Revenge of the Dead (1983) Poster

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An atmospheric take on the undead genre!
schism10126 October 2008
Pupi Avati's ZEDER, is a different take on the undead genre, but is not a zombie film outright. Rather than being all out 'dead rising from the graves and feeding on the flesh of the living' the film takes its time to build up tension and atmosphere, that adds a genuine sense of creepiness to the films tone. A young journalist, given a typewriter as a present from his girlfriend discovers some text written on the ink ribbon, and threw this mysterious text he uncovers a past story of a scientist called Paolo Zeder, who discovered areas of terrain that can revive the dead. The journalists investigations lead him to a group of outlaw scientists who are attempting to reconstruct these experiments in the present day. Avati clearly goes for atmosphere over gore, though there are a few scenes where we see the aftermath of some murders, the film doesn't show any bodily mutilation, and instead the films builds up tension and dread through suggestion and use of sound, and characters reactions. It's a clever and excellent choice of direction that makes ZEDER stand out as an intelligent and if slightly obscure and offbeat entry into the living dead cycle.
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interesting, not astounding
bradleybean8610 January 2013
If you were referred to this movie via a search for a classic 'zombie' action/gore-er and are expecting something fast paced with a lot of cool deaths that border on action over drama and mystery - you've been misled by the title. I'm not sure the director intended us to receive this as a 'Dead/Zombi' type title, but it seems that it was marketed over here that way (and who can blame them?)

It's a pretty moderate to slow paced mystery that borrows a lot and innovates a tad (can't expect any more.) There are some cool sequences of discovering various types of secret doors inside dated structures etc. Don't expect it to be anywhere as engrossing or epic as Inferno, but in that same spirit.

What lucio fulci or argento would have done differently is probably added depth to this not by trying to overcomplicate the plot but to add in some truly scary horror elements that involve either on screen or implied brutality from the antagonist(s) that we are unquestionably convinced that they are evil and malicious. A little over the top kill or two only makes the seemingly serious parts 'seem' more serious but makes the movie more of an exciting coaster rather than the not so exciting unfold events that take place here.

No cool 'creatures' 'killers' or anything of that nature. I suppose the idea is to creep us out but too many other movies (even 10-20 years older than this) had already gone above and beyond what this movie is trying to do years later. So even though it's 3 years older than me, I must say as an 80's child that this doesn't hold up anywhere near the other true giallo titles. And always keep in mind, ratings are numbers and never let them discourage you from seeing something you're interested in; if not just to appreciate other titles more !
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Slow-Paced and Atypical, But Highly Atmospheric, Eerie and Intelligent Horror from Pupi Avati
Witchfinder-General-6669 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Pupi Avati is doubtlessly a one-of-a-kind director, and while his contributions to Italian Horror cinema are not at all typical for their sub-genres, they are highly memorable. Avati's 1976 Giallo "La Casa Dalle Finestre Che Ridono" ("The House With Laughing Windows") must be one of the greatest Gialli ever made, even though very atypical, and low on sleaze and murders. If one wants to refer to "Zeder" of 1983 as an Italian Zombie Film, then it is even less typical for its sub-genre, as the film almost completely lacks the gore that Italian Zombie flicks such as Lucio Fulci's films are so famous and notorious for. However, it is a highly atmospheric and original cinematic experience, and a film that my fellow fans of Italian Horror definitely should not miss.

The writer Stefano (Gabriele Lavia) gets an old typewriter as a gift from his wife Alessandra (Anne Canovas). By accident, he finds out that it used to belong to Paolo Zeder, a scientist who had been researching a gateway from the beyond in the 1950s...

