Nacho Libre (2006) Poster


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Off The Charts BAD.
this_movie_blows4 July 2006
I argued with a friend about whether to see this film. He won. We went. We didn't laugh. Nobody laughed. I have a feeling Jack Black and Mike White are laughing...

You know things are getting bad culturally speaking when a movie studio can actually make money selling a movie like this.


I thought I was having a dream as I watched this it was so awful. It was that surreal of an experience. The script is a joke. The accents are painful to listen to. There is NOTHING unpredictable about the plot. Jack Black phoned in his performance and I'm afraid is just NOT FUNNY ANYMORE.
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I thought Glitter was the worst movie ever- Then along came Nacho Libre.
spoon77772 July 2006
A movie this bad comes along only once in a lifetime. This is truly the worst movie I've ever paid to see. Careers need to be ruined because of this film, starting with Jack Black. My 15 year old son dragged me to the theater to witness this celluloid train wreck, (he has subsequently lost movie picking privileges forever). I did however go into the cineplex with an open mind, as I usually enjoy mindless entertainment, but not this mindless. Flush your 8 bucks down the toilet rather than wasting hard earned cash on this debacle. In case you did'nt figure it out by now, I really hated this movie. No animals were harmed in the writing of this comment.
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Wow... so very very bad
slondo115 June 2006
Saw a sneak preview 6-16, and this has to be one of the least funny movies I have ever seen in my life. I generally like Jack Black, but this was really really bad. Please don't waste your time.

I would have stopped right here, cause there's nothing more to say, but IMDb required 10 lines. So I will list things I rather would have done than watch this movie: Eat paint chips, mix pop rocks and coke, spend my $6 on beer, go jogging naked, play old school NES, play old school Atari, play Monopoly, play with sticks and dirt, sleep, whittle, wear a hat, play guitar, call my mom, call your mom. I am so tired of typing. There are only so many ways to say this is a terrible movie. MY dedication to typing 10 lines of nonsense should clue you in that you should not see this. Thank you.
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Worst movie ever
mbauch20007 July 2006
Again Jack Black bounces around like a moron, plays a pretend trumpet, and kicks his legs when he runs, and where have we seen this before...every movie he has been in. The writing of the movie left a lot to be desired all though I did enjoy the way it was shot. This movie may have been better if Jack Black would have stayed behind the scenes as only a producer...basically he is horrible and needs to not be in movies anymore...either that or get a way to play a character. The other notable piece of this movie was how much like Napleon Dynamite this movie resembled...apparently lighting did not strike twice for the Hess brothers
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Give me my money back!
jquick1-117 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is fit for neither man nor beast. The film is bad enough that I must struggle to identify other films that belong in the same cesspool to which this cinematic excrement should be consigned.

In leaving Nacho Libre today, I was struck at how awful the film is in nearly every category by which films are ordinarily judged. Comedies should be funny, but this film failed to generate even a single muted giggle from the regrettably large audience at the local theater.

The cinematography, screenplay and dialogue are truly without parallel. A single mediocre performance provided by even one member of the cast would have vastly improved this film. The wrestling sequences, which might have been entertaining in the hands of a competent director, elicited disgust rather than laughter from the audience.

I left the the theater thinking that Jack Black and Jared Hess apparently decided to make this film as an afterthought. The final scene is a shot of Nacho and the children from the orphanage visiting pyramids in Mexico. Why couldn't Jack Black have just taken some vacation time at his own expense and spared us the tasteless Nacho Libre?"
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This film was awful.. so so awful.
1234-15 July 2006
I decided to go see this film because I did not want to see the Adam Sandler movie which was showing (previous bad movies).

I had no idea what the film was... except I was told it "looked funny" and was a "comedy".

If Comedy has been re-defined then no-one told me... this film is far from funny.. I have seen more entertaining things happen on Big Brother or while eating breakfast. This film started off badly, continued badly and ended even worse.

The acting was poor, the jokes were the mental age of a 3 year old and the story line was not interesting at all.

They could have cut down all the time spent on the lame fighting scenes and made this into a kids TV show.

Grr.. I want my money.. and wasted time back! Go see or rent something else!
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Who wrote this movie?
GNRFreckles481516234220 July 2006
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The trailers for it looked so funny. So I went to see it and I couldn't wait to leave the theater. There was no plot at all. It was like Napoleon Dynamite but not funny at all. Even though I usually love any Jack Black movie I was really disappointed this time. I don't know if people actually thought this movie was funny and if they did they're delusional. They could have done a better job. Some parts were kind of funny but not really holding you're stomach laughing on the floor crying funny just an occasional ha-ha here and there. I did like the fact that Nacho was a cook that was one of the only good things about the plot of this movie.
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The Worst Jack Black Movie, Ever
rcbbo3 July 2006
I'm sorry, but this was awful. Nothing more to it.

