Splatter University (1984) Poster

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Middle of the Road Slash Fest
tildagravette6 April 2019
Splatter University doesn't have an awful lot going for it. It looks the cheap, the sound is lacking, most of the performances are awful, and the gore effects rarely convince, but there's a certain low budget 80's charm that keeps you tuned in for its fairly short run time.

Francine Forbes makes for an incredibly appealing lead and she's easily the best actor in the film. Thankfully, we spend most of our time with her (although, maybe not enough time). She plays a young teacher who's replacing a teacher at a local college who's just been brutally murdered. Needless to say, the murderer isn't done yet and seems to have an issue with both the teachers and the entire student body of this university.

There's not a lick of suspense or terror in this movie and, as I said earlier, even the death scenes feel a bit uninspired, but Forbes keeps us invested and along for the ride. The finale does manage to surprise due the sheer mean spiritedness of it all, so I've got to give the fimmakers props for that. I certainly didn't see it ending that way and it was a genuine shock.

Splatter University is more of a movie to play in the background than one you really need to pay much attention to. It's saved by charm, Forbes, and a shocking finale.
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Some Good Ideas, But Poorly Made
bettybenzone17 June 2019
Man, this was a rough one to watch. I'm all for low budget movies, but this one looks like about the cheapest movie I've ever seen. Had the story been more interesting, this wouldn't have been an issue, but every time it starts to get interesting, it cuts away to silly subplots involving the students and ruins any tension. If the students were better developed, it wouldn't be an issue, but they feel like they're shoehorned in from another film.

Francine Forbes plays the leading lady and she's actually pretty great and likable. Whenever the film follows her, it's on a roll and we care about what happens to her. I'm not sure if it's because the writing for her is a little bit better or because Forbes is such a pleasant actress, but she seems to have been pasted in from a far better film.

There's about zero tension or scares, but some of the effects work isn't too bad and there are a few fairly gruesome murders. The killer reveal and finale finally ratchet up a little tension, but by that point, it's too little too late. The ending itself is shockingly downbeat and unexpected, so one must give them kudos for that.

Splatter University is a minor effort in the early 80's slasher cannon and probably for completists only.
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Fails to make the grade.
BA_Harrison19 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With its outrageous students (one of whom howls like a wolf at anything with a pulse), '80s slasher Splatter University can be remarkably silly at times, but isn't amusing enough to qualify as a parody or black comedy; it's also a fairly bloody flick, but nowhere near scary enough to pass as a proper slasher. Exactly who would find the film satisfying is anyone's guess.

Forbes Riley plays recently qualified teacher Julie Parker, whose new job at St. Trinian's school gets off to a bad start when one of her students is murdered. After further students and members of staff turn up dead, Julie decides to quit, but will the killer let her leave? Not on your nelly! In it's one moment of originality, the film does the unthinkable and actually kills off the final girl, which almost makes up for the sheer predictability of the psycho's identity. If you fail to guess who is responsible, you clearly haven't seen enough horror films.

It's an absolute stinker, but I'll be kind and give Splatter University a rather generous 3/10 for the bloody knifings, the slit throat, the disembowelled corpse, Julie's surprisingly nasty death, and that Ginger girl's amazingly bad hairstyle.
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if only the director had gone to Splatter University!
FieCrier26 May 2005
Really, really bad slasher movie. A psychotic person escapes from an asylum. Three years later he kills a sociology professor, end of scene. One semester yesterday later (hey, that's what the title card said) a new sociology professor is at the school. She makes friends with another female sociology professor who works there, and starts dating another professor. The students are all bored, as are we.

There are a number of title cards indicating how much time has passed. Scenes are pretty short, and cut to different characters somewhere else, making for little progression of any kind. A lot of scenes involve characters walking and talking, or sitting and talking, and serve little purpose. Despite the passage of time, many of the characters are always wearing the same clothing. Sometimes the unclear passage of time means when we see a body for the second time, we ask ourselves: how long has that body been there? And also, at least one of the dead people don't seem to have been missed by others.

The killer manages to kill one person by stabbing her in the breast, another by stabbing him in the crotch, and another by slicing her forehead. Is his knife poisoned or something?

