E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Video Game 1982) Poster

(1982 Video Game)

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The Worst Video Game of All Time!!
dmace-5574822 January 2021
I've heard that this is the worst video game of all time. I think the reason why it has a lot of negative reception, is because gamers got frustrated very easily, because of the gameplay or something like that. But I agree on them. There's even a documentary about this game. But I'm gonna have to watch it sometime. Even though I'm usually not into documentaries. I would rather watch the movie than play this game.
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Does Atari's 'E.T' deserves to be buried? Somewhat. It's really not a very good game at all. However, it's not the worst game, I ever played.
ironhorse_iv28 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you were to ask any gamer, what would be the worst video game of all time was. A lot of them, would probably said Atari 2600's videogame adaptation of director Steven Spielberg's 1982 hit movie, 'E.T: the Extra-Terrestrial' of the same name. Most of them, wouldn't be wrong. After all, the adventure game has become a cautionary tale of artless corporate cash grabs. Designed by Howard Scott Warshaw, the video game object is to guided, the eponymous character to collect three pieces of an interplanetary telephone that will allow him to contact his home planet, scatter throughout six locations, while avoiding government agents & scientists wanting to capture him or pitfalls trapping him, before E.T's life force runs out. Without spoiling the game, too much, both Atari and the programmer, intended the game to be a high seller, during the holiday season, based on its connection with the popular film & innovative gameplay. However, things didn't panned out, that way. While 'E.T.' met minor initial commercial success at first, becoming the one of the most best-selling Atari 2600 game ever sold. It didn't hit, the levels, Atari has hope for. After a few weeks after its debut, nobody was buying the game, due to poor critical reception to gameplay, poor relationship with distributors, an increasing number of order cancellations, new competitors entering the market, and lack of a profitable marketing strategy to keep gamers, still interested in the product. Because of this, between 2.5 and 3.5 million cartridges went unsold. Soon enough, reports came out, that Atari warehouses were so fill with the game, that they started to give some of them away. That rumor, let to further urban legends, stating that Atari was burying the leftovers in the New Mexico desert, in shame. Surprisingly, that myth is somewhat true. In 2013, plans were made to find this burial, and in April of the following year, excavators indeed found that site at an Alamogordo landfill. However, the accuracy of reports about the burial, weren't as correct, as they seem, as 728,000 cartridges of various titles were found, instead of just millions upon millions of unsold 'E.T' games. Regardless, 'E.T' is still considered a major contributing factor to the video game industry crash of 1983 & the downfall of the original Atari in 1984. However, it's not the only factor as some of the general public may think. There were other problems, such as market saturation, competition from home computers, and global inflation that led to the crash. It wasn't until the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985, that the industry started to recovered. As for 'E.T' video game programmer, Howard Scott Warshaw; sadly, he never did make, another game again. It sucks, because I kinda like, his other games, like 'Yar's Revenge'. I was really looking forward to his next game 'Saboteur'. The unreleased game really did sound cool, before Atari dismantled it. In truth, he did alright job with designing' E.T', given that, he only had 5 to 6 weeks make it. It's not unplayable. It's just time consuming, frustrating, and monotonous. Honestly, if you have the time to figure out, how to avoid the pitfalls, you might find this game, worth playing, if you want the challenge. Not only that; but the game does contain an interesting Easter egg. When the alien falls down into the hole with the dead flower he can bring it back to life. Repeatedly doing this will eventually turn the flower into the fly from 'Yars' Revenge'. So, that's kinda interesting. Plus, the visuals are passable for that era, even if some of the items and enemies are hard to figure out, at first. It's not that confusing, after a few minutes in. Not only that, the game doesn't have any broken controls like the rumors talk about. It's decent, but nothing really pops out. In the end, things like what I mention, kinda shows that this game did somewhat, get a bad rap. In truth, it's not the most awful game, out there. It's not even, the worst Atari game. It's just not that fun to play. Honestly, if they only, went with Steven Spielberg's notion of having a 'Pac-Man' rip-off. Maybe, I would play this game, more. However, seeing how the negations took so long, regardless of the production. Even that version of the game would had been crappy, due to its rushed nature and bluntly studio inferences. In conclusion, the license to make the game is still 20 million down the drain. Like any diehard fans, most of us, would rather watch the movie, than play any video game adaptation of 'E.T', any day. While, I might not pick up the controller. This game is not worth tossing in the trash. It's deserve being buried in a video game collection.
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Was it bad? Sure...but, seriously a lot of Atari games played like this one.
Aaron137528 April 2012
I've been reading a lot of worst of lists as far as video games and this one pops up on said list a lot. I can agree that it deserves its spot on such a list; however, I generally think it absurd when it appears in the top spot. Superman on the Nintendo 64 is another game I see a lot of and have seen it number one and that one I think is a better contender for the spot as I do not even think this is the worst playing Atari 2600 game. With that being the case, then no, it absolutely is not the worst video game of all time.

