Intermedio (2005) Poster


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Why Did I Spend My Time Watching This Flick?
claudio_carvalho18 May 2019
"Intermedio" is a film with 2.5 IMDb User Rating. Unfortunately this site is no longer reliable with many fake and one line reviews. Therefore I do not look anymore the IMDb rating to select the movies I will see. However "Intermedio" is indeed awful, with laughable dialogs, characters and special effects and senseless storyline. Watching this flick is a complete waste of time. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Caverna Maldita II" ("The Damned Cave II")
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Another Kids Running In Tunnels Movie
bobwildhorror12 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the pluses for a change.

First up: Cerina Vincent's body. I have no idea if she can act. I've seen her in numerous pictures but none of them has called on her to do more than run about and scream. INTERMEDIO is no exception.

Second up: there are some good actors involved, people without tube tops and jiggle.

Unfortunately, that's about it. Everything else is painfully derivative. Four kids get trapped in a Mexican town and are menaced by ghosts (or some such nonsense). They run around in tunnels. They run around in abandoned buildings. They run up and down ladders. They scream and pant and hug each other a lot.

The ghosts are either CGI blurs or people in glow-in-the-dark skeleton costumes moving in fast motion. The blood effects are goofy in the extreme (looking more like poster paint than spray). And there is some physical scuffling that has to be seen to be believed. My favorite moment? A ghost throws a pickaxe at Cerina and she suddenly demonstrates a Matrix-like move, doubling her body backward to avoid the weapon, then leaps about like a kung fu expert to fight off the villain. Hilarious stuff.

That's about it, really. This is another flick with no plot twists and no real sense of purpose (unless you count Cerina's fleeing nudity).
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Typical teens in jeopardy horror quickie
MartianOctocretr53 March 2007
This is a standard teens-against-monsters horror quickie, and you know what that means. There is not one iota of originality in this movie; you've seen every one of these recycled plot devices a hundred times before.

Stock teen character personality types: check. Stupidly going somewhere they shouldn't be: check. In the middle of nowhere: check. Grotesque, vicious ghosts/creatures of some kind that get a kick out of killing teens: check. Teens turning into monsters too, and trying to croak the remaining survivors: check. Weird old man who has a history with the evil: check. Incessant screaming, futile banging on doors to escape, arguing about how to kill the creatures, running around in caves, characters "calming down" each other, lots of red paint on stomachs and necks, surprise attacks from supposed allies on each other, cars that don't run, monsters that just keep on chasing you etc etc etc. Check.

The acting and scripting are even below the established low level for this kind of movie. This one is only good for background noise while you're doing chores; or to laugh at it MST3K style. As for a story? Nope.
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script to screen
Producethis1 April 2005
I had read the script when it was workshopped on or triggerstreet maybe, so i was looking forward to the film. I was saddened to see that the script which I had read was not the one that had been filmed. I'm not sure what happened between the translation from script to screen but this movie wasn't the original campy horror it once was. Sure there were moments (Railsback monologue was cool), but the production just fell short. Seems to many corners were cut. It was really "The Inbetween." At times the editing worked, others it didn't. Same with the acting. It could have been better and it could have been worse.
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Eddie Furlong Needs Rehab
bruceleroy7 June 2005
I thought the presence of a known actor like Eddie Furlong might mean that this movie has a certain level of budget, if not quality. Neither is the case. This is a cheap movie with cheap "effects" that are eye-rolling at best, laughable at worst -- the "ghosts" are guys dressed in skeleton costumes, a la Karate Kid (Plus, I'm getting sick of digital blood in horror movies.). The dialog is a ridiculous heaping of clichéd yelling ("We're not gonna get anywhere yelling at each other like this!" and that sort of crap). The actors are no better -- just a bunch of overacting, and Furlong is not immune. He's seen better days. His hunched over, paunchy stoner body, and baggy eyes make him look increasingly like Peter Lorre. The only entertaining part of this film is watching Cernia Vincent running around in a cut-off t-shirt sans bra and with thong-cut jeans. Too bad the director is so incompetent; the cuts are jerky and disjointed, and he even has Vincent do some sort of Matrix-like fall-back maneuver to dodge a projectile, all with a straight face. The director tries to throw in some cheap "boo!" scares, but nothing -- nothing -- in this movie is remotely frightening, except for the fact that it was even made.
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awful movie
noeltate-112 July 2008
This has to be without a doubt one of the worst movies with some of the worst acting I have ever seen. Pathetic does not begin to describe it. Painful on the eyes and ears would be an understatement. A bunch of teenagers with guns run around in a cave yelling, screaming, and cursing at one another while a mad warlock controls spirits that maim and kill them in some mysterious way-they get sucked through doors, sucked into the ground, become covered in blood. At least one of the guys was relatively nice looking and almost provided eye candy. That's about the brightest point of the movie other than when the credits roll and you realize that it thankfully has ended.
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Not worth your time
lpasqualis22 October 2006
This movie is showcase of director's errors and poor acting. Gen's red shirt (Cerina Vincent) starts full length (completly covers her) and as the movie progresses it gets shorter and shorter. There is no explanation for why that happens in the movie. I guess the director decided at some point that the movie was too boring, and they needed to add some "skin" to it. There is one scene toward the beginning where the image is mirrored (left is right, and right is left) for no apparent reason. Very annoying given that the actors have shirts with stuff written on it... which reads inverted in that scene. The coloring of the picture changes from scene to scene, switching from dark to light. It seems like they used two cameras of extremely different quality, and kept switching between the two. The audio quality seems to switch too from time to time. Very annoying. The whole movie is mostly running around tunnels, heavy breathing and panicking. It is also poorly dubbed from English to English. I guess the acting got so bad at times that they had to change it later. The "special effects" are as good as cheap Halloween decorations and the storyline is defective in so many ways!
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A must for Cerina Vincent fans
Wuchakk20 February 2011
2005's "Intermedio" (i.e. "inbetween") is a low-budget horror flick about four youths who attempt to make a drug score with a couple of Mexicans they meet up with in a tunnel complex between the U.S. and Mexico. Yet, unknown to them the tunnels are haunted by killer ghosts controlled by a man with a vial containing the last drop of blood of each specter (or something along these lines).


