M 10.28 (1999) Poster


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Hell was the only redeeming scene. Ironically
elireynolds19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So if you disobey your parents you're going to hell? Before anyone gets high and mighty I want to say I grew up in a heavily catholic household and went to Sunday school all the way until I was confirmed in high school. So religion is a huge part of my life.

BUT this movie is a complete cluster of mixed and idiotic messages. As a filmmaker myself I can appreciate the idea of this film being a passion project and it definitely comes across that way, but the quality of filmmaking lacks completely. As if that put no effort into understanding basic fundamentals of filmmaking. But I can look past technical stuff for low budget films. Which leads to...

The message is supposed to be about the lifestyle of teenagers and their sins being idolized in early late 90s teenaged society. But that's completely undermined by the shadows in the basement. The only reason they're there is because she's actively going against her parents wishes. She has yet to do anything reckless in the "party" sense. She's already condemned before she acts simply for disobeying her parents. Which then would also mean the movies "angel" in Natalie likely went to hell as well when she died because she partook in the same actions.

Also Sarah comes out of the film unscathed. The absolute embodiment of sin in the film gets to live like her life is normal while the two characters who actually tried to change are either dead or crippled (also in the car she was shot in the head, in the hospital she was bandaged in the neck, then at home in a wheelchair presumably paralyzed. None of that makes sense).

The one bright spot of the film is it's portrayal of Hell. That scene is straight out of Hellraiser or something (movies that churches would consider sadistic and yet are reflections of their own films, guess it's only ok when you're doing it *cough*allotherarabianreligionslikeIslamandJudaism*cough*). That scene is one of the few thought provoking scenes that actually make you think about faith. All the expositional lines of love and salvation in faith is just forced down the audiences throat. And when the context for a film is to make someone on the fence about your religion want to believe (this film was intended for that purpose and/or getting rebellious teens to understand their faith) why would you show only the worst case scenario of your beliefs? You don't tell someone that they should ride a bull because they will almost definitely break so many bones in their body they can't move. You'd want to tell them about the history and the benefits of what riding bulls can bring. That's more enticing.

These Christian scare films are problematic in so many senses for so many films. The preaching aspect is always a factor in turning the film off (also why people don't like Jehovah's Witnesses) because people watch movies to enjoy the world outside their own. If that world convinces them to see their own in a different light that's fine. But it should happen if their own free will rather than a film saying there's no other choice. And to tie it back to religion, isn't free will the reason we are who we are? The reason for our ability to like and dislike these films. Because God gave us free will (according to Catholicism and Christianity)
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An interesting look at the struggles a teen faces in ...
t-tomusko23 October 2005
An interesting look at the struggles a teen faces in high school. The film deals with relationship struggles from one's parents to other class mates, and her spiritual life.

Most of it, if not all was shot in Lorain, Ohio where I'm from. It was showed at Church of the North Coast in Lorain, so I got to see it before it was available to everyone through magazines. For a small budget film, the quality is not bad,and yes the Hell scene is interesting.

It would be neat to see what this would have been like if it were shot on 16mm film vs. Video. Most of the people in the film are locals from the Lorain/Amherst area. Some of the music in the film came from a local band, and the film helped drive that band's mobility.
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Best... Movie.... EVER!
andrewmarsh135 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on a local Christian station... and must I say... dear Lord almighty! They way they shot it on what appears to be a Sony handy-cam... The fact that nothing really happens for about 20 minutes at a time. You can't get any better than this! Now I don't know if the creator wanted people to be psyched for Hell, but if he didn't then he did something terribly wrong. If you don't want people to like Hell, you really shouldn't make it look like some sort of cover for a Dio album. That movie made me impatient for the eternal flames, and all talking latex dummies that come along with it.

Favorite line: "Hellllpppp meeeee.... heeelllllpppp meeeee...." -Latex Dummy
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