The video box cover has a cheerleader: there aren't any in the movie. The rear cover has a photo of someone in a graduation cap and gown menacing a group of women in a dorm room. The central redhead in the photo is in the movie, but nobody ever wears such an outfit, and there is no such scene. The killer is strictly one-on-one.
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Expelled! F-!
bordentownfilms12 July 2004
This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. It was so bad, in fact, that it almost was the end of me. I was just barely able to get out of bed the next day. My credit card bills are climbing, my car payment is too high, I have a mortgage that's slowly strangling me, and I now must live with the knowledge that I can never un-see 'Splatter University.' It was almost too much to take. Ultimately, I got out of bed to feed my fish--and I couldn't let anything happen to myself while they were dependent on me to live. God only knows where I'd be right now if I didn't have a fish tank.

This movie takes place over a span of a couple weeks. Yet in every scene, all the characters are wearing the same clothes. If I had to listen to that idiot with the sleeveless blue t-shirt on howl like a wolf one more time, I was going to put my head through the tv.

When I rented it, I was hoping for a college slasher romp, fraught with scantily clad college-aged honeys. None of that here. How about great make-up fx and gallons of blood? Try again. A creepy killer that was good for at least ONE scare? Nope.

I never in a million years would think that a movie with a running time of 79 MINUTES could feel so long. But now that I know, there's no going back. You see, I've graduated from Splatter University, and it weighs on my conscience like a student loan with payments made directly to hell.
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Slow off the mark, poorly constructed but bizarrely alluring...
LuisitoJoaquinGonzalez27 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Colleges, High Schools, Fraternities and Sororities have been the most popular stalking grounds for maniacal madmen since the slasher cycle first became a popular cinema culture throughout the late seventies. Even backwoods cabins and campsites have rode shotgun to the amount of massacres that have taken place on campuses since Halloween categorised the genre as a cult horror category. From early entries like To all a Good Night right up until the big budgeted schlock of titles like Urban Legend or Schools Out, there's usually always been a campus slasher lurking somewhere in the pipeline. Despite being picked up by Troma - the titans of B movie badness – Splatter University was heavily panned upon release and never really found an audience. Even notorious hack and slash websites like HYSTERIA-LIVES have written off Richard Haines' splatter yarn as one of the worst of the early eighties boom. I always approach criticised movies optimistically because there's often the chance than a few bad reviews can be unfairly contagious like a dose of the flu, which crowds the judgement of certain authors.

It begins in traditional fashion at the place where any maniac worth his salts emerges. Yep you guessed it – an insane asylum! It seems that one of the inmates has decided that he's unhappy with the level of service at the institution and therefore he's looking to take his business elsewhere. The unseen nut-job makes his break after stabbing an unfortunate orderly where the sun certainly doesn't shine. He obviously favours the dress sense of the murdered worker, so he takes the liberty of borrowing his uniform, blood stained trousers and all!

Three years later, we transfer to St Trinians College, an educational establishment that is controlled by catholic priests. A teacher is busy after hours marking her students work when all of a sudden there's a knock at the door. Before she has a chance to find out what the unseen visitor wants, he stabs her in the chest with a kitchen knife and she falls to the floor in a bloody heap. This of course means that there's a vacancy at the university and so we're introduced to Julie Parker (Francine Forbes), the lovable replacement for the recently departed lecturer. It seems that her arrival has inadvertently given the resident maniac all the motivation that he needs to go on a no holds barred slaughter-thon. Before long students and teachers alike are dropping like flies to the camera shy menace as he stalks the corridors and local areas armed with an exceptionally large blade. Suspicious suspects abound, but can professor Parker solve the mystery of the campus murderer before she becomes just another statistic?