  • The special effects are very low-budget, particularly a scene where a girl is chopped in half, but they didn't bother me a bit since I'm used to the F/X of, say, the Original Star Trek TV series. As long as the story's good I can accept poor F/X.

  • Once the youths enter into the tunnel system the locations become one-dimensional for the next full hour. Needless to say, dark tunnels can wear out their welcome real fast.

  • The plot is good and the actors do their best to illustrate seriousness, horror and tension, but all-in-all I didn't find the story all that compelling.


  • Cerina Vincent was 25 at the time and in her physical prime. She wears tight black pants and a red billy shirt throughout most of the film and never looked better, except maybe in 2006's "Sasquatch Mountain." She's involved in most of the action and is, in fact, the heroine of the story.

  • Amber Benson and Edward Furlong (the juvenile John Conner from "Terminator 2: Judgment Day") are also on hand as two of the other youths; take note if you're a fan.

  • The film was shot in Acton, California and Calico Ghost Town, Calico Dry Lake Bed, Mojave Desert. These locations are fine except the overlong time the film bogs down in the tunnels.

FINAL WORD: "Intermedio" is worthwhile if, like me, you're a fan of the beautiful Cerina Vincent who looks fabulous throughout, as well as other actors like Amber Benson and Edward Furlong. I also recommend the film if you enjoy desert crisis/survival flicks in general, horror bent or not. The plot's good, but the tunnel sequence is overlong and the story's execution fails to fully captivate despite the earnest efforts of the cast (not that some of them are the best actors, but they're certainly earnest). Stay away if you can't stomach low-budget special effects.

The film runs 82 minutes.

GRADE: C (but Cerina Vincent is an A+ all the way)
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What the ass?
Knuckle9 May 2005
I have to admit, I cribbed that line straight from the movie. I'm not sure if the actor was trying to put his personal spin on "what the heck" or if the writer is just plain retarded, but that is the caliber of dialogue you are likely to find in Intermedio. I know, I know, it's a horror movie, who gives about the dialogue? Is there gore or nudity in this? Yes on gore, no on nudity - which is a shame, given their leading lady. The gore was cool and I have to admit the intermedio was kind of creepy. But really, some of the situations in this movie are so ridiculous it will make you yell out, "Oh, come on!" in a movie whose premise involves white drug dealers, haunted caves, and men who can endure massive mutilations without immediately going into shock. But other than that, there isn't much to recommend this movie since it isn't even funny enough accidentally to make it worthwhile. There are bright spots, however. The intermedios, as I've said before, are kind of creepy. There are some nice computer effects in there and the sets are actually far and above what one would expect from a low budget movie. In short, hats off to the makeup/effects people, the location scout, and the wardrobe folks for putting the ladies in tight T-shirts. The writer and director, on the other hand, should be fed to the lions.
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Too Low-Budget and Too Serious
innocuous22 October 2006
Just awful. If I were the producers, I'd get my money back from the film lab. At least, I hope they didn't get charged for color correction, since every shot has a different color balance.