I love Jack Black, I love Mike White, I love Napoleon Dynamite, but this was just horrible. Lame bathroom jokes, a lot of useless, not funny, dialogue, and a very boring script.

I laughed once during the entire movie. Laughter is supposed to be contagious, but I was in a theater full of people and only laughed once.

The movie sucked. Jack Black disappointed me. He shouldn't have taken on this script.

I like stupid comedies. This isn't a stupid comedy...this is just stupid.
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unfunny and tedious
barbara-nunn23 October 2006
What a disappointment!

This film seemed to be trying to copy 'cutting edge' comedy but the direction and the script was sloppy, sickly and sentimental in the worst film tradition. Jack Black's acting/role was self-indulgent and self-regarding... and the other characters were equally unmasking and uninteresting. The soundtrack was tedious. We are ( WERE) fans of Black but none of us did more than mange a forced titter for the duration. Why did he feel he needed to make this mistake?

We will not watch another of his films without reading reviews more carefully first!!

Was he drunk when he read the script before signing up for this drivel?
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The most hype and worst film of the year!!
kimc2119 June 2006
We loved School of Rock and Jack Black. We couldn't wait to go and see this movie. It was the only time in my life the movie was so bad I wanted to walk out. My husband hated it too. The only funny parts were in the trailers. My husband and I wanted to stand outside the movie theater and tell people to save their money. The writing was awful. It had every terrible stereotype of Hispanic people who should be utterly offended. The movie wasn't that long but to us it seemed like an eternity. The people in the theater were so restless and silent it was like watching paint dry. I made my husband stay because I was sure there would maybe be some redeeming parts, but there weren't. Save you money and your time.
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Killing Yourself Would be More Funny.
l0stins0uthpark5 July 2006
Sorry. but in my opinion having to sit through a film about something as stupid as this was just idiotic. i hear all these comments like, IT IS SO FUNNY, i realize thats coming from people who get a kick out of films like napoleon dynamite and bench-warmers. movies that have stars like John Heder, and have jokes like, "you eat poo!" basically a movie for a mentally retarded 5 year old and the people who do like it, must be simply halfway brain dead to waste 10 dollars on a movie that would make you rather want to gnaw on your face.

if you are planning to see this movie, i warn you now not to see it unless you like to waste your money on garbage.
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beatrix-kidd17 August 2006
First of all, I love Napoleon Dynamite and Jack Black though I wasn't expecting nacho to be a good movie. Anyway, I'm Hispanic and I really don't think it was racist I didn't feel insulted by the movie… but maybe is because I'm not Mexican.

About the characters they were extremely predictable, dull, underdeveloped and stereotypical. It probably was funny and I probably would have laughed… but I fell asleep twice. The movie is basically for little kids, since they were the only ones laughing in the theatre. There were no funny lines, the scenes were very predictable, and the story was slow. Nacho Libre could easily be another pointless nickelodeon show. It was so damn predictable I can guess the parts I missed and I would be right. The character's actions were just dumb and pointless.

The only reason I didn't walk out was because I didn't pay for it and I felt bad for the guy who paid for my ticket.
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dumb movies have to be funny too...
jeffreii2 July 2006
Let me be honest here: I thought Napoleon Dynamite was not a good movie. I would have given it a vote of probably 6.

That being said, Nacho Libre deserves a 1. I expected it to at least be funny, but there were only 2 or 3 parts that were remotely entertaining. Not only was I bored, but I kept expecting it to get funny and it never happened.

If you want to blame my reaction on the fact that I don't like dumb movies, please reconsider. The ideal "dumb movie" in my mind is "Dumb and Dumber." Not only was the entire movie stupid and ridiculous, but it was hilarious. In comparison, Napoleon Dynamite was average and Nacho Libre was pathetic.

Don't waste a penny on this movie because you are unlikely to enjoy it at all unless you are under the influence of certain substances; and let me tell you now: you may still wish you had watched a chick flick with your most annoying ex-girlfriend instead.
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I'll never have that 100 minutes of my life back
ruebels30 June 2006
This was, without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen.

Surprisingly, I usually like Jack Black movies. I mean, they are by no means master works, but usually entertaining fare. This mess was wretched. I wonder what Mr. Black was thinking when he not only filmed this movie, but when he even agreed to do it. This is way below him.