I'm not precisely sure how many versions of this movie are available. The UK altered video was released under the alias of Campus Killings, but the US copy that I own states that it's the complete unedited edition, which could mean that there is a censored print floating about somewhere? I'd be fairly surprised if that was the case as Splatter University certainly isn't as gore-delicious as the hyperbole packaging would lead you to believe. One or two litres of corn syrup certainly don't stand up to gore hound's scrutiny when compared to the likes of Blood Rage or Pieces, so in this instance the movie is somewhat over hyped. One thing that many critics have failed to mention is the charming lead performance from Francine Forbes, who ends up carrying the entire picture on her shoulders throughout the 79-minute running time. Despite amateurish direction from Richard Haines she still unveils some magnificent potential that should have lead to the chance of another stab at serious acting under a more accomplished helmer. Unfortunately that possibility never came, and bottom of the barrel bombs like Death Ring and Splitz certainly didn't help to nurture a talent that could have improved dramatically under the right scholarship.

The rest of the cast members were par for the course of movie obscurity, especially the wooden plank teenagers who for some strange reason acted like they were auditioning for a remake of Grease or The Wanderers. The bog standard point and shoot direction couldn't have helped to build much confidence in the project and the fact that the few signs of potential were undermined by the clumsy handling of the script writer left the feature effectively unredeemable. Perhaps the only claim of originality to be found in Haines' slasher is the brave attempt for the contrasting conclusion. Let's just say that it's not a final that I was expecting to witness in a movie that was so typical of the cycle.

At one point in the runtime, one of the teens says, "Man that Parker bores me to tears…" Well the same can be said for Splatter University, which never lifts the pace above slow motion. With that said though, Francine Forbes made for a delectable scream queen and undoubtedly one that I would have paid to watch again in a similar role. So that pretty much sums up this un-troma-tising ride. Slow paced, shoddy but still strangely alluring; you'd have to be especially forgiving to give it a chance
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I've Seen Worse
acidburn-1013 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Plot = A Psycho escapes from a mental institution by killing off a male orderly and wearing his clothes, three years later the female students and teachers of St Trinians fall victim to a knife wielding psychopath. The new teacher on campus Juile Parker (Franchine Forbes) gets worried and even starts to suspect her new boyfriend Mark who happen to have a relationship with the former teacher that died. After the deaths of her friends, the young teacher confronts the killer in the hallways of the college with shocking results.

I've heard a lot of bad things about this film before watching it like people saying it's the worst slasher ever, and to be honest it's not as bad as they say sure there are a lot better college slashers such as (House On Sorority Row) but I've seen a lot worse movies than this as well such as (Blood Tracks and Don't Go Into The Woods Alone).

Splatter University is an entertaining slasher film for all the wrong reasons. Director Robert Haines is so inept that he allows numerous mistakes and gaffs into the film. A few mistakes include bad post production dubbing, dead bodies that move, and a doctor with bloodstains on his coat before he's attacked by the killer. The mistakes are often more entertaining than the actual film.

There is a lot of amusing things about this movie such as the terrible acting for one, the part when the priest throws away porn magazines when one of the teachers is on her way to see him, the college students who are all but ugly, the teacher on the toilet with the crude sound effects and writing on the walls before she gets killed, the pervy priest who likes to sleep with the female teachers and gets aroused by one of the female students. I mean wow this movie doesn't exactly portray priests in a very kind manner often portraying them as perverts and the students who are just portrayed as dope smoking, sexually active morons with no brains. Unfortunately, they forgot to add depth to their characters and suspense. Gore consists of knife penetrations and plenty of squirting blood. Even though the camera zooms in on girls wearing tight jeans and shirts, there is no nudity except for a cover of Look magazine. When you see the female students, you'll be glad they kept their clothes on. The soundtrack is one annoying song that plays throughout the movie.

Francine Forbes is the only real actor in the cast. She brings a charming innocence to this film. The rest of the cast must be friends or relatives of the filmmakers. They obviously weren't hired on talent or good looks. The killer's identity is a bit of a surprise, but the actor looks too silly to be menacing.

All in all Splatter University is so badly made it's actually entertaining, zero tension and no suspense whatsoever but in fairness it's not the worst slasher or by far means one of the best.
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Great ending, OK movie
BandSAboutMovies10 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Richard W. Haines edited Stuck On You! and The Toxic Avenger and directed Class of Nuke 'Em High, Head Games and this slasher film, which features actress Elizabeth Kaitan (Robin from Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood and Candy from the Vice Academy series) on the poster when she's not even in the movie!