The film is sometimes said to have inspired Stephen King when he wrote his famous novel "Pet Sematary". And while I am not quite sure whether this is true (the film was released in Italy only months before King's novel) there doubtlessly are certain parallels. Avati's film is rather slow-paced, but it oozes atmosphere from the beginning to the end, and the plot is fascinating. Avati understands how to create genuine eeriness without constantly employing gore-effects. The beautiful cinematography, picturesque settings and wonderful Score by Riz Ortolani fortify the gloomy atmosphere. Gabriele Lavia, who is maybe most widely known for playing supporting roles in Dario Argento's films (most notably in "Profondo Rosso"), is a fantastic actor and he is once again great in his role here. Anne Canovas is drop-dead gorgeous and fits greatly in the role of his wife; the typically sleaze-loving Eurohorror audiences might be disappointed that she keeps her clothes on throughout the movie. Overall, it should be said that "Zeder" is not a film that should be approached expecting a gore-drenched Zombie massacre. However, those familiar with some of Pupi Avati's work wouldn't anyway. While the pace may be a little slow, the film is an intelligent, eerie and highly atmospheric wholesome that no true lover of Italian Horror cinema should miss. My rating: 7.5/10
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Italian horror movie. Zillion miles away from Hollywood gore.
scrivel12 February 2002
I love this movie. It is a real thriller/horror but with a particular scent of Italy. Nothing is taken very seriously, or not? You end up hissing "COS-TA" to everybody. It also displays a very young Gabriele Lavia, already gloomy and spooky.
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BandSAboutMovies23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Zombies are boring. Let's face it - the best things that had to be said about them really didn't escape the 80s. And outside of perhaps Train to Busan, how can you improve upon movies like Dawn of the Dead, Zombi and Return of the Living Dead? People try and well, you have to give them credit for it. But I was really trying to stretch during Junesploitation and find a zombie movie that no one would choose, as well as one that might rekindle my love for these movies.

Released in the U. S. as Revenge of the Dead, Zeder doesn't go for the Fulci throat - or eyeball - like nearly every zombie movie made in the wake of the Godfather of Gore's tribute to the living dead.

The film begins in 1956, as a psychic girl named Gabriella is brought to the French mansion of Dr. Meyer. As a test of her abilities, he takes her into his basement where she immediately begins to claw and dig into the dirt, searching for something. Soon, she's attacked and taken to the hospital and a corpse is discovered that is identified as Paolo Zeder.

Fast forward three decades and change and we meet Stefano (Gabriele Lavia, Inferno, Deep Red, Sleepless), a novelist who has been given the gift of a typewriter by his wife. He starts to investigate the ribbon of the ancient machine and finds a series of letters from Zeder that detail phenomena he called K-Zones, which are places where death does not exist and even those deceased may be reborn.

Our hero soon loses everything - his wife, any semblance of normalcy, his mind - to penetrate the web of conspiracy that surrounds Zeder and the K-Zones. His wife is even murdered by those who want to keep the existence of the undead world a secret, so the film closes with Stefano attempting to bring her back.

Beyond the dependable as always score by Riz Ortolani, there's a great scene near the end where a tower of video monitors replays the rebirth of the supposedly dead priest Don Luigi Costa arise in grainy glory.

This was written and directed by Pupi Avati, who is still making movies to this day, but is probably best known for House with the Laughing Windows.

The American VHS art for this - when it was released by Lightning Video - made it seem like this was going to be everything you expect from a zombie film. I'm happy to report that it is not. Instead, it's a dark mediation on secrets and death.
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It is not what it looks like.
Aaron13759 September 2002
I bought this movie as "Revenge of the Dead", the cover had zombies rising out of the ground. Thankfully, I knew when I bought it, that it is not a zombie movie per se. I can see why people get ticked, but I rather enjoyed this movie. One person wrote it had good atmosphere and I would be inclined to agree. The plot is basically, a writer gets a present and for some reason is inclined to read the ink ribbon which reveals places known as k-zones. These are places where if a dead body is placed they come back. There are numerous things I have a problem with though despite enjoying it for the most part. Like why is this writer so obsessed with finding out what the k-zones are. There is a part where he talks to someone on the phone and you can't hear what is being said, and the movie kinda fizzles near the end. In fact the best zombie attack is at the beginning of the movie.
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claudio_carvalho11 December 2019
In Bologna, the aspirant writer Stefano (Gabriele Lavia) receives a used typewriter that his wife Alessandra (Anne Canovas) bought in a pawn shop as a gift for their first wedding anniversary. Stefano accidentally reads a weird text on the ribbon about some K-fields discovered by Paolo Zeder that reanimate the buried dead and he becomes obsessed to investigate the story with tragic consequences.

