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wholesome it ain't
goblinhairedguy3 May 2004
Here's another of those lesbian-themed naked grope fests of the 60s, veering slightly into "roughie" territory, with breathy, self-berating narration instead of live sound. Felicia is a naive model who poses for lesbian photographer Allison, and ends up moving in with her. While Allison becomes more perverse and domineering (including subjecting her newfound lover to a leash and dog collar), Felicia is surprised to discover at a pot party that a man can be as tender and caring as a woman. Allison is infuriated at her protegé's heterosexual dalliance, and takes revenge by seducing the same man right in front of Felicia's eyes. The vengeance backfires violently, but fate steps in to render just deserts in the ironically pastoral climax. Although it can't match the deftness of Joe Sarno's similarly themed works, or the crude depths of the Findlays, this one is (just) watchable enough for its plot twists and camp appeal, particularly the driving, twangy-guitar garage-rock music. Even though they leave their underwear on, the boys surprisingly have the decency to remove their socks in this one.
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