Acting, terrible. Comedic scenes, non existent.

About the only positive thing I can say about this "film" is that my kids (11 & 7 years old) didn't hate it. Mind you, they didn't like it, but at least they didn't abandon their love for me because I took them to this waste of time.

In summary, I've been beat up and had better times.
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Awful. Even for 5 year olds.
PRSguitarsR4me16 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie, and I walked out after 45 minutes. I kept on hoping that it would be funny, or at least Jack Black would be funny. He is not funny at all. The intended humor is him farting before jumping a cat-like chip thief, or him not looking where he's going on a homemade motorcycle and flying off a hill, or him wiping a handful of feces into a friends face. This kind of humor is intended for kindergarteners, and that is why the film is rated PG. But the film is meant to be understood by adults. Its directed by a Mormon, and there are plenty of hacks at the Catholic church. By the way, I'm not Catholic, I'm protestant, and very devout. The whole first half of the movie (which I saw) is a mockery of monks at a monastery type place. Jack Black is seen tearing a rosary off of a hook to make a shirt for his dream character, Nacho. The entire premise is immature, uncreative, and offensive. Any good parent wouldn't want their kids to see what is in this film, and any sane human wouldn't be entertained by this film in the slightest bit. I'm just happy I was barely able to get my money back for this complete waste of time. I think Jack Black is one of the most talented comedians in town, and his films School of Rock, Saving Silverman, and Orange County are extremely funny, but this is just lame, tasteless and again, offensive. I hope this comment has been useful, and this film is unrecommended at the utmost degree, from me, a huge film buff.
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Simple-minded and simply awful.
atyson14 August 2006
  • A Mexican priest becomes a wrestler to save an orphanage or something -

I went to see this movie because it was about non-WWF wrestling and so I thought it might be funny. It wasn't. It is excruciating to watch. Embarrassing. Any and every opportunity for comedy is mercilessly squandered.

I admit I don't like Jack Black anyway. After this I have been racking my brain to think of one good role that he has performed. The only thing I can come up with where he was o.k. was as a necessary foil to the John Cusack character in 'High Fidelity'. Jack Black is one of those awful relentless flat-out ham-it-up knockabout guys (like the little fat one in Abbot & Costello or Jerry Lewis) who should be told that being overbearingly idiotic is not the same thing as being funny.

It is not even slapstick. It's just irritating. It's not even stoopid, it's just stupid.

I heard good things about Napoleon Dynamite too, but if this is anything to go by I wont be rushing out to find it on DVD.
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Not so much Tenacious as Tedious
cepaton7 July 2006
I have followed Jack Black's performances since Cable Guy with great interest so i was really hoping to fall in love with his latest creation, Nacho, a monk who longs to be a luchador, however this was not to be. Nacho Libre is wrong on so many levels, firstly Jack Black waltzes through this film with a rehashed school of rock performance, full of zany stomping, crazy faces and an awful Mexican accent which slips during his Tenacious D episodes, which are peppered throughout the film. Secondly the script seems like an afterthought with real gags few and far between. (I laughed more watching Titanic than i did in this 'comedy'!) With every minute that passed in this film i grew more ill at ease but don't take my word for it... go see this horror for yourself! be afraid... be very afraid!
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Just Throw Your Money Out Your Window -- It's Quicker
marwag-31 July 2006
This is a very, very bad movie. I love Jack Black, but I hated this flick. We really didn't "select" this movie; it just happened to fit our time-frame and we needed to kill two hours so this was the only movie starting when we needed. You know, we would have been better off just sitting in our car in front of the water park waiting for our daughter. And we would have saved some money. Even my husband thought it was bad, and he'll watch anything! The characters seemed so underdeveloped and one-dimensional, and a lot of what went on just didn't make sense or flow (was there a lot of footage edited out that would have explained a lot of the stuff going on?). Very jerky movie. One scene that comes to mind is the one where he scales a mountain, eats a bird egg, and then jumps (or falls) into the water. What??? Where's the rest of it? I kept waiting for the mother eagle to come and poke his eye out or pull down his stretchy-pants. Not that that would have improved the scene but I was left "unfulfilled". This experience has reminded me of why I always do extensive research before I see a movie: I hate wasting my time and I hate wasting my money.
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Makes the Three Stooges look like Neil Simon
aadamtx6 March 2009
Maybe I'm just way too old for this movie, or maybe I've watched too many good comedies over the years, but I didn't find a single thing funny in this theoretical comedy (I say theoretical since it's labeled a comedy, but that might be a printer's error). Most of the "jokes" were either mildly funny seventy years ago or fell flat even then, and it looked as though whole scenes were missing throughout, it was that disjointed. Then again, I haven't thought Jack Black was funny since HIGH FIDELITY. Take a look at some of the old b/w Three Stooges shorts from back in the thirties and forties--they did a few wrestling parodies that worked good as shorts, but they had the sense never to try and extend those routines into a feature-length film. Come to think of it, wasn't Curly always the poor fat sap in the ring, pitted against a larger opponent who he ultimately defeats? Sounds awfully familiar...
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Is this supposed to be ¨COMEDY¨?
amr0081 April 2007
I mean, really... either i suddenly lost my sense of humor or this is just a really bad movie. It's stupid, ridiculous and just not funny AT ALL.