"Zeder" is a strange and original Italian zombie movie with a story of obsession. Stefano brings his wife Alessandra to his supernatural journey and the end is predictable. The idea of burying dead bodies to reanimate in a special field of the novel "Pet Sematary" (1983) might have been the inspiration for this film. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Zeder"
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Not what I was lead to believe it would be...
paul_haakonsen22 February 2019
Well the variant cover for "Zeder" that I found was one with a zombie coming out of the ground, so naturally I picked up a copy of the movie given my fascination and interest in the zombie genre.

Little did I know that this movie was not a zombie movie. Much less did I know that I was getting myself into a very boring movie that seemed more like a random collection of filmed independent scenes that had later been edited together for being released as a movie. There was just no particular coherency to this movie, at least not much of one that actually served any plot or purpose.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the concept of the movie, the material the actors and actresses had to work with, and the fact that the storyline and script were so unfathomably weak.

The movie seemed to set out to want to accomplish a great many things, but never really coming full circle and delivering on what it sets out to do. So on that account I must say that director and writer Pupi Avati didn't really deliver where it mattered.

I gave up on "Zeder" (aka "Revenge of the Dead") after an hour of suffering and sitting through what felt like a mixture of random nothingness. And I can honestly say that I have no interest in returning to finish the movie at any time.
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A great atmospheric ghost story that is NOT a zombie movie!
chrisdfilm26 March 2002
To my knowledge this was not supposed to be a zombie film nor was it marketed as a gory zombie, living-dead-type picture as some people may think. It IS a scary, atmospheric ghost story that builds slowly but very effectively. There are creepy sequences throughout the film and the only liability is the guy's voice who dubbed lead actor, Lavia. Otherwise it's one of the few movies from the 1980s from Europe or elsewhere that really stands up as far as creating an atmosphere of supernatural dread. Has a similar feel to some of the latest Japanese horror films such as Hideo Nakata's RING and Kiyoshi Kurosawa's CURE, SEANCE and PULSE. Well worth seeing, especially if you love horror films. Also check out director, Pupi Avati's latest ARCANE ENCHANTER, a great period ghost story. Unfortunately, Avati's scariest film, THE HOUSE WITH WINDOWS THAT LAUGHED is extremely hard-to-find in the U.S. in any form.
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Sometimes scary, sometimes amusing
uva24 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Atmosphere 9 - With no music and with the protagonists often left alone, the movie surely makes your flesh creep.

Story 3 - The movie begins with witty dialogue and Stefano (Gabriele Lavia) discovering an obscure message inside the typewriter (which leads him to investigate on the K-zones, grounds in which the dead are said to come back and drag the living to their world). While this should be an exceptional thing, the plot carries on with an improbable event after the other, making the movie an insult to statistics. ***SPOILER START*** [Stefano finding out about the former owner of the typewriter, Stefano's wife Alessandra being friend of the doctor who cured this - mentally ill - owner, Stefano bumping into Spina etc...] And Stefano is so dumb! first, he doesn't leave the burial place, in spite of retrieving vital proof such as a videotape; secondly, with a dead rising in the middle of the floor, clumsily steps right to it... ***SPOILER END***

Ending 9 - ...however the third/ending beats them all! and is a nice climax&catharsis to the movie.

