster" was the first episode produced after the death of Freddie Prinze (only three more to conclude the third season), and the first thing one notices is the complete absence of his name in the opening credits. The sound of the morning cock crow indicates that Ed has a new pet, won in a poker game with Jeb Gibson (Pat Buttram), who'd gambled away his money and could only 'give him the bird!' Della offers a clue as to the missing mechanic: "I wish Chico weren't in Mexico, he would not believe this." She gives it the fitting name 'Gregory Peck,' but it's not long before Gibson shows up to pay Ed in cash what he lost in feathers, a total of $40, and a sob story about how much his family will miss the hen pecked 'Dan'l Boone' (his name for Gregory). Imagine Ed's surprise to learn from Salvador (Danny Mora, fourth of five) that his rooster is a champion fighting cock whose last bout earned Gibson a cool $500, now determined to get him back and away from a life of violence. We get a mention of Chicken George, with the priceless aside from Scatman, who played Ben Vereen's trainer in the recent ROOTS: "is he here?"
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