The story, well you are E.T. and I give them props for making you control E.T. rather than Elliot. You wander the landscape looking for things so that you may piece them together to make a device to call the mothership and head home. That is about all there is to it and it is repetitious and gets old quick. I may think it is unfairly ranked as the worst game of all time, but I didn't say it was good; however, how many games for the Atari were not overpriced boring games where you did little beyond one simple task? The designer had only five weeks to program this and, frankly, Atari most likely felt the need to get this game ready in time for Christmas due to the fact they paid the absurd price of 25 million to Steven Spielberg for the rights, yikes!

In the end, the developer probably did as well as he could in the limited time frame. The dude also made the very fun Yar's Revenge, but then he made the overly complicated Raiders of the Lost Ark too. Honestly, Atari should have given Steven the finger instead of 25 million, because honestly, E.T. was not a action movie, it had very little going on and is more known for its comedy moments and pulling at the heartstrings. There is really nothing to make a game about in there, unless you perhaps adapt the bike chase at the end and make it much longer than it was, then it would be like the other half of the Atari library, where you speed around doing something as the enemy gets progressively faster until you die.

E.T. has not been in too many things since the movie. No more movies, which considering how they make sequels to stuff these days I am surprised it has not happened, no more anything really. He has appeared in like two other games, but I couldn't tell you if they are computer games or console games so it isn't like they were big hits either. I believe his most memorable apperance was for being in that horrible Universal Studios game which is another game I consider worse than this thing and does include the bike scene! In the end, I just do not think it is a property that would work all that well in a video game and apparently in nothing else except the one movie, though it is nice that they accepted this and have not tried to dig him out of the attic like they do to another alien all the time, I'm looking at you ALF!
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It is worse than you think
LepricahnsGold24 July 2003
It is believed that ET: The Extra Terrestrial helped bring about the video game crash of 1984. Many feel that after having been burned by the Atari 2600 version of Pac-Man that buyers adopted a 'once bitten, twice shy' attitude about buying this game. I, too, have played this so I feel your pain. The guy who programed this also made Raiders of the Lost Ark and Yar's Revenge for Atari 2600. Problem here was he only had 5-6 weeks to design, program and test this game (they wanted it in stores by Christmas and he was given the job in late July).
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E.T. On The Atari 2600
fridaynightdestination18 September 2010
Ahhhh, the Atari. So many good games. Dokney Kong, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Super Breakout, Nightdriver, so many epic games. But everything has bad side to it. Something dark. E.T. is the bad game on the Atari 2600. When you first look at the game, want to play it. Seeing the Atari logo, Eliot, E.T., the E.T. logo, the game just looks good. Put when you pop it into your Atari 2600, you are disappointed,on it being the bad game that it is. So at first your walking around as E.T., and you gotta admit, that's awesome. But get you get chased around bu this random guy, and he pulls you back to a random place, then when you run away, if your not careful, you fall into a pit! And some pits, you cannot get out of. There is no way possible. I spent hours trying to find out how to get outta the pit, but there is no way to do it. So, then, angry, you take it out, hoping to never play it again. As you can tell, this game is bad. A lot of people consider it to be the worst game ever, but I don't think it's THAT bad. I think the worst game ever is Superman on the Nintendo 64. But this game is cool to play once, but you will get very mad at this game. Just like I did. So don't destroy it like some do, keep it, it'll be a collectors item.And if your friends haven't heard of the game, you can trick them saying it's a GOOD game, and watch them get angry. VERY angry.
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Without a doubt the worst game of all time
jellybeanaidan26 June 2018
This game literally caused the entire video game industry to crash and was so bad that Atari buried every single copy
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Horrendous, but gets more hate than it deserves.
valvedotboy10 August 2017
I will admit, this game is awful. But it's often regarded to be the worst game of all time. Really? It might not even make it to my top 10, hell, chances are it wouldn't make it to my top 50.

