Silly Scandals (1931) Poster

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Suitably silly if not quite scandalous
TheLittleSongbird22 April 2018
Fleischer were responsible for some brilliant cartoons, some of them still among my favourites. Their visual style was often stunning and some of the most imaginative and ahead of its time in animation.

The character of Betty Boop (back when she had dog ears), one of their most famous and prolific characters, may not be for all tastes and sadly not as popular now, but her sex appeal was quite daring for the time and to me there is an adorable sensual charm about her. That charm, sensuality and adorable factor is not lost anywhere here, nor her comic timing. She is definitely more interesting here than Bimbo, who is fun enough in the bigger role (this feels more like a Bimbo cartoons) but is again stuck in a standard role with not much special to do. Do enjoy their chemistry though, that stops Bimbo from being completely bland.

Betty, Bimbo and Fleischer have done much better than 'Silly Scandals'. It's pleasant enough and is a decent cartoon, but it's not a great one and doesn't stick in one's head as much as other offerings of theirs. For me, while a long worst from being one of Betty's worst cartoons (pretty much all her lesser efforts being when the Production Code was enforced, the material became tame and Betty while still engaging lost her trademark identity), it is far from one of her best either.

Admittedly, the story never was one of the best assets in a Betty Boop cartoons and it is very flimsy and predictable in 'Silly Scandals' and the momentum is not always there.

However, the animation is outstanding, everything is beautifully and meticulously drawn and the whole cartoon is rich in visual detail and imagination. Every bit as good is the music score, which delivers on the energy, lusciousness and infectiousness, great for putting anybody in a good mood.

On top of these, 'Silly Scandals' is amusing and charming with a delightful Betty and adorable and fun chemistry between her and Bimbo. All the gags are well-timed and fun, if not ever hilarious or creative.

All in all, decent. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Silly Scandals is worth a look for early Betty Boop
tavm28 February 2015
This was one of the early Betty Boop cartoons in which she has dog ears. Actually, this was a Bimbo cartoon in that he's the one whose name is before the title and he's the dog who is in most scenes. He sneaks into the show with Betty singing and having her dress partly come off revealing her bra. There's some funny audience gags like a lady who has to take off her hat but something else is now blocking someone's view. And then there's an ending that makes you think that maybe the animators had a bit too many drugs! Oh, and Betty herself is nicely voiced by Mae Questel. Really, I don't really have anything else to say but since I need 10 lines to submit this review, I'll just say that Silly Scandals is worth a look.
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The Song's the Vehicle
Hitchcoc5 December 2018
As Bimbo gets the top billing, he uses his wiles to get into a theater to see Betty Boop. She sings a song that has that randomness that typifies a Fleischer cartoon. Bimbo is crazy for her (she is still a dog with little dog ears that are barely perceptible). Once she is done, a nasty magician comes out and sends things in a different direction for Bimbo.
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They were still trying to make Bimbo the star and they still don't really seem to know what they wanted to do with Betty yet.
llltdesq1 April 2005
Very early entry in the series. Betty Boop is still formative in this one (dog ears are still present) and they still seem to be feeling their way here. Bimbo is here and a focus of the short is a plot the Fleischers employ to much greater effectiveness later in the Popeye series-a run-in with a magician. They seem to be on the verge of discovering that Betty is a better character (and certainly better to support a cartoon series) than Bimbo, who is a reasonable secondary character, but just not substantial enough to build a series around. The bits aren't funny because of Bimbo-he's just there and only occasionally interesting on his own hook. Things just bounce off Bimbo. There's no spark. That can work if a character if there's some characteristic to grab the audience. After all, Mickey Mouse was largely just a foil for gags or a straight man after a while, but Disney invested him with enough personality early on that he grabbed an audience. Bimbo never had that going for him.

Good cartoon-nothing special, but worth a look. Recommended to Boop fans.
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Best scene, of course, is the Betty Boop number.
JohnHowardReid8 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Bimbo (voiced by Billy Murray), Betty Boop (voiced by Mae Questel), plus a magician and a hippo.

Director: DAVE FLEISCHER. Producer: Max Fleischer.

Copyright 23 May 1931 by Paramount Publix Corp. 1 reel.

COMMENT: Dog-eared Betty Boop (voiced, as usual, by Mae Questel) makes an unbilled "guest appearance" in this odd "Bimbo" cartoon which actually doesn't star the youthful Bimbo at all, but a far more mature imitator (who is white, not black), who sneaks into a vaudeville show.

Best scene, of course, is the Betty Boop number in which she sings "You're Driving Me Crazy" (which is delightfully reprised by the "Bimbo" character in a cleverly surrealistic montage at the conclusion of a long and none too interesting hypnotism scene with a magician lion).

Other characters to take note of are precursors of Popeye's nemesis, Bluto, and Mrs Simpson (of all people)!
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Very early incarnations of Bimbo and Betty...and they didn't quite know what to do with them yet.
planktonrules28 September 2014
When this picture begins, it says that it's a 'Bimbo cartoon'. However, Bimbo the Dog is NOT to be seen and it's instead of other weird incarnation of the character--one that looks nothing like him. Additionally, Betty Boop is in her early form--with strange little dog ears instead of human ones.

The film consists of this Bimbo trying to sneak into the theater. Eventually he is successful and he sees several acts--including Betty singing a number and showing off even more skin than usual (her dress keeps dropping in the front and you see her bra) and a stage hypnotist. There is a LOT of singing, the gags mostly fall flat and the overall enjoyment level is pretty low compared to the later Betty Boop cartoons. Worth seeing if your goal in life is to see every Betty Boop cartoon--otherwise, you might do best to skip this one. Overall, nice animation (as always) but not much in regard to plot or entertainment value.
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