Years ago, a killer named William Graham escaped from a mental hospital and killed numerous students at Saint Trinian's College. Years later, new sociology teacher Julie Parker has just started at the college but she can already tell that something just isn't right. Much like a giallo, this foreigner must become the detective as bodies pile up around her and she becomes the killer's next potential victim.

This movie was made for around $25,000 and originally called Thou Shall Not Kill. It came at the end of the slasher boom and is a pretty standard stalk and slash, save for a few cool scenes like when Parker discovers her best friend's body, which has been festering in a locker for several days. It feels all over the place as several of the kills were added after the original running time only came in at 65 minutes, so the padding is evident.

For all of the faults you can find in this movie - the effects aren't that great, the kills aren't very spectacular, the characters are pretty much universally annoying - the ending makes up for all of it, transforming what has been a pretty campy affair into pure nihilistic bleakness.
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Do NOT be fooled by the cover!
horrormb7 February 1999
If you merely look at the cover of this movie, it's cool. DON'T. The movie itself put me to sleep. It was slow paced, had minimal violence and a poor use of suspense. The acting was bottom feeder material and the plot, while it would've been cool for a different movie, was poorly shown here. They even kill the only likeable character in the whole film! I give it a 2 out of 10 because the only thing that was good was the plot twist at the end. Other than that, you might want to save yourself from this movie trash.
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Incompetently funny D-grade slasher
yourmotheratemydog71523 October 2018
I knew this was going to be a good one (and by that, I mean a worthless piece of trash) when the film began with not one, but TWO, flashback sequences of meaningless characters being murdered. Indeed, the entirety of SPLATTER UNIVERSITY is a strangely paced, horribly edited and utterly stupid slab of slasher garbage that should be featured in your next bad movie night.

Directed by Richard W. Haines, most famous for his co-directing post on CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH (and his demotion to second-unit director of the film after only a week), SPLATTER UNIVERSITY tells the tale of random college students who are introduced and immediately murdered. Meanwhile, a new teacher tries to solve the mystery of who's spilling all this university blood. The VHS cover's cheerleader mysteriously never shows up to class.

The film features many wacky college-kid antics (which are damn near impossible to hear because of sound issues), murders (which are almost all uninspired stabbings), and a mystery that is face-palmingly obvious from very early on. Still, the film never takes itself that seriously and there are quite a few intentional and unintentional laughs to be had. As long as you find rampant misogyny and bloody killings funny (and who doesn't!).

It's only 78 minutes long, and I can safely say I enjoyed most of them. I'm a little surprised at the largely negative reviews here which don't mention how dang fun the whole thing is. Great to pair with FINAL EXAM or THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD for a trashy double feature of dead collegians.
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"Her death remains a mystery".
lost-in-limbo23 February 2013
Just another traditional slasher. Well that's what you say about the Troma released "Splatter University". It's textbook and low-budget as you can get with a eye-catching film title. But it's reputation of being one of worst its sub-genre had to offer seems to scream loudly. It had me thinking of the 1981 slasher "Final Exam", but that film is exemplary compared to this outing. Sure "Splatter University" is rancid, uninspired with lazy direction, tacky writing and wooden acting, but I have a soft spot for campus horror and I kind of enjoyed that it didn't take itself all that seriously, as it felt like they're playing up to the camera. You could say the stalk and slash elements at times took a back-step to college hi-jinks, which I found a little more amusing than the slasher side of the story. There it would get slow and sluggish with confused editing. I didn't find it all that effective in presenting the red herrings and the revelation isn't anything surprising, but the finale had one surprise up its sleeve I didn't see coming and quite a daring one too. The story is fairly messy, as what begins as a psychopathic killer escaping from an asylum then moves on a couple years later when a university teacher is brutally murdered to only move on even further where a couple months later a newly appointed teacher arrives on the campus where suddenly the lady students are being targeted by a killer. So many random occurrences seem to make its way into the unfocused story; some don't even have any relevance than to add trivial exchanges for humour. Sometimes the darkest of humour. Although there's no hiding how spiteful and deranged the violence can be, however they're rather unimaginative in the usual slashing and stabbing. Quite bit of red paint gets chucked about and the electronic soundtrack gets a good workout. Characters come and go with no one really standing out (most of them are obnoxious or slackers), other than Forbes Riley as the leading lady and Dick Biel. Senseless, hackneyed and cheesy, but what do you expect? Nudity, if so... look elsewhere.

