La cage aux zombies (Video 1995) Poster

(1995 Video)

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Like John Waters directed Zombie 2
MidoriFiore3 April 2016
Like John Waters directed Zombie 2. Pierrot le fou remade by David Lynch as a april's fools days prank. Trash Humpers meets Burial Nights: Night of Terror. Does this seem interesting? Then this perhaps is a film for you. This is really hard film to review, since it's not supposed to be good. Now that is not an excuse someone can use to get out of jail card, but in this film it comes off like a surreal and really off-beat hodgepodge of voodoo, magic, transvestites and gangsters. Yeah, like John Waters directed Zombie 2. The acting is either wooden or over the top, and it it works for the context of the film. The music sounds a lot like the score of a 70's Italian zombieflick.

At times the film is really funny. There is a really clever visual gag at the start that spoof Carrie and made me laugh out loud. But most of the time it's plain weird. It's not good, but I can't accuse it of being boring.

Another WTF-film from the bowels of the internet.
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Painfully irritating and not funny at all!
capkronos21 May 2003
The idea of a gay/drag queen horror movie (ROCKY HORROR not withstanding) is pretty good (at least, original), but this shot-on-video mess is not a good place to start. It opens with naked guys having a towel fight and drinking Gatorade in the shower and does not improve from there.

A plane full of football players crashes and a woman releases "the voodoo," bringing them back to life. They walk around in jock straps and wigs killing people. The effects, acting, coherence level and budget are all non-existent and it's not funny like it could have been. Two guest star, though--Kitten Natividad (zombies attack her and drink milk out of her huge breasts) and 80s talk show regular Llana Lloyd (who appeared in the very obscure, semi-biographical GLITTER GODDESS OF SUNSET STRIP).

Maybe next time!

Score: 1 out of 10
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Campy, really low budget effort. Fun but drags near the end.
FloydMon9 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This amazingly cheap looking film (I think it was shot on video) has some slow moments, but some really funny scenes as well. The film makers obviously intended to make a funny, mock-horror movie and have succeeded, mostly.

Synopsis of the movie (contains spoilers, beware!):

The plot revolves around Ms. Cranberry (heroine), Brent (her lover) and Frank (her husband). She has turned to Brent due to her abusive and largely absent husband. Frank is ostensibly a book publisher, but is shown in the beginning of the film as a double-crossing druglord. Brent and Ms. Cranberry find a bag of money during an intimate moment and decide to take it and run off to Las Vegas and hide (watch for the denomination of the "drug money" I think it was all $1's). Frank tosses a double-crossing crony out of his plane who winds up getting sucked into the engine of another plane carrying a football team and they wind up as the titular Zombies later in the film. Brent is shot by Frank and then becomes the first (and most amusing) zombie in drag.

There's a really amusing and outrageous drag act by Lenny (J.R. Clarke) in about the middle of the film that overshadows the rest of the film in some ways.

The movie has very unrealistic gore, nudity and some adult situations but is actually very light in attitude. If you like trash films, are unafraid of homosexual men, and enjoy odd takeoffs on movie cliches, you will probably like this hard-to-find film.
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Don't waste your money
waltruether19 June 2022
This was a really bad Fillm with not Much of a plot and story , the filmmakers didn't have the exp onviusly and we're trying a little to late to cash in on a passed genre ... I would save your money for a decent watch ...
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Underrated Classic
discoseattle10 March 2005
This is a weird movie. Very low budget and production values. But twisted and obsessive in its own way.

I get more out of it every time I watch it. The narrative is traditional, yet stylized. Great nudity. Strange drag. Unique dialogue. Lots of quotable lines.

I especially like the stewardesses going through the airport. And then the little dog pulling the big stewardess out of the burning airplane wreckage.

This movie is not for everyone. But if you're looking for an original vision, give this one a try.
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Kinky little home movie
butt_muscle2 November 2010
OK. This obviously isn't a big Hollywood movie. It isn't even a Sundance indie. But gosh darn it, this movie has spunk. At its heart, it's actually a gangster film. The drag queen zombie thing is there. But J.R. Clarke as gangster Lenny is pretty good. Like a b-movie thug from the 1970s. His wife, played by Cathy Roubal, is camp-a-liscious. Always stealing whatever scene she's in. And Kitten Natividad's bustiness is featured to good effect. The stewardess scenes are fun and loony too. And when it does get to the zombie holocaust, it's actually fairly amusing. Muscle men zombies in drag chasing the hysterical heroine through a muddy swamp. Gotta love it. So don't let the homophobic comments dissuade you. La Cage Aux Zombies is a fun (and original) ride. 9 STARS!
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A Quentin Tarantino Remake in the works?
vintage_stud10 March 2005
This may sound bizarre, but I'm almost sure I heard that Quentin Tarantino was interested in doing a big budget remake of this movie. If you have any info, I started a thread in the discussion board here. Let me know. I heard about this in connection with all the recent horror movie remakes. Especially Dawn Of The Dead. The idea was that this campy movie would be remade in a gritty, realistic style, with none of the original humor. And that the crime boss aspect would be played up. I know about the Quentin Tarantino possibility of doing a new Friday The 13th installment. But this was something different. Anyway, if he does do this, it would be great to see who gets cast. My votes would be Uma Thurman as NORMA, Michael Madsen as LENNY, Brad Pitt as BRENT, Kathleen Turner as MS. CRANBERRY, and Vin Diesel as TONY. And the woman who wants the big lips--I can't remember the character's name--Tracey Ullman would be great.
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Under-appreciated Classic
zirik-dist1 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
More of an action comedy than a horror movie. Campy, but in a different way. Super low budget (looks like it was shot on a home video camera), but fun nonetheless. Standouts include 1. a cameo by Russ Meyer vixen Kitten Natividad, 2. an over-the-top performance by Beautiful Barb, 3. home liposuction scene, 4. airplane crash, 5. peppy soundtrack, 6. drag nightclub performances, 7. car chases, 8. zombie carnage, 9. weird make-up and costumes, 10. lots of prime beefcake (including full-frontal male nudity.) I definitely appreciate it more each time I watch it. It's a lot more subtle than you realize at first viewing. Especially how it spoofs the airline industry. I don't know how they were able to film parts of this at a real airport. Must have been pre-911. But if you can find one, pick up a copy. It's a hoot.
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