OVERALL 7 (mean score) - While the ways that bring Stefano to find out about the truth are absurd, the movie is enjoyable enough: it delivers some scares along with some humour... and, among so many dead - in the spirit or in the flesh - people, Alessandra delivers a lively performance (so no boredom for me)
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Not a zombie film, but interesting nonetheless. As The Ramones once sang: "I don't wanna be buried in a..."
Death_to_Pan_and_Scan28 July 2006
Okay so it's not a PET SEMATARY per se, but it is similar in the basic concept. There's certain places of special ground where you can bury people and they will come back...after which they have a tendency to attack the living attack the living. As others have stated, this seems to have pre-dated Stephen King's book.

The DVD I watched was titled "Revenge of the Dead" which seems to be the US version, so an Italian or international cut may exist which could vary somewhat in length and contents. The film is a fairly interesting mystery about a man who gets a typewriter from his woman and happens to look at the used ribbon and stumble upon something which bears amateur investigation. He learns from a professor about certain sites where the dead don't stay down if you bury them.

This is NOT a zombie movie really and the number of people who walk around after they've been buried is rather minimal. We don't really see any zombie type feasting scenes either, so zombie fans might want to pass this one up or go into it knowing what they are getting themselves into. It's not half bad though. I liked the dilapidated sites they found for location shooting, they added to the ambiance.
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Atypical Italian zombie flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh29 May 2009
A young journalist buys a second hand typewriter and finds that he can read the imprints on the ribbon,revealing what was last typed on the machine.He pieces together the story of the scientist Paolo Zeder,who discovered K-Zones,areas in which the dead are restored to life.Stefano later encounters a group of scientists who are trying to prove Zeder's theories."Zeder" was directed and co-written by Italian maestro Pupi Avati,whose "House with the Windows That Laugh" is often regarded as one of the masterpieces of Italian horror.In "Zeder" Avati masterfully mixes a genuinely creepy atmosphere with intriguing metaphysical concepts.Unlike Lucio Fulci's gorefests it features little if any gore.There is plenty of an ominous atmosphere of unsettling dread throughout,even when not much is happening.You seldom see zombies,except in occasional glimpses.Overall,"Zeder" is weird and unusual enough to hold interest.A must-see for fans of Italian horror.8 out of 10.
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"There are many things here that don't make sense"
hwg1957-102-2657045 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An author in Bologna is given an electric typewriter by his wife and information on the ribbon leads him to find out about K zones, the wok of Dr Zeder and a group bringing the dead back to life. The film is strong on atmosphere with good cinematography, evocative locations and a sizzling music score by Riz Ortolani but overall doesn't make much sense. The beginning is confusing, the middle throws up unanswered questions and the ending is weak. (Indeed, what does happen at the end?) The cast are adequate but not outstanding. Given a clearer narrative it would have been more engrossing. The director Pupi Avati has made better films.
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Who had this idea first?
actocross21 December 2001
"Zeder", released in 1983, is almost identical to the American film released in 1989, "Pet Sematary". This makes me wonder who had the idea first? The two films carry the same basic idea; that there are special places where the buried dead will walk again. Granted, coincidences can happen, but the final scene from both films are exactly the same. I'm not sure when Stephen King originally wrote his novel "Pet Sematary", but it's very hard to believe this happened all by chance.
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One of the best Italian Shockers of all time
crww6916 September 2002
Ignore Grade Z,he gave Blair Witch a good rating,any true genre fan didn't even waste their time w/ that dreck.But if yer big into Bava,Argento,Soavi,Baino and the like this film will knock you out.Genuinely creepy in a Very Italian way.American directors just can't get the atomosphere like these guys can.An incredible film that deserves to be Much more widely seen!!!So if Deep Red,Blood and Black Lace,House w/the windows that laughed and Cemetery Man are yer thing,ya gotta check this out!
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Long on atmosphere and creepiness, short on actual zombies
lemon_magic23 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie a lot, and don't regret the effort it took to track down a copy. It's different enough from the Romero/Fulci sort of zombie movie that you don't feel as if you are watching the "same old, same old". In fact, it's actually more of a ghost story, with a bunch of "Old, Dark House" elements expertly integrated. Tons of atmosphere, lots of creepy and unsettling passages, great use of color and sets, and just enough actual mayhem and gore to stun and shock. (The off camera screaming we hear at several points in the story is in some ways the most upsetting part of the film.