Now why did I give this such a high rating? Well I'll tell you, this game is so awful, it's actually in a humorous matter. I actually played this game the most out of the Atari 2600 games, due to its addictive game-play.

I've actually heard from some cites that this game has broken controls...no it doesn't, they aren't special or anything, but compared to the ones in Superman 64 or Dark Castle, this game is like Contra (well, in terms of control).

Now, while I would never consider it the best Atari 2600 game, I don't consider it the worst either. Why am I in the minority that thinks this way? Any gamer with good taste would think the title to worst Atari game goes to Custer's Revenge (or any other porn game). The graphics in this game probably gets the title for worst graphics on the Atari 2600, but graphics don't always make the game, and even though they're bad, they at least don't pierce my eyes. I also feel like the crash is over- exaggerated, and happily, I'm not the only one, people treat this game like it was the only factor that caused it.

I will agree that this is probably the most notorious game, but that's about it.

So, now that I've been defending it so much, why didn't it get a higher rating? We'll...those inspectors are assholes, I hate those biologists, the colors are in different shades of green (besides Elliot, inspectors, and biologists), and don't even get me started on those god damn pits.

Overall, this game would've been much better if Howard Scott Warshaw was given more than 5 weeks to program it, but I've played much worse games (like Action 52, Superman 64, do I have to do this all day?). By all means will I agree to despise it, but I will never consider this the worst game.
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5% -- An embarrassment to mankind not even related to the film
FreeMediaKids27 September 2018
  • Pretty much everything is wrong with this game, but first, let's talk about the gameplay. E.T. 2600 is an adventure game in which the titular character lands on Earth and must pick up phone pieces from pit holes to escape, while also communicating with Elliott, the young deuteragonist as in the film, and avoiding the government agents from hindering progress. You know everything that made Steven Spielberg's film a success, right? Well, Atari tried to do just that by programming an Atari 2600 game in just 5 weeks, as opposed to the typical 9 months, to meet the deadline for 1982's Christmas, and the result is a remotely-related 8-kilobyte code of garbage. It is simply a strange-looking alien falling down pit holes to pick up telephone instruments, send a signal through the telecommunicator, and then escape in the only level. It is the type of game whose tone can only appeal to children (which is not to say that I want anything obscene in it, which I clearly do not).
  • It was 1982 by the time both the film and the game and adaption were released, and with plenty of console (i.e. arcade) games and decent computer games out there, we should have all been out of the Stone Age of gaming, right? Apparently, E.T. 2600 is not, and it was a huge mistake on Atari's part to insist that their 1977 console was still the predominantly superior console to play on. The result is absolutely primitive, in terms of low-resolution graphics; beeps, doots, and a complicated sequence of kinks for audio; and limited controls. On a creative level, it is not even that great. The graphics and animations generally look amateurish and somewhat redundant, and the only controls are the joystick for movement and the only button for running, climbing out of pits, and performing special functions. As for those functions, E.T. can teleport, consume Reese's pieces for health, detect telephone instruments in the pit holes, call in Elliott to hold on the Reese's pieces, send away the government agents, and signal an alien ship through the telephone to escape, but E.T. must be in certain areas of the maps to perform those particular functions. Unfortunately, the positions to perform a function as indicated at the top of the screen (and I had to read the manual to understand all the symbols of the functions) are randomized for every new game, so it seems that the only way to beat the game is to strictly memorize every vital and helpful part of the game.
  • E.T. 2600 is perhaps the most difficult game of the 1980s not because it is meant to be challenging, but because it is buggy and anti-player. First of all, we have the abysmal pit holes, which are easy to accidentally fall in but hard to float out, where if you do climb out, you may fall back in, and if a single part of your character sprite overlaps the pit hole sprites, you fall in. On top of that, the enemies are able to walk over the pit holes without a problem, and if you stand near a border of one of the 6 sections of the map, there is a great chance that an enemy will appear in your spot without a warning and steal your vital resources. Additionally, running or even teleporting from section to section is likely to result in bumping into an enemy or falling down a pit hole. Even worse is that the player is required to fall down some of the holes in order to progress.
  • The only thing that saves this Atari game from being a complete zero is that it can be completed, provided that the player has read the manual and fully understood the game's atrocious mechanics, but even after beating the game, it does not take much of the frustration from the game's proud and showy flaws, and the player is ultimately better without.

