Magoo Express (1955) Poster


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Magoo Express
CinemaSerf16 February 2024
"Magoo" is smuggling his poodle "Gigi" in his suitcase on a French train when he goes to fetch her some food. Upon his return, she has gone! Meantime, a suspicious couple are also travelling on the train and guess what? "Gigi" just also happens to be their secret password. Next thing, he has been given a cigar that could possibly blow the roof off the world. When their real courier arrives, the crooks realise their mistake and race to reclaim their property from the hapless "Magoo" who constantly and perilously muddles things up as he searches for his lost dog. Can he find the dog and will the cigar explode...? Answers on a postcard!
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One of my personal favorites, it was a BAFTA nominee.
llltdesq4 December 2002
This is one of my favorite Magoo cartoons and takes place on a train. In a case of mistaken identity, Magoo is thought to be a spy in a drop (note of puzzlement here, though: Magoo's behavior has an explanation, as he's near-sighted. But for the other characters, the only explanation for much of what they do is that they are idiots studying to be morons and not managing to grasp the material. Some real Rhodes scholars here) and the bulk of the cartoon is spent pursuing Magoo once the error is discovered. Magoo's good fortune prevails once again and he blithely strolls through the wreckage and chaos strewn in his wake, emerging without even the whisper of a scratch. The pack of 40 watt bulbs giving chase is not nearly so fortunate. The situations here are a riot! Well worth tracking down. Simply marvelous. Most highly recommended.
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