I'm puzzled about Cerina Vincent failing to show us anything, too. In "Not Another Teen Movie" she appeared completely nude every time she was on screen. In "Cabin Fever" she managed to keep her clothes on most of the time. Here, she just sort of jiggles a lot, but keeps her shirt on. At least some boobs would have made me give it another half of a star.

Most of the time, the characters are sort of lost in a tunnel. Eve though it's conveniently strung with lights, they never think to just follow the light cables to either end.

The scenes are shot in very confusing angles and you never really get a sense of where anyone is. Very amateurish. The highlight is when a couple characters are moving through a crawlspace. When they return the way they came, the director just flips the earlier scene...with the predictable result that the very distinct writing on one of the character's shirts is reversed. Guess nobody noticed or cared.

Definitely not worth your time unless you just can't sleep.
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Hate to trash low budget horror, but ...
stsinger23 January 2006
I hate to dump on independent, low budget horror films, but, man, is this film bad. Edward Furlong, who has appeared in A-List films, must have needed a paycheck badly. He pretty much just mails it in here, just sort of screaming instead of trying to do any actual acting. The other actors give it a better attempt, but are just sort of lost. Technically, the film is a mess -- the effects are weak, and both lighting and sound are both really bad, so at times it's tough to see or hear what's going on.

There's also no T&A to speak of, although the smoking hot Cerina Vincent tries to accommodate us by thoughtfully using half of her shirt to make a bandage about 1/2 hour into the movie. So technically she's wearing a very sexy outfit for the last hour of the film. But the lighting is sooooo bad that you can't really tell.

Usually, I recommend all low budget independent horror films, but I'd take a pass on this one!
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This movie shocked the hell out of me!!!!
waterkidd19 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was ready for a dumb slasher flick but how wrong I was! Killer Flick! Lots of gory deaths and some very cool special effects. What I was most impressed at though, was the acting! Yes, great acting in a horror film. Edward Furlong (American History X, T2) rocked with a solid, sometimes funny performance and the girls (Amber Benson - 'Buffy' and Cerina Vincent - "Cabin Fever' ) were sexy and sweet - too bad one of 'em had to die! With all the crap out there in the horror world this dumb little movie is a nice standout. I'll be looking for number two. Does anybody remember Jakob's Ladder? These guys somehow managed to pull in some of the same bizarre kind of stunts with a different twist. I see the DP was the same dude who shot 'Blair Witch' Whatever he did it was cool I kinda wish there was a little more skin from the girls but whatever. I still remember Amber kiss that girl on Buffy and have loved her ever since. We'll probably be hearing more from the director of this thing.
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A good little horror film provided you don't expect too much from it.
Zombified_66019 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Before I say anything that gives you a bad impression about this movie, let me first say this, Intermedio (or Dead & Dying as it's known in the UK, which is how I shall refer to it from now on) is pretty good as straight to video horror movies go. It's probably about the third or fourth best one I've seen. That said, it was also disappointing, probably due to the promise of it's idea being squandered by mediocre execution. Dead & Dying could have been a cool terror ride, but as it is it just slides in with all the other STV 'teens in peril' horror movies.

Although it is a bit generic, what stops it from sinking into the depths never to be seen again is its fantastic cast. With the exception of the main character Jen's boyfriend, everyone in this film is giving it 110%. Key duo Edward Furlong and Cerina Vincent (watch this girl, she is totally wicked) both hand in warm, sympathetic performances that make you really want them to make it out alive, and Amber Benson gives a good go of it as comic relief too.

The acting alone elevates it from the sludge, but unfortunately there isn't a lot else to it. The ghost effects are cool, and for a while very creepy, providing some refreshingly genuine scares, but once it's revealed that they aren't the true villains their ability to terrify dwindles, plus they all but vanish from the movie for the second half anyway. The horror element of this movie feels really tacked on, like they had a thriller written but they needed a horror so they augmented it with some ghosts and a bit of gore. The gore is a nice bonus, but it's pretty straightforward in comparison with films like Shredder or Curse of the Forty-Niner's gleefully complex overkill. This movie doesn't do anything you haven't seen forty or fifty times before.

