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The cat and the catfish
TheLittleSongbird24 January 2018
Van Beuren cartoons are extremely variable, especially in the number of gags and whether the absurdist humour shines through enough (sometimes it does, other times it doesn't), but are strangely interesting. Although they are often poorly animated with barely existent stories and less than compelling lead characters, they are also often outstandingly scored, there can be some fun support characters and some are well-timed and amusing.

'A Cat-Fish Romance' may not be one's definition of a great cartoon, but it is among the better 1932 Aesop's Fables/Van Beuren cartoons and there is something oddly charming about it. There is not much to be offended or infuriated by, at the same time there is not a lot that is special or unforgettable once it's over.

Its best asset, as is the case for pretty much all of Van Beuren cartoons, is the music score. It is typically peppy and great fun to listen to. It is so beautifully and cleverly orchestrated and full of lively energy, doing so well with enhancing the action.

There may not be much to the lead characters in terms of development but they are quite charming and likeable, while the villain is quite fun. 'A Cat-Fish Romance' is another case of more ambition, complexity and imagination being put into the background art.

Pacing is lively enough and while it is very slight, and what there is resembling a story is very derivative, the story does make sense and the structure is clearer and less random.

However, while there is a noticeable general improvement in character design quality it's still uneven where the more complex the backgrounds got the more simplistic the drawing got it seemed, while there are some sparse-looking backgrounds. As said the story is barely existent and the conflict and any resemblance of storytelling is pure formula.

Gags are few and are more leaning towards the cutesy than the absurdist surrealism, giving the cartoon a blandness despite its odd charm.

Overall, oddly charming and far from bad but not a favourite. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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"I Can't Give You Anything But Love"
boblipton15 August 2015
A cat goes fishing and finds himself underwater, where he sings a duet with a female catfish in this interesting Van Beuren cartoon.

While Fleischer had Betty Boop, who evolved from a dog, Van Beuren's Helen-Kane voiced cat starlet never finished her transition. It's a decently done cartoon with some lovely character design and clean animation, but the story is depressingly similar to many others from Van Beuren and Terrytoons in this period, including a multi-legged villain who steals the object of the protagonist's affection; usually it would be a spider, but this is underwater, so it is an octopus.

The character design and animation are clean, simple and interesting. This is clearest when the action takes place against a white background. However, when the background work is more complex, the visuals become a bit muddy.
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