Still, the movie is a little too slow for my American tastes. And the dubbing for the lead protagonist doesn't do the actor any favors. And my sensibilities (again) bridle at the way the script treats the conspirators - they're just a bunch of normal sociopathis jerks with insane ideas, and the only serious threat they have is Zeder. We never see what happens to most of them because the movie is concentrating on the "Monkey's Paw" ending. And the movie is perfectly OK with torturing and maiming and killing women and little girls. (It is Italian, after all).

But if you are a fan of horror and want to see something different from your run of the mill zombie/ghost story, you owe it to yourself to see this.
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Intriguing mystery, good atmosphere, but too many "coincidences"
murfit19 December 2015
This movie presents a well-constructed mystery, with an intriguing start (a writer finds text on his typewriter's ink ribbon) which leads to a series of gradual revelations and a nice climax. The fact that the sinister truth appears to be almost within grasp all of the time, but cannot be reached by the protagonist because of the intervention of various shady figures makes for a good suspenseful and unsettling atmosphere. The one big flaw of the movie is however that the plot relies to an absurd amount on coincidences – this could have been done far better. Still, a recommended movie for everyone that likes a horror-themed mystery.

To all the zombie apocalypse fans giving this movie bad reviews: Stop punishing this film for not being what you expected based on the misleading advertising of its American distributor!
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Some fascinating surreal imagery but lacking in story
fred-832 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a quite entertaining little horror-film, but by no means any major classic. I had expected a bit more, since seeing an image from the film in the wonderful Eyeball-Compendium, which triggered my imagination, Possible spoiler: A severed head lying on the ground of an endless and dilapitated corridor. It has a somewhat thin and confused story, but a nice atmosphere and some effective scares. Pupi Avati seems to be a director above his material in this case, and he does add to the dream-logic of the plot with some fascinating surreal imagery and compositions indicates that he could have done more with less lacking material. The acting is not too impressive but he has at least found some striking locations to work with to great effect, the monumental design of the institute for example. Some of the final shots are quite extraordinary, creating a sense of melancholy and loneliness with a simple yet very effective juxtaposition of imagery. That image alone is enough to push this film a bit above the rest. Next mission is to check out Avati's Arcane Enchanter.
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Why was this movie made?
GradeZ16 February 1999
This film is a pointless exercise in wasting celluloid. A researcher finds an imprint on a typewriter ribbon and decides to investigate his discovery. Apparently, there are these areas known as "K-zones" which can cause the dead to rise and attack the living. It's hard for anyone to prove since no real zombies actually show their rotting faces during anytime in this painfully slow yawner. There is a little aftermath violence where we are witness to the slaughter of a research group, but that's about it in the gore department. Nothing gets resolved and the ending(?) features the strangest choice of sound effect I have ever seen in a horror film. As a die hard zombiphile, I rate this film as the worst zombie movie of all time. Perhaps the worst horror film of all time. Better yet, probably the worst film of all time. Please check out films directed by George Romero, Lucio Fulci, Lamberto Bava, or Jorge Grau for movies that actually have zombies in them.
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"Kai-zons", the Living Dead Return!
Oslo_Jargo24 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot and ending analyzed*

This is a very un-typical horror film which makes it quite refreshing and interesting. For most of the beginning I was quite enthralled by the pacing and the effort of the protagonist to reach some sort of conclusion.

The start of the film shows us a house in Italy in the early 1920's and it is haunted by some horrendous and malicious ghost who has recently killed an old hag, next comes a clairvoyant and a scientist who walk into the basement where the girl clairvoyant assumes the identity of the dead man from a previous life. Once they find the bones of the man, they find a wallet and it reveals that the man was 'Edward Zeder', an albino, lunatic-philosopher who had believed in "Kai-zons", areas which were places where death had no value; this is an ancient idea which stems from the Persians and the Greeks.