It's a shame, as this is a genuinely enjoyable movie, but it's tarnished with the feeling it could of been a lot better, like they rushed to get it out. Add to this a soundmix that is so unbalanced I wound up turning the TV set up and down about ten or eleven times, and you can see why I say it just fails to excite as much as it might. All in all, you could do much much worse than Dead & Dying, and it's worth a rent purely for Cerina Vincent and Ed Furlong, but you could do a lot better too. Give it a shot, don't expect miracles.
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What on Earth?
Parnisara20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but what the hell were these people thinking. This film has got to be one of the worst horror films I have ever seen. The acting was dreadful and the plot/script(if you can even call it that) was so badly written I found myself thinking that watching paint dry may be twice as fun! I understand that this film was low budget but I can think of quite a few low budget films that are really good. I also understand that some low budget horror films are bad to be funny but this film wasn't even funny. The only thing that stopped me from turning off the DVD player was the reason I bought this film in the first place, which was because it has Amber Benson in it. I think the only thing that stopped my brother from getting up and leaving was the fact that he was too entranced by Cerina Vincent's breasts to even notice how much this film sucked. The only things that made me give it a three was that Amber Benson being cut in half was possibly one of the funniest things I've seen this year and my brother taking it off my hands for twice what I bought it for.
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moviephantasm28 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Cerina's a as hell in this movie. This sorta has a feel like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Railsback actually looks like he could've stepped off the set of TM. Good pace overall. Could've used some more special effects but I'm guessing the budget didn't allow for that. I saw a behind the scenes on this on one of Amber Benson's sites, some funny stuff. Could've been longer though. I wonder who's gonna be the next Buffy cast member to do a horror? If you're a fan of the the 70's indy horrors, check this out. Again, Tobe Hooper comes to mind... and maybe a young young Wes Craven. Some nudity woulda been nice too.
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jamkorytoski29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!!!! This has to be the worst movie I have EVER seen. The box at the video store made this movie look awesome....but I guess that's the point. I'm a huge fan of B and C horror movies, but this one didn't even hit the bullseye...heck, it missed the target entirely. Makes me cry for the days when Edward was John Conner...his acting is wasted in this movie. It really had no plot, just stupid teenagers running around stupid caves for stupid weed. I feel like I should sue Asylem pictures for the 90 minutes of my life I can never get back! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! Don't waste your money or your time...I wish someone had told me that before I did, but oh, well...I'll survive...unlike the actors in this hunk of junk.
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Not so good
travis-j-rodgers11 May 2005
I figured that this movie would be pretty bad, just from looking at the box. But I like to take risks on occasion with films. Sometimes, risks pay off. In this case, I was right. First some good things: There was some pretty nice cinematography and some of the effects were pretty good. The old man was at time intense enough to pull off his role. Cerina Vincent and Furlong were okay, but everything seemed so rushed.

I think that the script was pretty bad, but with a different script and a similar setting, the director could have made a decent film. I didn't flat out hate any of the characters with the exception of Gen's boyfriend. Back to my main complaint: this is a rush job. It's one thing to make a low budget movie. It's completely another matter to seemingly film everything in one take, despite glaring problems with the takes. At times, characters who are supposed to be in great discomfort fall out of character and banter back and forth with other characters (okay, this actually happens quite frequently). Some of the effects do not hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny, and the story just rambles and rambles. I don't think it's worth watching unless you really love the genre, whatever genre that might be.
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Needs a script...
purban1 April 2005
I can accept low budget, but this production was low in general in most respects. One would think with some actual stars in the cast, there would at least have been a decent script.

One redeeming value is that it's sort of interesting to see how the stars work with something so...silly. Some occurrences were so unbelievably silly, it may have meant to have been funny, but just didn't strike that balance at all...and this coming from someone who doesn't have much of a problem with suspension of disbelief. This movie asks the audience to accept too much. It's almost like they made stuff up as they went along--characters suddenly reappearing as if they were on set and had nothing better to do than pop back into a scene.

Good packaging. Good opening titles. Good cast. 3/10
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Goodness me - awful
swahlita-collins12 August 2007
Oh my good night!!! no... no... This has to be the worst film I have ever seen. The sound, the acting, the lighting, the special effects, the script... it was really painful to watch. What happened to Ed Furlong's career? OK he's not a great actor but he has had some memorable performances, e.g. T2 and American History X. He was just god awful in this. Yes its low budget, but just because its low budget, thats no excuse for it to be bad. I've seen some fantastic low budget films that have blown me away. This was just utter pants! Thankfully I didn't watch it to the end, and thank goodness I didn't rent it or buy it cause I'd want my money back.