CONCLUSION: The game that deserved to, and had to, be buried in New Mexico (which is no longer a myth), E.T. deserves a spot in a museum that serves to remind humanity never to repeat those mistakes.
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I will admit it's terrible
xanderblue-1217830 January 2022
It's honestly one of the worst Atari 2600 games, and it's really poorly gameplay, the visible and invisible holes everywhere, and the confusing directions, it's honestly and admittedly a broken down game.
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Out of all the ET video games that have came out, this one is the most famous and the worst.
justin-fencsak23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw ET on VHS after seeing it in theatres as a two and a half year old with my cousin in the late 80s, i loved it!!! It made me cry too. What I didn't know was that merchandise for the movie helped the film go beyond the cinema, such as cereal, shoes, a board game, as well as a storybook soundtrack featuring sounds and clips from the original cut of the movie along with spoken word by the late Michael Jackson and a good opening song . But the best selling merchandise from the movie, besides the tie-in Reeses Pieces that saw its sales spike two weeks after the movie debuted in cinemas, is the video game that contributed to the great video game crash of 1983. Of course, I'm talking about E.T. The Extra Terrestrial. Rushed in development in time for the christmas season around the same time I was born, this video game became a best seller, only for it to return to stores and be put in landfills in Arizona. Long before cyberpunk and other bad games, this is the most famous bad game of all time. I tried it on computer and the graphics are not that good for an atari game. Yes, the opening has the ET music and a picture of ET and the character looks like ET, but the plot of the game is nothing compared to Spielberg's masterpiece. Spielberg wanted a game and the rights were sold for $25 million to Atari, at the time owned by Warner. Years after ET failed, Warner sold Atari and focused more on music, cable and movies and the rest is history. Avoid this game and try the later ET games or just enjoy and watch the movie.
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The Biggest Disaster in Video Game History
MrPaull032422 May 2024
It's no wonder Atari buried thousands of these cartridges in a landfill. Not only did it drive the once mighty Atari company out of business, but it even caused the great video game crash of 1983 that nearly destroyed the entire business. Yes, it was truly THAT bad.

Your objective is to guide ET across multiple screens on a single level to collect three separate phone parts to phone home and escape planet Earth, all the while avoiding government agents and scientists trying to hinder your progress, as well as holes inexplicably dug everywhere. Your life meter is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If it reaches zero, Elliot comes along to revive you. If you lose three lives, it's game over. That's all you do.

It's painfully obvious that the production for this game took a mere five weeks. First of all, the gameplay is totally aggravating. You'll be constantly falling into the holes that are not only numerous but very difficult to avoid due to their size and prevalence. The bad hit detection and clunky controls only made it more infuriatingly difficult. But that's not all. Even for an Atari game, the graphics are bad. ET is just a sickly green blob with eyes. The level designs are completely dull and bland, the sound effects are poor. You get the idea.

In the end, this was just a disastrous attempt at a cash grab of an otherwise awesome and successful movie. Even if you're a hardcore ET fan, don't even play this for free. Just stick with the movie.
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This games needs more fans
cgirl-0361518 February 2021
This game is a fun neat Atari game really this game did not destroy the video games it was actually Pom but this is a fun neat game
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Decent graphics and sounds, but poor hit detection Warning: Spoilers
After watching a couple of video reviews and hearing some mentions of this game over a few years, I went to try the game online.