"Gross! There's a fingernail in my pie".
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Cheese-gore goodness for anyone who enjoys wanton violence such as kicking puppies.
The Rat-210 June 1999
This movie is great. If you enjoy watching B-class movies, that is. This is a classic college 80's slasher movie, in which one song is played throughout the entire soundtrack. A horrible film, but worth renting to make fun of, or just to watch old men pop out of closets with knives. Kinda funny, if you ask me.
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Better Than Expected Slasher.
mmc12324 February 2000
"What's your favorite scary movie hmmmm? Graduation Day? Final Exam? THe Dorm That Dripped Blood? The House On Sorority Row? Or is it SPLATTER UNIVERSITY? Am I Close?" says Randy in SCREAM 2 as he tries to keep the killer on the phone while walking the college campus.

"Close Enough".

When I heard of this movie I wanted to see it. I bought it after all of the bad reviews and negetive comments and still I like the movie well enough.

If I had to compare it with something I would say Scream 2 meets the budget of Halloween meets the acting of Saved By the Bell.

The music is somewhat like the beginning of Child's Play 3 and the deaths scenes are decent.

With a body count of 6 and a surprise twist ending this movie is good.

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Everything an eighties slasher film should have except gratuitous nudity
pcampbell2520 October 2001
This film is the worst film, but it ranks very high for me. It is how a slasher movie should be. It takes place at a university in which there only seems to be a handful of students. The teachers are dumber than a sack of hammers. It is filled with good Catholic priest, sexually repressed humor. Bad hair, bad clothes. The dialogue is so cliched it is hard to believe that I was able to predict lines in quotes. The slashings have some creativity and seem to revolve around stabbing people in the genitalia. A lack of continuity in the soundtrack and characters that deserve to die because they are so bad, I recommend this film for a fun time. Get a case of cheap beer and some friends, watch it and laugh.
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Could have been worse...
Sevoulian11 September 2002
Splatter University is just another attempt to cash in on the 80's slasher hysteria.

The acting was bad but the script definitely had potential. There were some pretty creative deaths but they were all ruined by the horribly slow pace and unneeded dialogue. For some reason the director felt like following around a bunch of crumby actors who the audience expected were there just to die and then suddenly stopped incorporating them into the film? Why was that? Were they just trying to throw us off or waste our time?

I can't say "Splatter University" was complete trash, I can say that the script and twists could have worked with a better director, bigger budget, and more experienced production team.