Arrive to Italy in the 1970's where a struggling writer who smokes too much is using a typewriter and he finds that the ribbon has some used text upon it, and he types up a few papers from what he deciphers, and has a real mystery upon his hands.

He goes through the usual odds and ends in an attempt to crack the mystery of the "Kai-zons" and he then visits a small village where there is a cemetery and all sorts of weird people.

The end of the film, in which his girlfriend dies and he takes her to a "Kai-zon" to bring her back, is a result from the guilt and lack of his willingness to have loved a living creature while she was alive, and it is quite expected when she eats his neck.

This is a very good film and the director is quite capable of pushing a story of interest along.

For those of you expecting a zombie film, this isn't it. Instead, what we get is a fairly unique horror premise.
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Good little thriller you've probably not heard of but should see
dbborroughs20 January 2008
They call it a zombie movie but its not really. Its a creepy little thriller.

The plot of this film has a guy running down what was previously typed on a typewriter (he looked at the ribbon to see what the person before typed) and ends up dropped in the middle of a rather strange mystery about places where time stops and the dead come back...

I had read about this in the Italian Zombie movie book and was intrigued. When I happened upon it used at a cheap price I picked it up. It was a good purchase.

This is a film with no real gore. Its a film that builds through atmosphere and through twisting circumstances. Its one of those movies that makes you feel uneasy. You know it doesn't make sense but you have to keep watching because there is something about the internal logic that demands it, you watch it even though your skin is crawling and you're shifting uneasily in your chair.

No its not the best horror film ever made, but its a damn good one. One I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to anyone who wants a decent thriller. Trust me, as some one some what versed in and tired of what is called typical Italian horror, ie films that make no sense and which are very gory, Zeder is a breath of fresh air.

If you're in the mood for something off beat and unexpected in your horror films I'd say rent Zeder, you could do a hell of a lot worse...

And for those pondering the Pet Semetary angle...both this film and Stephen King's book appeared at about the same time
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Night of the pseudo-intellectual dead.
Coventry23 February 2006
Unlike most other contemporary horror directors from Italy, Pupi Avati always attempted to make his films rely on more than just graphic gore and gratuitous sex. The screenplays he turns into horror movies are usually atmospheric, complex and ambitious enough to blend versatile horror styles that are extremely hard to blend! With "The House with the Laughing Windows", for example, this resulted in one of the most extraordinary gialli ever, as it brought forward an out-of-the-ordinary plot and some breathtaking suspense. "Zeder" regretfully isn't as good as "House…", but you can still clearly notice that Avati wanted to approach the popular zombie sub genre in an entirely different and innovating way. That alone is a praiseworthy effort, if you ask! Just compare this film with Bruno Mattei's "Hell of the Living Dead" or Umberto Lenzi's "Nightmare City" and you'll quickly see which is superior. "Zeder" introduces Stefano, a young novelist who wants to unravel an obscure mystery/conspiracy that is way out of his league and even involves the Catholic Church and the prominent medical world. Following a discovery made by the famous (apparently) Dr. Zeder, everybody in this film is desperately looking for the so-called "K-Zones". These are pieces of land where the dead come back to life when buried there. I won't go into further detail because A) the plot twists are numberless and impossible to summarize and B) I'm not even sure I fully understood everything.