The object of the game is to collect 3 telephone pieces which are in 3 of the many pits in the game. Once all three have been collected, E.T. has to get to a spot in the field where he'll make a call, then he must move to another spot where a spaceship will pick him up and take him home. However, obstacles E.T. encounters in his mission include a scientist who would constantly take him to a laboratory, and a detective who would confiscate his phone pieces one at a time.

If you're interested in playing the game, I recommend that you read the instructions, if you have any, because a lot of things come into play if you want to complete the game. Because I played the game online, it's pretty understandable that I have no instructions to read. Thankfully, the video review of that person who rates video games as either "innocent" or "guilty" gives a few shots of the instructions which I was able to get some detail. Anyway, some of those crucial things are how to keep the scientist and detective at bay, how to make use of the candy, or how to arrange your trip home.

As to why this game is so maligned, it probably has to do with the poor hit detection when it comes to the pits. I mean a lot of times, E.T. would fall in when it appears he's not at an edge of a pit. Also, if E.T. tries to fly out of a pit, he would sometimes fall back in. I guess this frustrated a lot of players. Well, as an advice I would give to some gamers, try staying far from the pits, and move in a straight line as much as possible, and maybe you'll fall less often. And once you come out of a pit, I recommend doing light taps when moving away instead of a regular press, thus you'll have less chance falling back in.

Because I was having trouble with the scientist and detective, I was already thinking about using the tip from that "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" video where the host tells about using the option that removes the two antagonists from the game. Nevertheless, I continued to play the game with the default setting until I completed it.

Yes, the game has poor hit detection. But since that is pretty much the only flaw of the game, I wouldn't be so scathing to it. Also, the number of things E.T. can do when in certain locations of the game really adds some depth. If you were to ask me if you should try this game, well, if you have the patience and positive attitude, you might be able to understand it.
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This game is rather bad.
LepricahnsGold28 October 2003
The programmer had 5 weeks to design, program & test this game so that Atari could get it manufactured & into stores in time for Christmas. Many blame this one game with crashing the video game market in the mid-80's. While this game helped kill Atari, what crashed things was lots of crappy games from over 30 companies that had jumped on board hoping to make a quick buck. One of those companies, U.S. Games, was a division of Quaker Oats!
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Fun once you get the hang of it
currie-516 December 2021
Getting out of the pits is not intuitive so beginners keep falling back in. Once I learned how to do that, the game play was fine. I came to really enjoy playing it.

But this was the Atari 2600. None of the games were fantastic.
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E.T is an alright Game compared to some other Games around the Same Time
Bullwinkle9611 March 2012
OK. I know how many people think that E.T is Rubbish and the Worst Game ever but it is OK for Atari 2600 Standards. There is a plot and it was one of the first games to have an ending video. The holes are annoying and the game glitches and has its fault but it is OK. If you bought it when it came out in 1982 with the instructions then you would actually know what to do. Games on the Atari 2600 that are worse include Custers Revenge, The Kool Aid game, and Beat em and Eat Em just to name a Few. I know that it isn't Adventure or Pitfall but it is alright. I have finished this game a few times so it is finishable. Thats about it. It is OK for its time which was during the great video game depression.
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The worst game ever made? Not even close.
sebastianali12327 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really, this is the worst videogame ever made? I dont think so, in fact, i dont think is one of the worst Atari 2600 games ever made, i have some fun with them. The problem with this game is the collision box and for its time, it was quite confusing, because you have to follow very specific steps to win the game. That's right, ET for Atari 2600 is one of the few games in the console that you can finish, unlike the vast majority that are simply based on getting the highest score. You could say that it was highly criticized simply because people did not know how to play it, adding the glitches. And although the instructions appeared in the manual, probably no one read them at that time. Obviously, it is a game that, by current standards, has not aged well, but by the standards of the Atari 2600 it performs very well and I would even say that it is innovative. A underrated classic that every retro gamer that likes Atari 2600 games and wants a challenge has to play.
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