Go ahead and see this movie, but don't expect anything better than "okay" or worse...
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Dead-headed slasher is more laughable than scary
Leofwine_draca2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPLATTER UNIVERSITY is a laughably inept slasher film of the early 1980s, more low rent than even a companion film like GRADUATION DAY. The story involves an unknown maniac escaping from an asylum and going undercover at a high school, where they proceed to slaughter their way through the cast of unknowns. This is very much bottom of the barrel material, one of those films that's nigh on impossible to take seriously; the acting is goofy and the script completely dead-headed. As for that title, well, there are some gory kills, but they tend to be repetitive and lack the creativity that went into a contemporary slasher like HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.
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A Troma Production
Uriah436 June 2023
This film begins at a mental hospital with the staff looking for a patient named "William Graham" (Dick Biel) is apparently wandering around somewhere in the building. He then kills one of the staff members and disappears into the night. The scene then shifts to three years later with a female professor at St Trinian's College named "Janet Phillips" (Donna Hartman) working late one night and, upon hearing a noise, goes to open the classroom door. Suddenly, without any warning, a man with a knife appears and stabs her to death. The scene then shifts once again to approximately 3 months later with a young college professor by the name of "Julie Parker" (Forbes Riley) accepting a teaching position at that very same college. To that effect, although she has a few problems in relation to the college rules and traditions, she quickly adapts and everything seems to be going quite well--at least, until the body count begins to rise. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I didn't initially know what to expect from this film other than the fact that it was an 80's slasher movie. Some of them are good--and some of them are bad. So, when I saw that it was a Troma movie, I knew not to get my hopes up too high. Sure enough, what followed was a film consisting of cheap sets and weak scripts. Likewise, the acting in general could have used some improvement as well. In other words, it was a typical Troma production. Even so, both Forbes Riley and Kathy LaCommare (as "Cathy Hunter) performed reasonably well and that helped to a certain degree. Having said that, however, neither of them were quite able to overcome the obvious low-production values mentioned earlier, and I have rated this movie accordingly. Below average.
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Tonally Confused Slasher
kennymasterson12 October 2020
A teacher fills in for another teacher who was just brutally murdered and fears she may be next as the killer rampages through the students and staff of a small campus. There might be a commentary on religious repression in here somewhere and Francine Forbes is a very likable heroine and easily the best actor in the movie. The tone is too goofy to ever really find its footing between the slashing and the silliness and then the film has the guts to end on one of the most downbeat notes ever played in slasher history. A lot of interesting parts that work, but the film itself doesn't. Is it a little crazy that I'd still recommend it?
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Total gore- and cheesefest!
Coventry6 December 2005
How come I've never seen or even heard about this junk-movie before? It's right up my alley with bloody teenkill, laughable plotting and an irresistible 80's cheese-atmosphere hanging around it. For some reason nobody is really interested in, the staff and students of an elite Catholic university are butchered by an unknown psychopath. Freshly recruited teacher Julie Parker becomes involved when all the people she has contact with either turn up dead or behave strangely. This movie is hilariously bad! There's absolutely no logic or coherence and every character is equally meaningless to the others. For example, there's a girl killed and her body dumped in a container. Then, and for no reason, the story suddenly moves forward three weeks yet the murdered girl is never mentioned or even missed. Not even by her boyfriend! The acting is pitiful and there isn't even a bit of nudity to enjoy. The revelation of the killer is quite funny because the makers really seemed convinced that it was an original twist... It's not, guys! "Splatter University" is easily one of the worst horror-turkeys ever.
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Cheesy horror flick
wyatt88 August 1999
It's a poor film, but I must give it to the lead actress in this one....Francine Forbes. She appeared to be acting the least and I personally thought she was kind of cute. Too bad she only appears in one other film in the database. Besides that, the film is filled with laughable gore and fakey death scenes. People get stabbed and they GUSH like 2 gallons of blood! But, if you like to watch poor horror films, I recommend this one highly.
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Moderately entertaining but nothing spectacular
slayrrr66612 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Splatter University" is a watchable if not that spectacular entry in the genre.


Arriving at a new campus, Julie Parker, (Forbes Riley) is told by Father Perkins, (Richard W. Haines) that the position is only available due to the previous occupant having died. Taking over the class, she meets up with students Mark Hammond, (Ric Randig) Cathy Hunter, (Kathy LaCommare) Cynthia, (Laura Gold) Tom Scavelli, (Ken Gerson) Wolf, (Sal Lumetta) Margaret, (Noel Stilphen) John, (John Elias Michalakis) and Tony, (George Seminara) who immediately try to make her life miserable because of her new position. When school gets out and they try to have a series of parties around campus, a maniacal killer begins to stalk around them, and after conducting some investigations into the murders, realize that the killer is a recently escaped mental patient from a nearby asylum is responsible, and together they try to stop his deadly rampage across the campus and student body.

The Good News: This one here doesn't have a whole lot of positives, but there is some. One of the big points is that there's a lot of blood and gore, and even though it's all really cheap-looking and quite obviously fake, the fake that there's some brutal deaths is something to be admired. There's a lot of stabbing in here, with large amounts of blood forming around the wound which is always great. One is memorable being stabbed down in the privates on a close-up and a second one where the victim is stabbed and then found to be completely disemboweled in the restroom. It's one of the main values to be found in the film, and is certainly a big deal in the film. The drive-in sequence that occurs through the film is quite fun and surprising, with a lot of great parts to it that really make it somewhat entertaining. The other part that the film gets right is the segments at the end dealing with the stalker going after the remaining students in the school, leading to a strong series of stalking scenes that are quite fun. It's a big fact towards making this one somewhat entertaining, and is what gives the film most of it's good points.

