"The Andy Griffith Show" Dinner at Eight (TV Episode 1967) Poster

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The Man Who Came to Dinner
Hitchcoc1 January 2020
This is a fun episode where Andy not only loses his autonomy when Goober takes it upon himself to move in for two days, but Goober's incompetence forces a series of dinners which Andy feels he is obligated to attend. There's more, but speaking in too much detail will derail the plot. It's pretty good for a change.
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Not season eight.
telltime7 June 2017
My main reason for writing the review is to agree with a couple of others that this is one of the better color episodes. There are several good color episodes, despite what many people are led to believe. While the BEST episodes are from the first five (B&W) years, several of the color years are equally as good as some of the B&W ones... this is one of those better ones.

As others have said, confusion (and ill timing) over a phone message from an unwanted house guest with only the best of intentions leads to some pretty funny dialogue. Goober is at his finest, kindhearted self with his intentions, but his bumbling demeanor leads to some confused friends and one very, very full Andy.

BUT... this is not from Season eight. It is (as you can see from the episode guide) the 17th episode of season seven. Not a big deal, but if you're looking for it on Netflix or in your DVD collection, you'll need to find in the right season.
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Perhaps THE single funniest color episode
SVAHistory24 April 2006
Aunt Bee and Opie are gone for the weekend and Andy is excited to live the life of a bachelor for a few days. However when he meets Howard Sprague at the market and word gets out of his solitary status he receives an unexpected (and unwanted) roommate for the weekend in the form of Goober Pyle. The events that transpire concerning two mixed up phone messages and a spaghetti dinner (with a secret ingredient) make this episode one of the funniest episodes of the color--post Barney--offerings. I must have seen this one thirty times and I still laugh myself silent as the plot unfolds. If you buy season 8 for only this episode it will be well worth your investment. The script is flawless, there are no dead spells, and the spaghetti recipe motif ties this story together in a very "Seinfeld-like" neatness.
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BFPierce20 November 2013
For the TAGS snobs who believe the color episodes are blasphemous... you may never appreciate the sheer genius of this episode. There is a reason Andy went out number one in the ratings (one of only three shows to end their run number one in the ratings in television history) and this episode in the final season illustrates why: the magic was still there. I won't bore you with a rehashing of the details but the previous poster is wrong... Howard and his mother didn't "forget"... she said "If Andrew thinks we invited him to dinner then we will serve him dinner. Now go!" It was a very funny scene. I will say if you have ever eaten too much spaghetti then this episode will make a ton of sense. Enjoy!
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OREGANO... The Greek spice
cross52530 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's not considered one of the classic episodes like Aunt Bee's "kerosene" cucumbers. But, in my opinion it one of the better ones. One of my favorite episodes. Hilarious how he is pretty much "forced" to eat 3 spaghetti dinners. All three believe that their dish is the best, because of of a new "secret ingredient. The Greek spice oregano. I laugh myself silly when I can catch it on the TV.
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Pointless Episode? Hardly!
uncatema21 January 2021
The reviewer who scored this episode a 2 misses the mark. If one stops analyzing and simply recognizes the humor, this TAGS episode proves to be one of the funniest in the entire series. Lighten up, Francis.
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Classic TAGS
vitoscotti4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's no logic throughout the whole episode. One of my favorite tags all-time episodes.

  • Goober abandoned his job
  • Aunt Bea doesn't ask Andy's permission about Goober
  • Andy buys crazy off-the-wall goceries
  • Andy doesn't kick Goober out.
  • Goober eating breadstick on couch(crumbs everywhere)
  • Goober doesn't write phone messages down
  • Goober developed memory problem for episode
  • Andy trusts idiot Goober's memory without double checking
  • young boy Opie trusted with axe
  • Opie keeps axe in his room
  • Goober forces Andy out of his own home
  • same secret recipe 3x
  • usually snotty, arrogant Mrs Sprague a sweetheart in this episode.
  • Sprague's have leftovers for 3 adults
  • didn't Opie's scout leader look at the weather forecast?
  • Goober doesn't leave Taylor's kitchen a pig stye.
  • scout leader honks for Opie right after he enters Taylor home
  • Helen's uncle fellow Aunt Bea juror
  • Opie gone a long time. Still hasn't eaten.
  • Andy doesn't get a bellyache
  • Andy doesn't tell now home Bea...No spaghetti!
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My favorite TAGS episode
If you need to get cheered up, watch this great episode. The comedy builds and builds and it all serves a purpose. This episode also proves you DONT need Barney to have a great time.
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Carbo Loading TAGS Style
AudioFileZ17 January 2024
We've seen Aunt Bee reluctantly leave a couple of times. This one is different. Opie will be out too for a Boy Scout's camping trip. This setup is perfect for Andy's reprise from his usual existence into a short and, much anticipated, couple days as a bachelor. We really do not know Andy like this and a chance meeting with Howard Sprague kind of sets the tone. Andy's shopping list, as recited to Howard, signals a bit of a nutty detour from his usual. Andy's excitement kind of bleeds into the viewer. Yes, we want to see Andy's wild side.