Since i saw the preview i knew it wasn't going to be a great movie, i just didn't think it was gonna be that bad...

What happened to the good old times when you could find clever funny lines at any movie? When the actors didn't have to play ridiculous roles in attempt to be funny?. Now we find ourselves with movies like this one, Borat, Little Men, Scary Movie 4 where i could not find the funny parts!!

Just skip this piece of garbage

P.S. (sorry for my English)
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Worst movie ever!!!
narelle-campbell26 January 2007
I am really disappointed with this movie.

If you are a Jack Black fan I would highly recommend not watching this movie.

It's not funny, the jokes are lame and worst of all you can't really understand what Jack Black's character is saying!

It's just such a shame. It flopped at the movies here in Australia and there is no wonder.

I spent a lot of the movie waiting for it to actually pick up and become interesting. In fact some parts are so boring I almost slipped into a coma a few times.

They have a good plot for a movie - but for some reason or other it just didn't come together as you would expect.

I normally give movies a second chance but this one really take the cake for worst movie ever made.

I have no interest in watching this ever again so am warning people against it!
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Easily the worst movie of 2006! Do Not See This!!
haggisdog7 January 2007
This movie is horrible, there is nothing funny about it and it truly and royally sucks. The pace is slow, the music is terrible, the jokes are non-existent and the acting is sub-par. I find Jack Black ususally very funny, even with material that isn't very strong but this movie will definitely have me reconsider whether I should see another one of his films. The premise sounds so naturally funny that I figured there had to be a few laughs but after desperately hanging on until the credits I didn't laugh at all... except at myself for having tolerated this for as long as I did! Save yourself the time and money, don't bother to see this.
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Predictable; thus boring
nm330116126 August 2006
This film made me really bored. I could see every joke as it came along and had to endure the dull delivery of each old joke as it slowly played out. The delivery of some of storytelling's oldest cliché's in this film was not original at all and made me feel like I was listening to a child tell me a story. In fact, most of the laughs came from children in the audience. I actually laughed one time when something reminded me of a funny TV show I watched once.

I could not muster up a laugh for this film; it was like something a person would write in one day without thinking about being clever or original in any way.

Did anyone else think this movie was full of old jokes that were not delivered well?
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terrible movie
drosenke25 June 2006
I don't know who could possibly have given this movie a vote of anything higher than about 2....there was probably 10 seconds during the entire movie where i actually laughed, and the dialogue was laughable at best....and who else was remoately funny aside from Jack Black? The supporting cast was absurdly poor. I question how this movie was even made in the first place, I guess Jack Black is a funny guy in general so people have a positive perception of him. If there was a negative number I could give this movie I would...I never write comments on here, but i hated it so much I feel compelled so others make a wise decision and don't pay 12 bucks to see it.
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Nacho Libre translated must mean "Not Funny"
jkitterm22 June 2006
So this is only the second worst "comedy" movie of all time. The worst is "Master of Disguise" with Dana Carvey.

Nacho Libre was simply not funny. I love Jack Black and all his antics in movies, TV and with Tenacious D, but this movie just did not deliver.

I sat through the entire thing just waiting for something to make me laugh. I waited, I waited, I waited (how long could this movie go on?) and I waited. Nothing.

I do have a sense of humor (even quirky things like Monty Python and Napolean Dynamite) and I could see the Hess touch on this movie, but it just wasn't funny.

When I go to a movie that I know has the potential to be a stinker, if I can get 2 or 3 good laughs out of it, I leave somewhat appeased (see Larry the Cable Guy Health Inspector). But this movie didn't have one laugh.

But I kept waiting for one.

Maybe I saw the dramatic version of Nacho Libre by mistake?...please....
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