The Bad News: This one here doesn't have a whole lot of flaws, but there are a couple in here that do spring up. One of the main ones is that the beginning doesn't have a whole lot of good parts to keep it's interest going. This takes way too much time getting to the good parts of the film, mainly it's second half. The beginning mystery parts are way too drawn out, making them seem way dull than they really should be. There's also too much time spent on the group running wild after the class, and they're adventures aren't that great or interesting. It really makes the film's beginning feel really dull. Another big part of that is the incessantly long party scene, which here is one of the worst scenes of the film. It's long, dull and terribly uninteresting, offering up only a means to pad the film out and not really doing much of anything, as it's nearly impossible to hear anything in there due to the noise, what's there is of no consequence to the plot and there's a lot of time with nothing that happens in the scene. The other part that doesn't work is the series of plot inconsistencies that are hard to get over. The missing girl, who does so at the very beginning of the film, goes unnoticed for the majority of the film and no attempt is made to make it seem like there's anything done about it. There's also the failure to believe that the new teacher never heard of the previous murder, which is a little unlikely. Otherwise, this one here isn't all that great.

The Final Verdict: Not that spectacular but still has enough good parts to it to make it watchable for the style, this one is really only there for the hardcore slasher fans. Check it out if a fan of those films, a shot-on-video fan or can tolerate cheesy films, but if that isn't appealing, it won't be a total loss to miss it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
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A very funny 80s B movie slasher
mamamiasweetpeaches2 March 2010
I will watch just about any horror movie from the 70s or 80s. They don't make em like they used to. In my humble opinion the 80s was the best time period for horror movies because even the BAD ones were pretty "watchable" and on some level "enjoyable". If you like so-bad-its-good movies and black comedies then I can recommend SPLATTER UNIVERSITY.I watched it last night (dead sober) and laughed my ass off. As a Horror movie? Not so hot. As a COMEDY? Very fun! Plot: An escaped mental patient has taken up at a college and is offing the wanton women on campus. Okay, so its not an original horror concept. Not trying to reinvent the wheel here! If it ain't broken, don't fix it. The thing that separates this movie from its ilk is that pretty much ALL the characters but one or two are scum and you'll probably wanna see them die. In fact, you'll be sad most of the OVERLY obnoxious characters get to live! Some of the things that make this movie funny (for me , at least) are * Its so cheesy: including cheesy music, and cheesy fashion and wayyy cheesy Bad 80s Hair(check out the redheaded metal chick with the Bad 80s Perm that makes her look like she has three hairdos on one head) * Bawdy horny teens who drink beer with the six pack ring still attached to it dangling other full cans of beer . They also talk about wanting to bang other members of the opposite sex RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR BOYFRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS! One guy howls like a wolf and thrusts his hips at just about every girl in the school -he even starts joking around with the GUYS when the girls aren't around! * The cartoon FLINTSTONES sound effect that cars make when they pull out in a hurry * The two chicks who walk around the campus (always in the same clothes) who are dead ringers for Cherie Currie and Joan Jett from THE RUNWAYS (REALLY. They deserve their own spin-off movie!) * Characters from a tight group of friends DYING and nobody, not even their friends or boyfriends, noticing! * The scene involving a dead body, a dumpster and a six pack of ginger ale.

* Red Herring Killers aplenty * Priests who are getting more action then all the students! * Someone dies on the crapper. After writing bathroom graffiti. WHILE TAKING A DUMP.

* A quirky landlady who tells you about the people who were murdered in your apartment five minutes after you move in. She also wonders WHY you wanna move when half the people at the university you work at have been iced.

* The reactions people make when they find dead bodies * A disco-licious dance party scene with close ups of girls jean-covered butts and sweater-covered tops (Sorry, Fellas, if you want T & A you better rent PIECES) * A GREAT Crotch Kicking scene (towards the end)* The last person you expect to die ...DIES! * A funny closing scene and a hilarious final line.

