Nympha (1980) Poster


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kosmasp3 January 2021
The good thing with having certain streaming services is that you can find or discover things you wouldn't have otherwise. The bad thing is you can find things that are a time waster ... and quite a draining one at that. Now I understand the intentions here where to make a drama about a girl/woman with issues (that began in the past, but are not nearly resolved in the present).

Adding some eroticism to it might make it appealing to a certain audience group. Don't expect anything too sassy (well explicit that is). This is more about the teasing and the general issue of being horny, when society or others do not allow you to be. So there is repression I guess you could say. And there are surely even more themes that you can find and cherish. Overall this is way too long for its own good though and never really makes a connection with the viewer that will keep him (or her) occupied enough to care ... almost a shame
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