Of course, Aunt Bee can never just leave. Andy being by himself horrifies her and when she gases up at Wally's she urges Goober to look in on Andy. In true Goober style he takes it to much more than looking in. He's going to move in, cook, and be Andy's insurance against feeling lonely. Dinner made by Goober along with Goober's confusion over phone messages for Andy sets up a great gag.

This is one of the best color episodes and, for once, Barney isn't missed at all. The joke revolves around having to eat three dinners and because of the "secret ingredient" and Helen's pointedly angry instruction to eat, combined with Opie's recitation of Andy's previous speech, there's real golden humor here. Also, as is Aunt Bee's motherly ways the first thing she does when she gets back is to cook a certain dish. Thoroughly enjoyable with some tucked in wicked good reoccurring humorous elements.
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Just Dreadful and Sad
janet-conant11 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was never a fan of seasons 6-8 so have been watching some I missed over the years. I remember this one and cannot believe all the favorable reviews of such a badly written fiasco. Who are these people liking this episode. Robert Fuller is the only one who states it plainly- bizarre and illogical.

First off what is up with Andy Taylor? He has completely changed character from a caring, savvy and level headed sort into an agitated, annoyed and bumbling grouch who always seems irritated. That isn't the Andy Taylor we knew with Barney. Now we have Goober who was one of the most obnoxious and unnecessary blockheads ever. Andy would have told that suitcase toting simpleton to get out of his house. He would not allow Goober to tell him what he was going to do on his night off ..... and cook in his kitchen? No way. That was the first weird thing. Then no way would Andy rush off to Howard's for another meal without calling to see if this oaf was right. Also when Crump called and Goober answered he would have realized, maybe, that he wouldn't have to cook now since Andy was invited to Crump's. Andy immediately accepts what Goober says as fact and goes off to eat again. The writing made no sense and was supposed to be funny with spaghetti all around.

Possibly the most dreadful episode ever written ever. I see why MeTV refuses to air the episodes minus Fife. Now Helen. How could Andy be so foolish as to put up with such a sullen, snotty and vindictive witch. She practically spits venom at him when he can't seem to stomach more pasta. Why didn't Andy just tell her on the phone I've already eaten and Goober screwed up? No way. Then Opie gives Andy a lecture in eating everything on your plate. This was funny?

Ending was so predicable when Aunt Bee surprises us all announcing more spaghetti. Griffith should have gone with his hunch to end the show after 5 seasons.
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Pointless Episode
richard.fuller12 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the other poster is referring to with the spaghetti having a secret ingredient.

This episode was as confusing as Goober's Beard episode (Goober Makes History).

All that transpired was Helen called Andy to dinner, Goober took the message and forgot to tell him, Andy thought it was Howard and his mother (Mabel Albertson) who had invited him for dinner, then they learned it had been Helen who had invited Andy to dinner with her father or uncle, I believe.

Andy then ended up having three meals (having had dinner for himself at the start) and all three were spaghetti.

Now what makes this episode so dense is Howard and his mother in the kitchen.

Did you invited Andy to dinner? We must have forgot! So now they have to serve him? Wow, any homeless person could really take advantage of that one. Just show up at their front door and they will think they must have invited you to dinner.

But it got even worse when Andy finally got on the phone with a very brittle Helen and she snaps, "Goober told you to be here for dinner at such-and-such time." How does Helen know Goober told Andy? That was what led to all the confusion to begin with.

Then watch Helen bare her fangs at Andy to eat the spaghetti dinner, with the elderly guest egging Andy on as well.

All that was important was to eat that blasted spaghetti, it seems! The spaghetti MUST be consumed!!! Totally strange episode. Not any misunderstanding or anything, just very bizarre behavior.

Probably will watch like a Seinfeld show in the long run tho. I'm not that much a fan of Seinfeld.
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