A Mother's Faith (1911) Poster

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The sister's part is not played very convincingly
deickemeyer21 May 2016
In this story, a rich man's prodigal son gets the grand bounce by his dad. A little later the father falls dead. In another city the boy reads of his father's death and catches a freight train home, like a ragged tramp. He meets his sister at the gate and she won't let him come dressed as he is, but shows him his mother through a window. She is seen weeping over his photograph. The picture makes him brace up and go to work. When he has made a man of himself he asks his mother's pardon. The sister's part is not played very convincingly. The picture is interesting, but has no very fresh idea. The latter half of it is much the best. It is pleasingly acted and very well photographed. There are some interesting tramp-life scenes in it. - The Moving Picture World, November 25, 1911
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