In all honesty, "Zeder" is too talkative and the entire lack of zombie action is pretty difficult to forgive, even if you like horror that is mainly story-driven. The story introduces too many unmemorable characters and they disappear again shortly after without any kind of explanation. What REALLY happened to Stefano's police officer friend, for instance? And why is the Vatican so interested in resurrecting the dead? Avati manages to mount several very atmospheric moments, and also the music is quite creepy, but the whole film eventually goes a bit nowhere. The neat scenery and camera-work are much appreciated but, in the end, this is only part of what makes a horror movie great. Multiple viewings are required here.
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Great movie but definitely a thinking man's horror,not for teenage zombie addicts.
heartofmetal15 December 2001
Reading some of the reviews for this movie really gets me going. Kids,STAY AWAY FROM INTELLIGENT HORROR MOVIES!! Go watch another "Smiling Pervert Zombies" or something of that nature. This movie is way above your intelligence level and you will NEVER get it. Don't hate this movie because there is not enough zombies in it! It never promised to be a zombie gore fest. Instead,it is a great horror movie with a wonderful premise and some really spooky scenes("awakening in the coffin "scene!) Great,original movie and I LOVED it!! Well recommended!!
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Not your usual Italian zombie flick!
The_Void27 February 2008
The general consensus of Italian filmmakers seems to be that they specialise in making trashy, gory and derivative horror films in a number of set and overpopulated genres. This view is not exactly unfounded as a lot of Italian films are cheap and trashy, and often rip-offs of successful American films. However, Pupa Avati can't be pigeon holed in the same way; despite making films in popular Italian genres such as zombies and Giallo, his films are by no means cheap and trashy and certainly not rip-offs either. Anyone going into this film expecting a zombie movie along the same lines as 'The Beyond' will be sorely disappointed, as Avati's film prefers to take the slow and thoughtful approach. The plot focuses on a journalist named Stefano. He is bought an old typewriter by his girlfriend. He soon notices that there's something written on the ribbon and after deciphering it, he uncovers the story of Paulo Zeder; a scientist from the 1950's who discovered that certain types of ground, which he calls "K-Zones', have the power to resurrect the dead...

A lot of people have called this film "thinking mans horror" and while that could be said of it, the argument that the film is boring does carry a little bit of weight also - needless to say, this film is not what springs to mind when one thinks of an Italian zombie film! The film is very slow and the plot is very strung out over the ninety seven minute running time. There are moments in the film that are boring, and this is problem; but Pupa Avati, as he proved with his earlier film The House With the Windows that Laugh, certainly has a penchant for slow burn horror and the overall film does manage to remain interesting for the duration. There are some good ideas on display, although I'm not sure if this really should be called a "zombie movie" as it's more along the lines of a mystery thriller. There are a few good moments of horror, though the zombies aren't flesh eating. The best idea of the whole film doesn't come until almost at the end - and by then it's a bit late as there isn't time to explore it, which is a shame. Anyway, Zeder is an interesting horror flick and while it won't appeal to all tastes, I can still recommend it.
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Sorrry Fans-This One Did Nothing For Me...
EVOL66615 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I wasn't in the right mood to watch this one. I've seen HOUSE WITH THE LAUGHING WINDOWS and liked that one enough-but although ZEDER has a decent concept (which as others have noted, Stephen King almost definitely stole for Pet Cemetery...)-what actually happened in the film just wasn't enough to hold my interest.

A writer is given a typewriter by his girlfriend. The writer finds the old ribbon within the machine that has the writings of the previous owner typed on to it-and it speaks of cryptic things called 'K-zones'. Not understanding the text but sniffing out the concept of his next novel-the writer begins researching who previously owned the typewriter-and what this K-zone talk is all about...

I'm not gonna spend much time on this one. The plot is actually quite inventive-the acting, sets, locations, etc...are up to par with most Italian thrillers of the time-frame...but ZEDER is just f!cking dull!!! I tried my best to like it-I saw that several of my reviewing 'colleagues' on here that I tend to hold in high regard liked it...I just couldn't get into it. I'm not a 'SCREAM-obsessed-teeny-bopper-wannabe'-and although I readily admit that I tend to gravitate toward the more graphic side of horror cinema-I can appreciate a solid, slow-burn thriller as well. Problem for me is that ZEDER was all 'slow' and no 'burn' in my book-much like SHORT NIGHT OF THE GLASS DOLLS, another Italian 'classic' that I watched recently was. Both had solid concepts but failed to keep me intrigued enough to care by the time they were over. But to each their own-and to those that loved this one...I'm glad it did something for ya. I'd personally take any number of Italian gialli/thrillers over this particular entry. A generous 5/10.
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