So what are you waiting for?! Get a case of beer and some rowdy friends and rent this puppy tonight! Guy 1: My girlfriend wont go to that Drive-In ( someone got murdered in last night) anymore.

Guy 2 : Are you gonna find another Drive-In? Guy 1: No. Another GIRLFRIEND. I like the movies they play!
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Dead College Students Is Funny
DavyDissonance22 October 2019
Some wacko is stabbing people. The end. Splatter University is a wonderful movie. I like it because watching those commie college f··kers getting killed in this movie is epic and it fulfills a fantasy that I wish would come to fruition. Yay! I mean, really? Who needs college students anyways? Okay, truth be told, this movie is crappy. The acting is stiffer than a hard on at an all-female orgy, has a very unoriginal slasher movie concept and the pacing is a bit slow. Some people cry like sissies about this movie having a misogynistic tone but I don't care. But I still like it because college kids die, the blood gushing kills were fantastic and it's 78 minutes so up yours.
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aahhh the 80's ......
godinamachine29 December 2021
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review ...." my time at university " ...the movie !!!!!!!

This would be considered one of those classic "slasher who dun its" of the 80s ... tons of these movies exploded in the 70's and 80's .... so MANY of them went unnoticed and for some weird reason alot of them also had to do with schools lol....everyone REALLY hated school back then .....

starring the forbes riley chick ....who kind of just had a "eh" level life in the films / tv world .... scattered roles in all sorts of random shows like power rangers and beetle borgs and 24 i think .... and a bunch of movies ...just ...random stuff lol..... also starring that guy from whos the boss it seems lol....

story is your basic who killed the person .... LOTS of red herrings ...BUT the obvious killer is obvious from the early on in the film ... i mean they did a good job over all with the whos who aspect in this one but that one moment (no worries i wont spoil it) did it in instantly ....

for the time this was made its well done ..... over all quality is solid in both visual and audio .... the acting is decent ... the twist was actually kind of out of nowhere in the end because by the time it got to that point ..... your not even thinking about it all ..... so also good job .... sadly, the era of story telling like this is over it seems ... and i also love movies like this from the old days when they are not afraid to NOT have happy endings . But also sadly i think the biggest uch for this one was the editing .. it has some pretty rough moments throughout ..... again for the era MATBE on par ... but eh .... still didnt age well ...even compared to others from that time .....

AND my final complaint .... the mental hospital part in the beginning .......ugh .... IF this would have been a comedy sure MAYBE that would have flown ......... but that entire scene in the place with the residents was trash ..... coming from a guy whos lived in there .....i (not being offended) hate how so many movies show how mental hospitals "are" ... every movie is the same - give each person a prop, then tell them to act "crazy" with the prop- so you have stupid face man poking fake head in eyes and him self in eyes and looking stupid .... it always comes across dumb, .... again IF its a comedy sure BUT they went for legit slasher who done it style and that scene REALLY could have set the tone better .... started off like a clogged toilet ....

i wish i could give this a higher score however BUT due to it coming from the time when this type of film was common place and it being more run of the mill it kind of blends in ...BUT honestly it is a VERY well done one of those films so it deserves a solid

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The worst slasher flick of the 80's? Quite possibly.
Nightman8520 May 2008
Nut case is murdering college students, can new teacher stop the madness?!

Believe me, you won't care.

With a title like Splatter University, one would immediately gather that this movie just isn't high art. But worse than that Splatter University doesn't even qualify for amusing garbage. Splatter U is so poorly made - the story is mindless, the characters are throw-aways, and the whole movie lacks any essence of imagination. Needless to say there is no suspense or atmosphere or scares. This drivel isn't even brave enough to throw in any nudity (for the cheapest thrill of all). So all around this endlessly flawed slasher offers nothing in the way of entertainment (not even cheap laughs) and just becomes a complete bore. Bottom of the barrel folks - even die hard slasher fans will want to think twice before viewing, let alone paying money for this flick.

BOMB out of ****
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