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Shame on Major Swanson.
pensman29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sgt. Major Philips has been sent to audit the quartermaster. As Carter rides by, Philips thinks he knows John Carter from somewhere. Carter currently supplies beef to the post. Philips says he knew Carter from six years ago. Philips was an inspector for the railroad and Carter was stealing from them; he'd better not be stealing from the Army.

When Philips meets Rinty, he kicks him, and Rinty springs on him. Rusty calls he off, and Philips says he fears dogs. That night Carter comes onto the post. He knocks Rinty out and carries the dazed dog to the quartermaster's quarters. There he hits Philips over the head. Then rips away at his sleeve taking a part. He puts Rinty and the sleeve together under a crate. Next, he takes the records that could prove he's a thief. As he leaves, he tosses an oil lamp against the wall to cover his tracks.

Rusty wakes up and when he sees Rinty is missing, he goes looking for him. He sees the fire and alerts the post. Rip finds Phillips and based on the evidence of the ripped sleeve, everyone but Rusty believes Rinty did it. I love this show but was really disappointed that they would even think Rinty guilty.

It is decided to have Rinty shot. The men are drawing straws. O'Hara draws the short straw. But Rip finally searches the quartermaster office and discovers a book is missing: the book that details the expenses of their civilian contractor, Philips. Rinty didn't take it. Rip wants a talk with Carter. Major Swanson reprieves Rinty for 24 hours, but a shot rings out. The Major, Rip, and Rusty dash out the door; Rinty is OK, O'Hara missed. Rusty takes Rinty and says they'll run away together. The come across Carter trying to burn the book one page at a time. Rinty jumps Carter while Rusty goes for Rip.

It's a scorcher, and when Carter comes to he tries to escape believing Rinty won't attack him. He just walks away and Rinty follows. No matter where Carter turns, there is Rinty. He feels the heat and the dog closing in on him. Rip is close to giving up the search because of the heat; and decides they better head for the fort. As they ride in, Major Swanson sees they had no luck. A sentry shouts that there is something out there. Carter has been herded toward the fort all the time without realizing it. Rip and the men ride up, and Carter dazed from the heat confesses.

Rinty is treated as a hero. As he sits in a water trough cooling off, the Major is fanning him trying to make up for his lapse in judgment.
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