Utter shambles!!!
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Not too Good.
itstoocool2229 April 2005
First off I'll say while this movie isn't very good, it also wasn't as bad as most of the horror movies I've seen lately, including the big budget ones. It was worlds better than Boogeyman but then again what isn't.

The good parts of the movie was the fact that it actually managed to be original even if at times stupid. The Intermedios themselves I actually liked when they were special effects pieces. At other times they were just humans with make-up on which I guess was due to budget constraints.

The bad however outweighed the good points of this film. The gore effects were VERY poorly done. The girl getting chopped in half made me cringe for all the wrong reasons. What was pretty funny was when one of the characters gets his fingers cut off and instead of effects they just had him ball his hands into fists and drenched them in blood. It was amusing to see his fingers still there in EVERY scene.

The acting was another sour note and surprisingly the worst of it came from Edward Furlong who is the best known actor in this film. He seems to be doing his very best and quite noticeable Charlie Sheen impression throughout the movie which tends to get really annoying.

Overall while having it's moments, the film is ultimately garbage and should be avoided by anyone except for those people who like cheesy horror. 4/10
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"All our friends are dead." Absolutely terrible.
poolandrews13 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Intermedio is set in Mexico where a guy named Wes (Callard Harris) informs his friends Malik (Eward Furlong), Gen (Cercina Vincent) & Barbie (Amber Benson) that there is a maze of tunnels beneath the Mexican Californian border which are perfect for smuggling drugs & that he has set up a deal that will make them loads of money, simple eh? Well it sounds it but Wes also says that the tunnels are apparently haunted by 'Inetrmedio's ' which is Spanish for 'In-Bewteens' which are ghost that are caught in limbo. However that doesn't stop them & they head into the tunnels, this being a horror film though the tunnels are indeed haunted by evil spirits...

Directed by Andrew Lauer I thought Intermedio was crap, pure & simple. The script by Kraig Wenman has a rubbish premise that is all over the place, it never really explains itself to any degree of satisfaction & the character's are awful. Every character in this film is terrible & so unlikable, a film such as this where the characters are in peril has to have sympathetic characters that you root for & want to survive unfortunately Intermedio has none & you jut end up wanting everyone to die horribly so the rubbish your watching will just end. It's very slow, dull & boring, I mean does watching an hour of annoying teenagers wander around caves arguing & generally being very unlikable sound like fun? Does it sound exciting? Is that something you would like to sit through? Well I did sit through it & it's not far off chewing glass in terms of entertainment value. I can't be bothered to say how bad this film is, how stupid it is, how thin the story & plot are & how pointless it is so I won't.

Director Lauer doesn't do anything special, there are just too many long boring stretches of these annoying kids walking around these caves arguing & it becomes extremely tedious to watch. The special effects are terrible, the ghosts look like paint smears on the screen. There is also a distinct lack of gore & violence, there's a baffling scene where a guy has a chain stuck though his eye but how? There are a few dead bodies lying around, someone gets a knife stuck in their throat & a awful scene where someone is sliced in half, the special effects in this sequence are embarrassing.

With a supposed budget of about $1,000,000 Intermedio is reasonably well made despite the terrible special effects. There's still too many shots of irritating people walking around caves though. The acting is awful, it really is & this pretty much confirms the end of the careers of both Edward Furlong & Steve Railsback whose character isn't even given a name.

Intermedio is absolutely crap, I'm sorry but there isn't one single positive thing I can say about it. It's stupid, full of annoying characters, there's no gore, no scares & it's pretty god damn boring as well. Definitely not recommended.
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Tedious and mildly annoying
gtc832 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Some kids decide to buy a whole pile of weed from some Mexicans. The deal goes down in a series of tunnels that run under the US / Mexico border. The tunnels are haunted by killer ghosts. The trouble is, these kids just aren't written or acted very well. Cerina Vincent is the movie's sole high point: She at least manages to be likable, though not terribly interesting. The other kids are all fairly annoying. There's one girl on crutches who can't keep up with the others when the ghosts start attacking, she whines a lot, wants to stay put until somebody comes to rescue them, wants to dig her way out; she's basically an overemotional moron. Edward Furlong's character is also quite annoying. He starts freaking out and basically losing it once the situation gets too stressful for him. At one point he gets stabbed in the leg and Cerina has to physically drag his fat butt around for the rest of the movie. It's a chore to watch, especially since he whines and moans and whimpers the whole damned time. There's a couple of other guys as well, they're not really worth mentioning. They run around a lot, eventually getting killed.

The ghosts aren't very impressive at all, they just look like goofy CGI creations. The movie isn't scary, it's just tedious. It might have worked if the writer had given these people some interesting, personality-driven things to say, but instead it's all just annoying, melodramatic crap. There's basically no plot. Ghosts menace kids, they run, repeat repeat repeat. Some guy is apparently in control of the ghosts, his kid was killed in the tunnels long ago. How did this make him boss of the ghost? I have no idea. Like I say, the only good thing about this movie is watching Cerina run around in a tight T-shirt. That's always nice to watch.
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dead and dying
gottalovehawk4 February 2006
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Dead and dying as its known in Ireland is not that great. I just finished watching it around two hours ago. Kinda boring. I am in love with Edward furlong but he kinda needs to lose the belly! Oh gawd that amber benson one just got on my nerves thank gawd she died! She just drove me insane, gen had a gun she should have shot her, Hun stick to Buffy with the other bad actors! OK am i the only one who found it a bit strange that gen and malik hooked up? They grew up together it would be like doing it with your sister! the acting in this film wasn't all that great my personal opinion Edward furlong (malik) should stick to comedy! He's a great comedy actor! Detroit rock city genius but he was outstanding in American history x, he just got stuck with ''actors'' than can't act to save there life! Eddie and the old guy were the only one's who could act! MESSAGE FOR CASTING AGENTS PICK ACTORS WHO HAVE TALENT NOT FOR HOW BIG THE SILICONE IN THERE BREASTS ARE!!!!!!!!
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Starts off decently, then becomes a jumble
TheLittleSongbird10 November 2012
Intermedio could have been much better but also much worse. What was actually disappointing about the movie was that it did have potential, but it doesn't live up to it. It does get some redeeming qualities because some of the settings are eerie, the opening is atmospheric in a creepy sense and some of the killings were inventive. The special effects for the ghosts are not that great, but at the same time I have seen much worse. Unfortunately, Intermedio is a movie where there is a movie more bad than good. It is often very murky to look at, with overly-dark lighting, and it is very choppily shot and edited. The sound effects and such are often too obvious and overbear the dialogue a lot. But in regards to the dialogue actually, you're not missing all that much because it is terrible, very stilted and doesn't go anywhere. It also felt very improvised, I commented on another movie recently that the dialogue reminded me of an episode of Ghost Hunters or something, and I got a similar vibe here as well. The characters as a consequence come across as obnoxious and are never developed enough to make us properly care for them. The acting does little to change that either, to sum it up in one word it is rather amateurish, loud panting when running around for example is not really a sign of good acting. But I think it was the story that really dragged Intermedio down, it is very stodgily paced, with nothing in the atmosphere to make the movie truly unsettling and you learn nothing about the ghosts other than that they're tortured predators. It also doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be, it starts off being a creature horror then as a revenge thriller, these two styles couldn't have been more different and it jarred and dilutes any kind of tension that the opening sequence gave the impression it would. Add to that a contrived ending, and you have overall a jumbled mess with some redeeming values. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Good God!
theemaster10 April 2005
Don't be fooled by any of these it's a indie film or they did okay with what they had.. this movie is generally awful and the only redeeming feature it had was use of it's sets and props and I mean for me it wasn't the same cave they kept going through; it was more like some of the boarded up houses that where interesting. (though Edward ramming into the plywood boarded wall multiple times was kind of funny/stupid)

At the core this movie is original and it's crap.. sorry.. For a guy like Edward Furlough to do this he was either desperate or became a has been.. he's had a remarkable on and off career with T2 his starting point and American History X his finishing point that I know off.. and then bad horrors like Pet Sematary 2 and the like/ilk (he shows several movies in production for 2005, whether these are all total garbage like this one only time will tell)

The dialogue is poor, the acting generally laughable.. the sound not too great and the bad guy just ridiculous. Sure it was shot cheap but if you gave a talented director the same budget and actors he/she could do it 400% better IMHO. (maybe the director was smoking the weed, the characters where supposed to pick up ;) )
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